jEdit Community - Resources for users of the jEdit Text Editor
Running JUnit plugin from within Ant (Farm) task?
Submitted by Anonymous on Monday, 28 February, 2005 - 22:21
I want to run JUnit as an Ant task and have installed AntFarm and JUnit.

My class path lets me _compile_ JUnit tests OK via AntFarm.

However, when I try to make JUnit _run_ as an Ant task, I get an error in AntFarm:
Invalid build file: Unexpected element "junit"

Any advice? Thanks in anticipation.

Build file is at
Proper perl function argument list indentation?
Submitted by jope on Monday, 28 February, 2005 - 20:32
When I edit perl and there is a function with very long argument lists and arguments, like so:
$thisIsSomeObject->andThisTheFunctionToCall("Here comes a long argument, number 1","And here another one, which is even longer than the first argument is","And yet another very very very very long arument, yes this is really quite long");
I would like to place the arguments indented the normal indentation space like this (in my case, two characters from the current indentation):
$thisIsSomeObject->andThisTheFunctionToCall("Here comes a long argument, number 1",
  "And here another one, which is even longer than the first argument is",
  "And yet another very very very very long arument, yes this is really quite long");
#next statement should not be indented, of course

However, jedit does it either like this:

$thisIsSomeObject->andThisTheFunctionToCall("Here comes a long argument, number 1",
"And here another one, which is even longer than the first argument is",
"And yet another very very very very long arument, yes this is really quite long");
#next statement should not be indented, of course
(no indentation at all) or like this, if the "deep indent" option is used:
$thisIsSomeObject->andThisTheFunctionToCall("Here comes a long argument, number 1",
                                            "And here another one, which is even longer than the first argument is",
                                            "And yet another very very very very long arument, yes this is really quite long");
#next statment should not be indented, of course
Both ways jedit does this have obvious disadvantages if you are already at a deeper indentation level and/or if the arguments are really long or deeply nested themselves. Is there *SOME* way to make Jedit indent the arguments just two spaces and not the same number of spaces as the function name is long? Is it possible to configure this? Is it possible to edit some mode file to achieve this?
Only open one window at startup: how?
Submitted by Anonymous on Monday, 28 February, 2005 - 19:02
I am using 4.2final on Linux and everytime I start jedit it opens as many windows as were open the last time. Since I have checked the apropriate setting for not to load the files used in the last session, all these windows show empty buffers. I would like jedit to only open a single window though -- this must be easy but somehow I cannot seem to find out how.
Highlight HTML Not working
Submitted by Anonymous on Sunday, 27 February, 2005 - 16:28

I am having problems getting HTML to be highlighted. The HTML I am editing are withing .PHP extensions.

What do I need to do to get it to work?

jedit multiple sessions
Submitted by Anonymous on Thursday, 24 February, 2005 - 08:22
Hi to all members,

I'm a new user of Jedit, and I didn't manage to open multiple sessions : in fact I installed Jedit 4.2 on SunOS 5.8 server, and it works fine when I execute it from server. but, from another station, even with the environment variable DISPLAY well set, if I launch Jedit, the window is opened on the server console, and not on the client console !

Have you an idea about this problem ?

Updating Jazzy spell-checker user dictionary
Submitted by Anonymous on Wednesday, 23 February, 2005 - 16:41
I'm using the Jazzy spell checker. I find the instructions confusing (and out of date). My user dictionary is in a "words" directory, which is used correctly. However, clicking "Add to Dictionary" doesn't update any dictionary, altho it accepts this request without comment.

Any suggestions on how to get it to update a dictionary would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

-- Fred (
Project Viewer does nothing
Submitted by Anonymous on Tuesday, 22 February, 2005 - 22:35
I installed a basic version of JEdit and then added the project viewer plugin. I created a new project and selected the "Yes, import all files in root directory" option when prompted. Now, when I return the the Plugins->Project Viewer->Projects menu I can see the new project. However, when I select this project from the popup menu, nothing happens. I don't see a toolbar or anything. The root folder has files and directories underneath it. Am I missing something? The help documentation doesn't seem helpful because I can't even see the toolbar that it mentions.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


XML plugin - Characters to entities
Submitted by Anonymous on Friday, 18 February, 2005 - 15:20
When I use the XML/Characters to entities menu item, EVERY special character is converted, even the < or > charachters, so that my XML or HTML code is no more usable. How may I tell the XML plugin NOT to convert the <, >, quotes etc. found in the html tags ?
XML plugin - Characters to entities
Submitted by Anonymous on Friday, 18 February, 2005 - 13:30
When I use the XML/Characters to entities menu item, EVERY special character is converted, even the < or > charachters, so that my XML or HTML code is no more usable. How may I tell the XML plugin NOT to convert the <, >, quotes etc. found in the html tags ?
open file in the same jedit
Submitted by ccapeng on Thursday, 17 February, 2005 - 18:52
When I right click a file and select jEdit to open, but anohter jEdit is lauched.
How can I keep file opening in one jEdit?

