jEdit Community - Resources for users of the jEdit Text Editor
Caret move to first/last visible line bug?
Submitted by jhaefner on Wednesday, 17 June, 2015 - 05:26
I use ubuntu 14.04 lts, jEdit version 5.1
$ java -version
java version "1.7.0_79"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea 2.5.5) (7u79-2.5.5-0ubuntu0.14.04.2)
OpenJDK Server VM (build 24.79-b02, mixed mode)

I have strange behavior of caret moves near the top and bottom of visible lines. Specifically, "go to first visible line" goes to the fourth from the top, and "go to last visible line" goes to the 4th from bottom. Further, "go to next line down", when within the top 4 visible lines jumps to the 4th line. It works correctly when the caret is positioned w/in the middleof the text.

Any one else see this?
copy and paste
Submitted by jhuang22 on Sunday, 14 June, 2015 - 09:25
I have used jEdit to create web code file in HTML for several years. I met this problem recently and do not know why. When I copy a paragraph and try to paste in jEdit, the whole paragraph become one long line. I paste the same thing to other text editor like Microsoft word or open office writer, it do not have this problem. I do not have this problem in jEdit before, I even can not remember when this problem started.

Please help.
partially case-sensitive mode file?
Submitted by SpiceWare on Saturday, 4 October, 2014 - 18:22

When writing code for the Atari 2600 I use the compiler dasm.

With dasm, the opcodes are case-insensitive so LDA can be written as LDA, lda, Lda, etc. As such, I've set the mode file to use <RULES IGNORE_CASE="TRUE">.

I've configured the mode file so the 2600's registers such as GRP0, which holds sprite0's shape for the current scanline*, get syntax highlighted. However, dasm is case-sensitive when it comes to variable names. As such, if I type grp0 into my source code the compile will fail.

As such, I'd like to be able to make some of the keywords case-sensitive even though most of them are not. Can this be done with jEdit? My current mode file, assembly-6502, can be found here. I'm planning to do an update soon and will be renaming it Atari 2600 Assembly as the mode file's not really for generic 6502 assembly language.

* Yep, just the current scanline. When the Atari 2600 was developed memory was extremely expensive, so much so that the 2600 only contains 128 bytes of RAM. So TIA, the video chip, was designed to be scanline based. This means the registers in TIA only contain enough information to draw a single scanline, so your code must update TIA's registers on each and every scanline in order to draw the screen the player sees.

Console plugin environment variable issue
Submitted by SpiceWare on Friday, 3 October, 2014 - 17:09
I've been using jEdit for Atari 2600 homebrew development since 2006. Spurred on by a fellow homebrewer, I recent delved into the plugins to figure out how to compile and run code from jEdit. I got it mostly working, though I ran into a problem with the environment variables. To figure out what was going on, I replaced my Custom Command for the Interpteter with an echo command and did some tests:

echo $f

echo $d

echo $n

echo $c

I know I can use multiple environment variables per command because my custom compile command works. The following compiles my source code (draconian.asm) and creates three output files(draconian.sym, draconian.lst and draconian.bin):
dasm $n -f3 -v0 -s$c.sym -l$c.lst -o$c.bin

For the interpreter step I needed to use the full path to the bin file, which is the source file with the extension .asm replaced with .bin. I thought that could be accomplished by $d/$c.bin but it fails to work.

echo $d/$c.bin

The results I was expecting were:

So for some reason the second environment variable is being ignored. Any ideas? About jEdit shows:
jEdit 5.2pre1 server-background mode, using Oracle Corporation Java 1.7.0_67

In case you're wondering, Draconian is a port of Bosconian for the 2600. You can read about it, and even download a WIP ROM to run in Stella, over at AtariAge:

Change the prompt in the system console plugin?
Submitted by kmogli on Thursday, 10 July, 2014 - 23:05
The default prompt (current working directory) is sometimes long and leaves no room on the command line. I would prefer to change the prompt to something minimal (like '$' on Linux or '>' on my Windows system). Seems there would be an easy way to do this, but I can't find it. Can anyone help?
ISO-10646-UCS-2 encoding
Submitted by powery on Friday, 9 May, 2014 - 10:37

is it possible to save file in ISO-10646-UCS-2 (alias csUnicode) encoding?

