GdbPlugin for jEdit 4.5+ (GdbPlugin.jar v0.5 by Shlomy Reinstein)
Submitted by
shlomy on
Thursday, 24 May, 2012 - 11:40
GdbPlugin for jEdit 4.5+
Hypersearch results analysis ( v1.0 by Thiemo Kellner)
Two neat macros to analyse hypersearch results:
- hypersearch_results_distinct_hits.bsh: extracts the distinct lines in the results
- hypersearch_results_files.bsh: extracts all the files results were found in
! Note that these macros depend on:
- other macro "Misc/HyperSearch_Results_to_Buffer.bsh"
- TextTools Plugin
Also, see original post:
German Language Pack for jEdit 5 (up-to-date) ( v5.3 by Robert Schwenn)
Development of jEdit / plugins and the German language files are not synchronized. Only upcoming releases of jEdit and plugins will contain up-to-date German language.
Meanwhile You could patch Your jars with the language files of the attached archive - see details in readme.txt.
Via the regular download link I always get an invalid Zip archive. So here is an
alternative download.
Goal column macros ( v1.0 by Andreas Nolda)
Submitted by
nolda on
Friday, 11 December, 2009 - 16:27
This macro bundle is inspired by Emacs’
set-goal-column function.
Installation instructions:
- Unzip the archive in your JEdit settings directory.
- Optionally, set shortcuts for Set Goal Column,
Go to Goal Column of Next Line, Go to Goal Column of
Prev Line, and Go to Goal Column of Current
- Running Set Goal Column sets the goal column to the
current column. (The default goal column is column 1.)
- Running Go to Goal Column of Next Line, Go to
Goal Column of Prev Line, or Go to Goal Column of Current
Line moves the caret to the goal column of the next, previous,
or current line, respectively, regardless of the caret position in the
current line.
Hyper-search all .txt files in home dir (HyperSearch_in_Home_Dir.bsh v1 by AhLeung Cheng)
Submitted by
ahlearn on
Sunday, 12 April, 2015 - 17:41
Updated on 04/12/2015 - 17:41
Downloads: 3291
Select line (Select_Line.bsh v1.0 by AhLeung Cheng)
Submitted by
ahlearn on
Saturday, 24 January, 2015 - 22:10
Select line - Repeat to select next lines.
Suggested shortcut: C+l
Open_Copied_Path.bsh v1.0 by AhLeung Cheng
Submitted by
ahlearn on
Saturday, 24 January, 2015 - 19:47
Open the file with its path copied to the clipboard
Select_All_or_Lines.bsh v1.0 by AhLeung Cheng
Submitted by
ahlearn on
Saturday, 24 January, 2015 - 19:43
If no selection, then select all.
Otherwise, select the whole lines for all selected lines.
A BeanShell macro script to search and open a recent file or a file in the current directory. (Open_Recent_or_CurrDir_File.bsh v1.0 by AhLeung Cheng)
Submitted by
ahlearn on
Thursday, 10 April, 2014 - 21:42
A BeanShell macro script to search and open a recent file or a file in the current directory.
- Press TAB or A+j (S+TAB or A+k) to select next (prev) file.
- Press ENTER to open the selected file.
- Press ESCAPE to close.
This Script is a modification of Recent_Files.bsh, written by
Jeroen Budts and Ollie Rutherfurd.
Copyright (C) 2001-2004 Ollie Rutherfurd,
Modified by AhLeung Cheng
Select contents in between parentheses (excluding parentheses) (Select_Contents_in_Parentheses.bsh v1.0 by AhLeung Cheng)
Submitted by
ahlearn on
Sunday, 21 December, 2014 - 08:51
Updated on 12/21/2014 - 08:51
Downloads: 3546
A macro script for displaying and switching between open buffers (in most recently viewed order). (Switch_Recent.bsh v1.0 by AhLeung Cheng)
Submitted by
ahlearn on
Friday, 11 April, 2014 - 03:03
Switch_Recent.bsh - a BeanShell macro script for displaying
and switching between open buffers (in most recently viewed order).