I have \HKEY_CLASS_ROOT\*\Shell\Open with jEdit\command as
"C:\j2sdk1.4.2_06\bin\javaw.exe" -jar "C:\Program Files\jEdit\jedit.jar" -reuseview "%1"
Spell-checking C++ comment fields
Submitted by Anonymous on Thursday, 17 February, 2005 - 15:27
Does anyone know of a plug-in spell-checker that checks for language errors in C++ comment fields?

I am grateful for any help.
xml plugin with php
Submitted by Anonymous on Thursday, 17 February, 2005 - 12:35

I have a problem. I like to use jEdit XML plugin with .php source file in the html part, but it is not working. How can I solve the problem?

PLease send the answer for mz e-mail address too: sajtango at gmail dot com

Question about updating jedit plugin
Submitted by Anonymous on Wednesday, 16 February, 2005 - 10:44
I have installed the Docker plugin v0.2, and after that I found that in the update tab of the plugin manager have a new version of docker v0.3, but after choosing to update it and restart jedit, in the manage tab docker is still 0.2. How to update it? On the otherhand why with new verion of docker aviable in the install tab we cannot directly choose the new version?

Question in Archive plugin
Submitted by Anonymous on Wednesday, 16 February, 2005 - 10:39
how to open the content in zip file, it seems that it just open the zip file.
which plugin(s) should I use?
Submitted by Anonymous on Wednesday, 16 February, 2005 - 10:37
I am a new comer to jedit, I found that there are a lots of plugin avaiable. I have tried few of them and found that execient. But found that the description of the plugin are not quite clear for some of them. And it seems that there are some plugins with same function. Since are really lots of plugin, it is very time comsuming to test every one. Can any one share the experience of choosing plugin?

I mainly use jedit for writing program (usually in php, c, c++, c#, java). Can anyone suggest which plugin will help in this area?

plugin I have currently installed:

error list
shortcut saver

In the recent usage of jedit, I found it very well writen, so I guest those plugin are also very good. Can anyone suggest some plugin for me so that jedit can become a IDE for every language (at least for those I mementioned above)? I want more IDE like function especailly debuging, since writing program always need debug, if no debuging function, it will be inconvenient.

settings directory
Submitted by Anonymous on Wednesday, 16 February, 2005 - 07:56
how can I permanently change the settings directory (i.e. without having to specify it at the command line every time)? I'm using Windows 98SE.
Fonts look...weird in Windows
Submitted by imgod2u on Friday, 11 February, 2005 - 14:53
In x11, the fonts in jEdit look ok (not as good as they do in say, gedit under KDE or Gnome) but in Windows, they exhibit this weird behavior where the colors are not uniform. I'm not sure if it'll show up in this screenshot but:

As you can see, the capitalized text with color (specifically, "INTEGER"), seem to have white "stripes". I turned antialiasing off and the characters looked even weirder, like they had pixels missing where they should be. I'm not sure what's causing this as other fonts in Windows look just fine.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. I've also noticed that fonts (like monospaced and Lucinda Console) don't look the same in jEdit as they do in other programs (even on the same computer)
escaped Chars like \n or \$ in PHP-Edit-Mode
Submitted by Anonymous on Thursday, 10 February, 2005 - 16:13

Hi !

Is it possible to highlight the escaped Characters in PHP-Strings (RULES SET="LITERAL1")?

I tried just to add:
to the RULES SET , also the "\" Entity and \ and \\ but nothing works .

With an other Escape Char like # (for testing) it works.

Someboy an Idea ?

mfg Tobias Werner

Insert Newline and Indent
Submitted by Anonymous on Monday, 7 February, 2005 - 16:53
Am I missing some cofig choice regarding "Insert Newline and Indent"? If I space over, say 10 spaces, enter 'x' then , the following line contains 2 tabs and 2 spaces. Was expecting it to have 10 spaces. It appears some feature I'm not aware of is automatically converting spaces to tabs during the Indent. I don't want "Soft Tabs" as I want a tab to be a tab; but neither do I want spaces to become tabs.
JDoc usage question
Submitted by Anonymous on Saturday, 5 February, 2005 - 04:33
I'm having a problem using JDoc. JDoc seems to apend a "@" character to the front of the Source File Names. I've tried several different combination of paths and no paths, wildcard and specific file names butcould never get it to work (javadoc rejects the "@" character).

Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.

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