Help Pages in HTML
Submitted by razera on Thursday, 10 April, 2014 - 01:03
I am currently using jEdit with my own defined mode file (mymode.xml). I'd like to customize the help menu. I've found the initial help page to be the welcome.html located under the doc directory.
But for the completeness of my IDE (based on jEdit), I would like to modify the contents structure of the help menu to include different html pages and a custom Contents. But I have not found where these files are located. Could you please help?
Best regards,
Luiz Razera
Switch View via Keyboard
Submitted by jman on Thursday, 27 March, 2014 - 16:34

v5.1.0, OSX 10.9.2

Is there a way to switch between views via the keyboard? NOT buffers, views.

Don't see that in the menu anywhere, otherwise it could be bound to a shortcut key combo.

Using multiple monitors it seems the only way to go to the other screen is with the mouse.

I often have each view showing on a different monitor, and each view may show a different active buffer. When tabbing back into jEdit from another program, focus always switches to the primary monitor, even if secondary was active when the program last had focus. This means involving the mouse.

Any tips? Thanks!
mode with line continuation
Submitted by captainhunt on Monday, 16 September, 2013 - 16:27
Hi mode writers,

I am trying to implement a jedit mode for a tcl like language and am missing a good way to deal with line continuation.

The command syntax is roughly:

command -option1 arg1 -option2 arg2...
create_variable -name Vg -dataset Data -function "<v:Data>"  
create_curve -name IVref($P) -dataset Data -axisX "Vg" -axisY "Id"  
I'd like to provide a bit context sensitivity in the mode, meaning each command should have its on set of valid options. So in above example
  • create_variable should have the options -name, -dataset and -function
  • create_curve should have the options -name, -dataset, -axisX and -axisY
I can acomplish this with
and dealing with the options in separate rules.

So far so good, but as the commands typically get pretty long, users typically use line continuation backslash just as common in tcl.

create_variable -name Vg -dataset Data \ 
	-function "<v:Data>"  
create_curve -name IVref($P) -dataset Data \ 
	-axisX "Vg" -axisY "Id"  
This of course immediately kills EOL_REGEXP. I tried various other approaches with SEQ... However, it is very hard to keep the right context for the options, without breaking anything else.

I have the feeling that a RULE option LINE_CONTINUATION_CHAR="\" that if present as last char on the line, concatenates the current line with the next line, before further parsing, would be the only way to go here.

Any hints, ideas appreciated

Best regards

partial string search
Submitted by jbrave on Thursday, 25 July, 2013 - 22:25
Does anyone know a good way to search for blocks of text where you know the starting part of the string, for instance, search for a multi-line text block that starts with the string:


and ends with the string

get back Rot13.bsh macro
Submitted by weberjn on Thursday, 13 June, 2013 - 14:18

in recent jEdit versions the Rot13.bsh macro is no longer included. Could you please put it back?

I found it in

How to change font for jEdit Help
Submitted by rovf on Wednesday, 12 June, 2013 - 13:56
How can I make the font of the jEdit help window bigger? I find it hard to read.

I tried to adjust GlobalOptions/TextArea/TextFont, but this changes just the font for the edit pane, not for the Help.
CtagsInterface - filtering tags: is it possible ?
Submitted by wkevils on Thursday, 9 May, 2013 - 19:21
With ProjectViewer and CtagsInterface plugins (in conjuction),
if the directory tree is not part of a project, you simply right click the root and select "Plugins -> Add source tree to tag index" to generate tags.

see also:

I don't know what is the tags engine of CtagsInterface; it could be that it is exueberant tags.

In any case, I am working with kernel source tree. When I am generating a tag file,
I am used to add some filters to the tag creation (not include architectures which I
do not need; including them increases the possible options when jumping to methods which
has the same name in different architectures.

