* check_html1.bsh - a Beanshell macro to check html files with an external software using the Console plugin
* Copyright (C) 2002 Saturn
* v1.00
import console.Console;
checkHTML() {
String strName = buffer.getName();
String strPath = buffer.getPath();
strPath = strPath.toLowerCase();
if (!strPath.endsWith(".htm") && !strPath.endsWith(".html")) {
Macros.error(view, "This is no html file.");
// save the buffer
buffer.save(view, null);
// wait for the file to be saved
// change this to the path you need for your checker
String strCheckerPath = "\\Programme\\HTMLValidator\\htmlval25.exe";
// use the console plugin to run the checker
String strCmd = new String(strCheckerPath + " " + strPath);
runCommandInConsole(view, "System", strCmd);
// close the console if it is open
manager = view.getDockableWindowManager();
if (manager.isDockableWindowVisible("console")) {