Having trouble creating some macros
Submitted by Monday, 2 June, 2008 - 13:11
Hi everybody,
During the last two month all I have done is test programmers' text editor. I'v tested Emacs, Smultron, Eclipse/PDT, Textmate, Notepad++ and of course jEdit. And everytime, I was going back to jEdit, even after using Textmate. However there are some thing in jEdit that are missing and that I have tried to do with macros and wasn't able (because I'm a newbie and I'm not good at creating macros :S) :
1. When I open ... well anything ( "{", "[", "(", "'", """, "<") I want the closing part to appear automatically. That's the easy part and I kind of managed to do it. However, the part I did not managed to do is: if i'm just before a closing one ( "]", ">", etc) and I close it again, then it goes out of it instead of creating a new one.
2. If I have a block that is between curly brackets for exemple, if I double-click just outsite the closing bracket, I want it to select the block that is inside the brackets.
There are more macros that are very important and useful but I can't remeber what they are, I will update this post as soon as I remeber..
In a more general way, what I can't manage to do is create macros that make more than one thing (with conditions for exemple)...
Voila. Can someone give me instructions, advice or even hints on how to achieve that please?
Thanks in advance,
Aziz Light