jEdit Community - Resources for users of the jEdit Text Editor
Jedit Proxy settings password encryption
Submitted by decuman on Friday, 16 December, 2011 - 01:39

I just noticed that my proxy settings password (which I do not want to expose to anyone) goes directly to .jedit/properties files with no encryption which, i believe, could be unsafe. Is it possible to add a simple encryption and instead of putting it explicitly into the preference file just encode it with some hashing function.

Qmake Edit Mode (qmake.xml v1.0 by flyer-explorer)
Submitted by flyer-explorer on Friday, 16 December, 2011 - 05:17
This is my first stab at an edit mode for qmake's .pro and .pri build files. It has:
  • All the official documented variables
  • Some extra "use the source luke" variables from qmake's sources.
  • All the current (as of QT 4.7)'s buildspecs with shortcuts
To activate the edit mode, you will need to add this to your catalog:

<MODE NAME="qmake" FILE="qmake.xml" FILE_NAME_GLOB="*.{pro,pri}" />

Yes, I know .pro conflicts with prolog, but .pro is the default for qmake as well. If you run into any problems. comments, or suggestions, email me at n-p-o-t-t-s u-c-a-r[dot]edu. Add the circle a where it seems appropriate.
How instal plugin Railscasts in jedit ?
Submitted by agnaldovb on Friday, 16 December, 2011 - 16:07
Excuse-me because I a initiation user. TKS
Possibility to reactivate the I-O Monitor
Submitted by barcla on Tuesday, 20 December, 2011 - 15:12
I ask the possibility to reactivate I-O Monitor, inexplicably disappeared in the r. 4.5.pre 1; according to my opinion it worked better of the Task Monitor and in more precise way.


Excused for my poor english.

Clòaudio Barbiero.
modified bufferlist plugin with ability to ctrl click select multiple files, then right click to split into multiple windows
Submitted by mfenston on Thursday, 22 December, 2011 - 03:07
Evaluating jEdit as replacement for Textpad 4.7.3 ... this is one feature I can't seem to find on any other editor (Even the latest TextPad 5). I see jEdit has the split feature, I see the bufferlist plugin, but the two are not integrated.
PovRAY ini commando file (povini.xml v0.2 by monkstone)
Submitted by monkstone on Sunday, 25 December, 2011 - 08:42
Commando file for PovRAY to run povray.ini file from the working buffer. Single option is toggle whether the final image is paused in the PovRAY window. In my experience requires double-mouseclick to close a paused window. Now allows choice of quality, if specified in ini file. You should also create a macro:-
// povini.bsh
new console.commando.CommandoDialog(view,"commando.povini"); 
noob needs macro assistance..
Submitted by jdlx on Friday, 30 December, 2011 - 03:20

i'd appreciate if someone could help me on this nobrainer.. (well not for me obviously Eye-wink :

I'd like to grab some selected text, or if none is selected, the content of the clipboard,
and then do some search/replace, add some text, and paste back to the textarea..
my approach so far:

var = textArea.getSelectedText();
if(var.length == 0){
// get text from clipboard & assign to var..
// Registers.cut(textArea,'$'); does get the clipboard, but i just don't know how to assign it to var..
esc_var = var.replaceAll("'", "\"");

cheers & thx..
Highlight all matches with 'find'
Submitted by seminal on Thursday, 5 January, 2012 - 21:09
New to Jedit - liking it so far. When I hit ctrl + f to find something, it only highlights the first matched result. How do I set it to highlight all the matches on the script?

Plugins Not Installing (Suspect Windows 7 "Feature")
Submitted by jgamble on Saturday, 7 January, 2012 - 00:42
I've installed jEdit on my new Windows 7 computer, and cannot upgrade plugins or install new ones.

After attempting to upgrade Template, I got the message "The plugin C:\Users\John M Gamble\.jedit\jars\Templates.jar could not be removed", followed by "Error while downloading the plugin, please try another mirror".

New plugins went through the download process (successfully), but then reported "Error while downloading the plugin, please try another mirror" for each one. Changing the plugin installation directory in Global Options from "jEdit settings directory" to "jEdit application directory" had no effect.

I tried this with jEdit version 4.3.3 and 4.4.2 as well, with the same results. I installed the latest version of Java (jdk-7u1-windows-x64.exe), with no change.

So this problem appears to be Windows related, but I can't seem to find anything that would cause this. Which is annoying, as I really need to use the GitPlugin. Any ideas?
bug or feature? No copy&paste in Quicknotepad
Submitted by rovf on Tuesday, 10 January, 2012 - 12:05
(jEdit 4.5 running on Windows 7)

Copy & Paste (using Control-C and Control-V) does not work from and to Quicknotepad. Control-C also doesn't work on text selected at the "Tips of the Day". However, it works fine between edit pane.

Is this a bug, or is this feature deliberately not implemented?
Help (F1) does not work - can not contact to server
Submitted by rovf on Wednesday, 11 January, 2012 - 09:30
Calling up Help (F1) does not open a help window.

The activity log does not show any error. Actually, it does not show any activity whatsoever, except a periodic entry saying

10:27:35 [AWT-EventQueue-0] [debug] EditBus: DynamicMenuChanged[menu=recent-files,source=null]

The problem occurs independent on whether I try to call up the help using the F1 key, or via the Help menu.