I tried to work with CtagsInterface without creating a special project in ProjectViewer;
when I click the root of a kernel tree and select "Plugins -> Add source tree to tag index" to generate tags, it takes a lot of time and it traverses all the kernel tree.

Is there a way to add filter to the tags creation?
(like: --exclude=arch/ia64, which I use when I create my tags with exuberant tags)

jEdit display RTF
Submitted by amysaarimn on Tuesday, 16 April, 2013 - 13:07
I'm new to jEdit and have it running in a swing app. I need to store files on the local disk in plain text, but want to allow users to work with them in RTF. On the load I'll add in the RTF and then strip it out on the save. Can anyone tell me how to set the content type in jEdit to render RTF correctly? I tried using JEditPane but it supports only limitted RTF - what I really need is the hide feature to keep track of the editing going on.

Thanks for any help
autosave on focus lost
Submitted by dmol on Sunday, 24 February, 2013 - 11:35
Hello! I have written an small beanshell startup script, that does save all modified buffers on jEdit focus lost. It's useful on html/css/php etc. development when you need an result of your changes frequently in other application (browser, curl-output etc.). Since I have not found how to upload it, I just put it here as is (put it as ~/.jedit/startup/Save-On-Focus-Lost.bsh)
EditBus.addToBus(new EBComponent() {
    public void handleMessage(EBMessage message) {
      if (message instanceof EditPaneUpdate) {
        if(message.getWhat() == EditPaneUpdate.CREATED){
          Log.log(Log.MESSAGE, BeanShell.class, "adding deactivation listener... ");
          myView = message.getEditPane().getView();
          myView.addWindowListener(new WindowListener(){
            public void windowDeactivated(WindowEvent e){
              Log.log(Log.MESSAGE, BeanShell.class, "windowDeactivated event");
              oppositeWindow = e.getOppositeWindow();
              if(oppositeWindow == null){
				  Log.log(Log.MESSAGE, BeanShell.class, "application is loosing focus ");
            invoke( name, args ) { };
          Log.log(Log.MESSAGE, BeanShell.class, "success");
Directory Search Encoding
Submitted by Llelan D. on Thursday, 17 January, 2013 - 18:56
What encoding is used for the Search Directory function? Is it the global default, the currently active file encoding, something else?

Is there a way to specify what encoding to use to open the files in a Directory Search without temporarily changing the global default?
Copy as RTF
Submitted by weberjn on Monday, 10 December, 2012 - 15:09

I'd like to copy a formatted source snippet from a jEdit buffer into Word keeping the format (i.e. colors). This works from Eclipse to Word, but not from jEdit which only copies just plain text.
Is there a way to make this work, or is there a plugin?

jEdit icon now in Mac's menu bar at top right.
Submitted by hen3ry on Monday, 10 December, 2012 - 01:03
jEdit 5.0 on MacOS 10.7.5.

Just noticed among the usual tiny icons lined up in the Mac's menu bar at upper right... a tiny jE icon. But it doesn't seem to do anything. Typically such icons identify themselves with a tool-tip on mouse-over, and most of them reveal pull-down menus.

In most cases these icons provide system monitoring or control functions, e.g. temperature monitor, scripting, backup, language script, time/date, etc. It seems unusual for an app like jEdit to be represented here.

Am I missing something really obvious?

jEdit gets disabled in MacOS
Submitted by hen3ry on Monday, 10 December, 2012 - 00:57
jEdit 5.0 on MacOS 10.7.5 -- I've seen the same in previous versions of both.

Launch jEdit and it works normally.

In some cases, I guess if I close all open windows, jEdit is still clearly running, but no menu items are available (all grey). The only option I've found for continuing is to Quit and relaunch.

So... I shouldn't close all open jEdit windows, or what? Is there another way out?

Write protect part of buffer
Submitted by weberjn on Thursday, 8 November, 2012 - 10:18
Hi, is there a way to write protect parts of a buffer? I keep a work diary in jEdit and would like to have old entries write protected against accidental changes.

asked question in jEdit Forum
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