This is similar to the functionality provided by Alt+Tab in Windows.
Suggested shortcut: A+TAB
This Script is a modification of Buffer_Switcher.bsh, written by
Ollie Rutherfurd.
Copyright (C) 2001-2004 Ollie Rutherfurd,
Modified by AhLeung Cheng
Select_Find_Next.bsh - a BeanShell macro script to multi-select next match. (Select_Find_Next.bsh v1.0 by AhLeung Cheng)
Submitted by
ahlearn on
Saturday, 6 December, 2014 - 21:58
Updated on 12/21/2014 - 07:05
Downloads: 2122
Select_Word.bsh v1.0 by AhLeung Cheng
Submitted by
ahlearn on
Sunday, 21 December, 2014 - 07:01
Replace the built-in textArea.selectWord() which may select non-word characters even if there is a word on the left of the caret
Processing Mode (*.pde) (processing.xml v1.8 by by monkstone )
Submitted by
monkstone on
Tuesday, 28 July, 2009 - 17:43
A syntax highlighting mode for processing-(2/3). Based on keywords.txt, java.xml and the original version by toxi. instructions on how to install the processing mode at the
processing wiki. Where keyboard shortcuts are also available. Since processing-2.0 it is possible to run sketches form jEdit (using macros etc, I have made those available elsewhere).
Commando File For Ruby Processing (rp5.xml v0.15 by monkstone)
Submitted by
monkstone on
Thursday, 5 November, 2009 - 10:48
A commando file that allows you to use the current buffer to run the applet, watch the applet (allows live editing via 'watch'), or export it as either an app (via a combo-box chooser). You can also choose to create a new ruby processing sketch, to edit. However as yet you need to use the file manager to open the newly created sketch in the editor, so its not useful. Live edit via 'watch' updates the sketch on save. Just removed the 'rp5 live' option it never worked from jEdit. Modified to cope with crappy paths with spaces, as like windoes do. Default is now to run with system jruby, to use jruby-complete radio-button select that option. New 'version' option available fom ruby-processing-2.5.0 reports version, processing root and whether jruby-complete has been installed,
rp5.bsh v1.0 by monkstone
Submitted by
monkstone on
Sunday, 15 December, 2013 - 08:21
Macro for setting GEM_HOME and GEM_PATH environmental variables and calling rp5 commando menu
PYP5 macro to launch commando file (PYP5.xml v0.1 by Martin Prout)
Submitted by
monkstone on
Wednesday, 11 September, 2013 - 12:45
Simple macro to use with commando file Commando file (since version 0202) (processingpy.xml v0.1 by Martin Prout)
Submitted by
monkstone on
Wednesday, 11 September, 2013 - 12:42
Run from jEdit
Syncronize working directory of console and/or beanshell with current buffer (ChangeDirectory.bsh v1.4 by Robert Schwenn)
This macro changes the working directory of console plugin and/or beanshell to the current buffer's parent directory. This is controlled by two properties, which have to be set manually.
The macro is intended for use with the action hooks pugin, bound to the events "BufferUpdate.LOADED" and "EditPaneUpdate.BUFFER_CHANGED". So the working directory of console is synchronized with current buffer (almost) every time.
Last Update: Now for Linux, too: Invoke cd command only, if buffer directory really has changed.
Commando File for Context Free (cfdg.xml v0.17 by monkstone)
Submitted by
monkstone on
Wednesday, 21 October, 2009 - 16:17
My first commando file, allows me to run cfdg from within jedit. You will need to tune it for your system, available options are crop size, choice of svg or png output. Default output filename is as the input rule, with appropriate extension (ie "png" or svg" depending on chosen output format) is added when run the command (ie hit OK button).
Updated version as of 10 July 2012, now includes -Q option for quicktime movies output, depends on release version of CF3 with compiled in ffmpeg support on linux.