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Beginner's problems in setting up localhost preview
Submitted by d_l on Sunday, 3 January, 2010 - 17:43
Beginner's problems:-

I have installed JEdit to experiment as a cross-platform editor for both *.php and *.lzx (XML format with *.dtd validation).

My OS is Windows Vista.

I guess that I need to setup several projects to test code on different localhost servers:

apache httpd on port 8080
apache tomcat on port 8090
caucho resin on port 8100

Installed plugins ..

PHP Parser
Project Viewer

But I cannot get started with even the basics of setting JEdit to launch phpinfo.php in localhost mode. http://localhost:8080/test/phpinfo.php (this URL runs o.k. when manually pasted into any browser. I can also preview this same simple test file in editors other than Jedit.

The phpinfo.php test file is located in:

C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\htdocs\test\phpinfo.php

I created a simple test project "phpinfo" and in Project options I have

Project name: phpinfo

Root Directory: C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\htdocs (note: excluded the \test\ folder)

Web root URL: http://localhost:8080/

But I cannot preview this phpinfo.php from Jedit to browser !

When I right click phpinfo.php in project phpinfo in Project Viewer and select "Preview in browser" I get a popup error message:-

Cannot run program "mozilla": CreateProcess error=2, The system cannot find the file specified. Please fix your external app configuration.

I have no external application associated with extension *.php.

Options: Plugins: Info Viewer: Choose Browser

external browser radio button selected.

but the command below reads ..

netscape -remote openURL($u) -raise

How do I set up an association with preview browser firefox.exe?

and how do I setup to switch preview between several different browsers?

Internet Explorer

Options: Plugins: Project Viewer: External Applications

what application(s) should I associate here with *.php (and other extensions)?

php.exe or php-win.exe or php-cgi.exe or firefox.exe .. or others?

If I associate *.php with another text editor that launches from Project Viewer.

Finally .. unrelated glitch. If I force shut down of JEdit using the [X] close top right toolbar button (which I should not use, I know) I see a very long (not wrapped) indecipherable error message in Jedit popup window ..

with separate Windows popup error message reading ..

"The color scheme has been changed to Windows Vista basic. A running program isn't compatible with certain visual elements of Windows".

This apparent incompatibility with Vista does not occur if I use the correct shutdown JEdit procedure of File > Exit. Not serious .. just annoying.
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problems partly resolved ..
by d_l on Tue, 05/01/2010 - 21:07
After browsing the forum I found some answers ..

Info Viewer
set filepath to browser
c:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe
c:\Program Files\opera\opera.exe

Project Viewer
Web Project Options
select "Use InfoViewer's browser settings"

I can now preview localhost in Firefox or Opera browser.

This site provides useful tips to customise jEdit ..


However I still don't see to add new filetypes

e.g *.lzx (xml format) validated against dtd.
file types
by Robert Schwenn on Sun, 17/01/2010 - 00:36
What do You want to achieve with "adding new file types"?
adding new file types
by d_l on Sun, 17/01/2010 - 11:21
Thanks for your reply .. I have advanced a bit more since my first post on getting localhost preview to work.

Re: What do you want to achieve with "adding new file types"?

I am exploring using jEdit as the foundation for an IDE for openlaszlo + php + mysql development.

The file types to add will be ..

*.plzx (a hybrid of php and lzx)
*.psvg (a hybrid of php and svg)

I can now make a start by compiling openlaszlo code (*.lzx) by command line using Commando scripts. But in another thread I asked about extending the Commando UI.
by Robert Schwenn on Sun, 17/01/2010 - 00:29
Regarding the error message on quitting: see jEdit bug tracker

The message related to the color scheme may be another thing. Note, that closing the last view (jEdit window) via [x] button doesn't shutdown jEdit if it runs in background mode. Only the windows are not there...
error messages display
by d_l on Wed, 20/01/2010 - 13:57
It seems that this display error arises from errorlist.jar when there are very long error messages.

Error List was not displaying these errors in the Error List window and the messages showed in a very long popup the length of the scrolled error message - so the text was very small.

I later read this thread and downloaded the latest version of errorlist.jar.

download errorlist.jar

This seems to solve this error display problem.

Is there any way of wrapping Error List displayed errors? There is no wordwrap setting I can see in Error List Plugin Options.