Any ideas why this doesn't work?
Calling Perl Compiler from jedit
Submitted by rovf on Wednesday, 11 January, 2012 - 12:44
I'm using jEdit mainly to edit Perl and Ruby programs.

Is it possible to configure jedit, so that it invokes, say, Perl -c when saving a file, and have it display the errors? I first thought that the ErrorList plugin would do the job, but it doesn't. I guess I need some "supporting" Plugin which "knows" about Perl. I have already installed PerlSideKick, btw.
Assign shortcuts to numeric keypad keys
Submitted by fincha on Wednesday, 11 January, 2012 - 14:40
I'd like to be able to assign actions to numeric keypad presses.
This seems to have been asked for a couple of times in the past but the replies don't say whether it is possible or not. Is there any chance of it ever being implemented? No route to host
Submitted by anonymous4711 on Friday, 13 January, 2012 - 19:33
hi all,

i just installed jedit using jedit4.5pre1install.jar

when i run 'update mirror list' in the plugin manager i get lots of erros stating with - see below.
(i had the same problem with jedit 4.2)

it makes no difference wether i turn the http proxy on or off. the proxy works fine for my firefox.

any pointers?
need more info (like OS/version/etc)?

18:46:07 [jEdit Worker #1] [error] PluginManagerOptionPane$UpdateMirrorsThread: No route to host
18:46:07 [jEdit Worker #1] [error] PluginManagerOptionPane$UpdateMirrorsThread: at Method)
18:46:07 [jEdit Worker #1] [error] PluginManagerOptionPane$UpdateMirrorsThread: at
18:46:07 [jEdit Worker #1] [error] PluginManagerOptionPane$UpdateMirrorsThread: at
18:46:07 [jEdit Worker #1] [error] PluginManagerOptionPane$UpdateMirrorsThread: at
18:46:07 [jEdit Worker #1] [error] PluginManagerOptionPane$UpdateMirrorsThread: at
18:46:07 [jEdit Worker #1] [error] PluginManagerOptionPane$UpdateMirrorsThread: at
18:46:07 [jEdit Worker #1] [error] PluginManagerOptionPane$UpdateMirrorsThread: at
18:46:07 [jEdit Worker #1] [error] PluginManagerOptionPane$UpdateMirrorsThread: at
18:46:07 [jEdit Worker #1] [error] PluginManagerOptionPane$UpdateMirrorsThread: at
Mustache edit mode (mustache.xml vbeta by Kevin Tucker)
Submitted by tuckerkevin on Sunday, 15 January, 2012 - 17:02
jEdit edit mode for mustache logic-less template language found at Since mustache is not limited to HTML, this mode does not assume that the template is HTML. The literal parts of the template are left plain and only the mustache tags are highlighted. catalog line: on github here:
How is PATH in Console determined?
Submitted by rovf on Tuesday, 17 January, 2012 - 09:35
On Windows 7:

I opened a new console using the menu item Plugins/Console/Shells/

In the resulting console Window, my PATH is set differently to what I have set using the Windows Control Center.

Now I wonder how jEdit sets up the PATH for the Console application. I checked the Console plugin user's guide, but couldn't find this topic being explained.
Shuffle variables within selection?
Submitted by optigon on Thursday, 19 January, 2012 - 22:03
Long time user of Jedit, but only used to the things I do on a regular basis.

It dawned on me today that there might be a macro or plugin for the following, but I am not really sure what it would be called.

There is a line of code with a function including 2 or more variables.
eg. foo(A, B, C)

By selecting "A, B, C", is there a way to suffle their order left or right?
The result would be foo(B, C, A) after using the command once.

I ask because to do this using copy/paste normally requires 2 copy/paste operations.
1. Select and copy "A, "
2. Pasting at the end of the statement gives foo(B, CA, )
3. Select and copy ", " and paste it between CA

Shuffling would either be to the left or right, moving the first or last element to the opposite end of the selection. Returning the with all the items still selected would be useful for multiple iterations.

A shuffle tool that was space and comma sensitive would reduce these edits to a single operation. Perhaps there could be a setting to tell the command what characters represent variable separators (comma, space, math operators, colons, etc)

Having this work for collumn selections would be useful too.

Maybe I'm a lazy coder Smiling
NetRexxJe Plugin does not load
Submitted by rovf on Friday, 20 January, 2012 - 10:39
It says on loading that it can't find the class REException, and suggest I should upgrade to a newer version.

I have installed the most recent version of the plugin, though.
Sessions 1.5.1 beta (Sessions.jar v1.5.1 beta by Steve Jakob)
Submitted by AlanEzust on Sunday, 22 January, 2012 - 06:04
Sessions 1.5.1 beta is updated for jEdit 4.5 and later
Question about main Text Area Syntax Highlighting details.
Submitted by Zachary1234 on Monday, 23 January, 2012 - 09:48
I have changed the white text background to black, and the text colour to green.

-I notice that round braces ()
and curled braced {}
don't show up visually at all. How May I change this?

-Is there a compile button and or a run button inside jEdit?
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Total votes: 1093
file   ver   dls
German Localization light   82349
Context Free Art (*.cfdg)   0.31   46055
BBEdit scheme   1.0   18595
JBuilder scheme   .001   18495
ColdFusion scheme   1.0   18024
R Edit Mode - extensive version   0.1   17473
Advanced HTML edit mode   1.0   16206
Matlab Edit Mode   1.0   16068
jEdit XP icons   1.0   15229
XP icons for jEdit   1.1   14293