I can create a new floating instance of Error List but even that maximised window does not show the long scrolled text in error lines.

And the Sidekick status window (set in mode properties) has the same problem of long messages not wordwrapped.
Messages in the Error List do
by Robert Schwenn on Wed, 20/01/2010 - 15:22
Messages in the Error List dockable can't be wrapped. And I think it's the same for SideKick.
problem displaying long error messages
by d_l on Wed, 20/01/2010 - 16:40
Sorry .. I thought I had cured this by updating errorlist.jar .. but if there is a very long (not wrapped) error message when I hover over the red error indicators in left and right gutter these long popups appear.

They do not popup for short error messages and show as normal tooltips.

I am parsing XML files in Sidekick using XML mode and linked to a local *.dtd file.

The error message refers to the content of the *.dtd ..


The content of canvas must match "(connection>|splash?| .... >>>>>

And here is the full ELEMENT definition from *.dtd ..

< !ELEMENT canvas ((connection? | splash? | (((datapath? | datapointer*)))+ | ((((view | DebugObject | TestResult | Test | TestSuite | TestCase | SyncTester | resizeview_y | resizeview_x | menuarrow | _plainfloatshadow | _floatshadow | simpleinputtext | custombaseslider | rangeslider | simpleslider | sliderknob | basezoomarea | zoomarea | viewlistmanager | viewspoolmanager | valuepoints | chartactionhelper | legenditem | marker | dataseries | datacolumn | datapoints | styleparser | basestyle | datastylelist | chartstyle | valueregionstyle | datastyle | chartbgstyle | plotstyle | axisstyle | valuepointstyle | valuelinestyle | labelstyle | regionstyle | linestyle | tickstyle | pointstyle | LzDebugWindow | debugger_shadow_right | debugger_shadow_bottom | _dbg_lztextscroller | _dbg_horiz_scrollbar | image | hbox | vbox | basetabpanecontent | baseslidertrack | slidertrack | swatchview | basetrackgroup | basedatepickerweek | datepickerweek | basedatepickerday | datepickerday | basecomponent | menu | menuseparator | menubar | chart | piechart | rectangularchart | linechart | columnchart | barchart | basegrid | grid | basegridcolumn | gridcolumn | gridtext | basegridrow | basetree | tree | basetabs | tabs | basetabscontent | tabscontent | basetabpane | tabpane | basewindow | windowpanel | modaldialog | alert | window | basescrollthumb | basescrollbar | hscrollbar | scrollbar | vscrollbar | basedatepicker | datepicker | basevaluecomponent | baseslider | slider | baselistitem | radiobutton | basetabelement | tabelement | basetab | tab | listitem | textlistitem | datepickerlistitem | menuitem | basedatacombobox_item | baseformitem | edittext | checkbox | basecombobox | datepickercombobox | combobox | baselist | radiogroup | list | basefloatinglist | plainfloatinglist | floatinglist | menufloatinglist | basetabslider | tabslider | basetabsbar | tabsbar | basedatacombobox | datacombobox | basebutton | _datepicker_dirButton | button | menubutton | basesliderthumb | sliderthumb | multistatebutton | basebuttonrepeater | basescrolltrack | basescrollarrow | basefocusview | focusoverlay | baseform | form | drawview | piechartplotarea | ticks | virtualdrawview | linechartplotarea | columnchartplotarea | barchartplotarea | valueregion | valueline | legend | piepiece | datamarker | databar | axis | verticalaxis | horizontalaxis | label | datalabel | datatip | tickmarklabel | strokestyle | text | statictext | inputtext | richinputtext | _internalinputtext | script | audio | resource | font)* | datasource* | connectiondatasource* | dataset* | debug? | command* | (((method* | handler* | event* | attribute* | (state | xdragstate | _dbg_lzvdrag | _dbg_lzhdrag | resizestate | resizestatemin | dragstate)* | (node | LzTextFormat | XMLHttpRequest | param | remotecall | rpc | xmlrpc | webapprpc | soap | sessionrpc | javarpc | viewslist | viewspool | style | _componentmanager | submit)* | animator* | animatorgroup*)))+ | class* | include* | import* | library* | (layout | reverselayout | wrappinglayout | constantboundslayout | constantlayout | stableborderlayout | simpleboundslayout | resizelayout | simplelayout)* | security* | switch*)))+))+ >
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