jEdit Community - Resources for users of the jEdit Text Editor
Two XML Requests
Submitted by machineghost on Thursday, 2 February, 2006 - 19:25

Two requests for the XML plug-in of jedit:

1) A fix for the issue mentioned in the post "same problem with XSL stylesheets" of this thread: "". Basically, JEdit doesn't look at the namespaces defined within a tag when judging whether a tag has a valid namespace, so if you have:

<xsp:page xmlns:xsp="">

you get the error:

"test.xml:4:cvc-elt.1: Cannot find the declaration of element 'xsp:page'."

even though the XML standards say that this is a perfectly acceptable way to declare a namespace.

2) Support for RELAX NG (the OASIS standard) schemas. Even better would be support for Sun-style RELAX NG with embedded Schematron schemas (, but I imagine this would be more trouble to add than it would be worth. Since basic RELAX NG is a very wide-spread standard however, it should be relatively easy to find a validator for it and integrate it with the existing XML plug-in for jedit.

I wanted to dock more than one filesystem Browser Instance.
Submitted by leobm on Tuesday, 31 January, 2006 - 11:45
I wanted to dock more than one Filesystem Browser Instance.

FileSystem Browser 1
FileSystem Browser 2
Using DTD and Schema in the same XML document
Submitted by josephhill on Monday, 30 January, 2006 - 03:10
I'm using Schema for my XML elements and DTD entities for a number of international characters and words. The problem is that jEdit can only validate if I use one or the other and detects hundreds of errors if I use both, making me turn validation off so I can get it at least to check for well-formedness. The strange thing is that XML Insert continues to suggest the correct elements (but not entities--it can only work from either the Schema or the DTD but not both). In other words, the validator sees the DTD and XML Insert sees the Schema. Is there a way to get jEdit to use both the DTD and the Schema? This is the only thing keeping me from using jEdit as my principal XML editor. Thanks!
Increase/decrease quote level
Submitted by amwt on Thursday, 26 January, 2006 - 19:20
Increase/decrease qutoe level, as per bbedit. Effectively allows one to strip ">" from the leftmost column of, say, email messages.
improved template engine integration
Submitted by campbeld on Monday, 16 January, 2006 - 13:35
I want to quickly select and run velocity templates. The template tree view is very tedious. And I don't have any shortcuts left!!!

Also does velocity template have recursion feature? I want to setup a complete site building template so I can roll-out new client websites with ease.
Files overwriting
Submitted by mgiacoma on Tuesday, 10 January, 2006 - 10:50
When I use the "save as" feature, the editor does not "warn" me in case I choose a file name already exists. I would like to be warned in such case because it happens (not so seldom...) that someone, distracted by a colleague, overwrites the wrong file (thinking he's really saving the file using a *new* name).

Do you think it may be useful?
Many thanks!

highlight search terms in hypersearch results window
Submitted by sergivs on Thursday, 5 January, 2006 - 04:21
Edit Mode Multiple Indent Bracket Properties
Submitted by RProgrammer on Wednesday, 4 January, 2006 - 06:45
If jEdit supported regular expression variable-length indentation 'brackets', then xml indenting could be supported natively, like so:

<PROPERTY NAME="lineOpeningBrackets" VALUE="&lt;[[:alphanum:]]+&gt;" />
<PROPERTY NAME="lineClosingBrackets" VALUE="&lt;[[:alphanum:]]+&gt;" />

Multiple brackets could be attained via the (bracket1|bracket2|...) clause in regular expressions.

Not only xml/html indenting, but all those edit modes with limited or no indentation support could finally support indentation correctly.
Copy to clipboard from console
Submitted by gerke.kok on Thursday, 17 November, 2005 - 15:17
It would be handy when I could copy text from the console-plugin to the clipboard. Somehow this is not possible at the moment.
(I'm using Windows XP and JVM
autodetect encoding for html file
Submitted by neoedmund on Tuesday, 15 November, 2005 - 09:27
in fact i have made one, if you think useful you can add this feature to new jedit versions. it find text like "content="text/html; charset=xxxxxx"" at the begin of the html.
     * Tries to detect if the stream is gzipped, and if it has an encoding
     * specified with an XML PI.
    private Reader autodetect(InputStream in) throws IOException {
        in = new BufferedInputStream(in);

        String encoding = buffer.getStringProperty(Buffer.ENCODING);
        if (!in.markSupported())
            Log.log(Log.WARNING, this, "Mark not supported: " + in);
        else if (buffer.getBooleanProperty(Buffer.ENCODING_AUTODETECT)) {
            {// neoe add: detect html's encoding
                String enc = getHtmlEncoding(in);
                if (enc != null && MiscUtilities.isSupportedEncoding(enc)) {
                    buffer.setProperty(Buffer.ENCODING, enc);
                    return new InputStreamReader(in, enc);
	(original lines)

/**add by neoedmund*/	
private String getHtmlEncoding(InputStream in) throws IOException {
        String enc = null;
        String key = "charset=";        
        int bufSize=1000;
        byte[] buf = new byte[bufSize];
        int len;
        if  ((len =,0,bufSize)) >0) {
            String line=new String(buf,0,len);    
            int p1 = line.indexOf(key);
            if (p1 >= 0) {
                int p2 = p1 + key.length();
                p1 += key.length();
                if (line.charAt(p1) == '\'' || line.charAt(p1) == '"') {
                while (p2 < line.length()
                        && "'\" >;,.".indexOf(line.charAt(p2)) < 0) {
                if (p2 <= line.length()) {
                    enc = line.substring(p1, p2);
        return enc;
Native file dialog selector
Submitted by hakimm on Sunday, 13 November, 2005 - 20:06

jEdit is great, but is there a switch somewhere to use a native OS file selector instead of the default java file selector ? I know the default java one can be extended beyond what a native selector could do, but right now the default in 4.2 is quite restricted, for example it doesn't support right-click contextual menus.

Paste into Search input box
Submitted by Peter Mount on Wednesday, 2 November, 2005 - 06:40

I'd like to be able to copy text to the clipboard and paste it into the input field under "Search For" in the "Search and Replace" popup window. Can this be done in the Windows version?


Peter Mount
Help info errata (5 total)
Submitted by a992400 on Monday, 24 October, 2005 - 16:01

In the online Help information, within "Part III. Writing Macros", all of the BeanShell code listings use smart quotes ("curly quotes", as seen in Word documents that are auto formatted). These are syntactically incorrect and generate errors. They should be replaced with plain double quotes.

In "Chapter 13. Macro Basics" > "Predefined Variables in BeanShell", it repeats: "scriptPath - set to the full path of the script currently being executed."

In the information on Editing Source Code > Bracket Matching (bracket-matching.html), "shortcut: Control-E [" should be "shortcut: Control-E Control-[", and "shortcut: Control-E ]" should be "shortcut: Control-E Control-]".

In "Working With Paragraphs", under "Edit>Text>Format Paragraph", it instructs the user to "See the section called "Inserting and Deleting Text" for information and word wrap and changing the wrap column." But that section has no information on word wrap or changing the wrap column.

Also, "for information and word wrap" should be "for information on word wrap".

Improve name of Remove Trailing Whitespace menu item
Submitted by a992400 on Monday, 24 October, 2005 - 15:58

"Edit > Indent > Remove Trailing Whitespace" should be "Edit > Indent > Delete Trailing Whitespace", so the wording is consistent with other Delete commands, and so it then is sorted together with the other Delete commands in the Utilities > Global Options > Shortcuts list.

regex spanning multiple lines should be syntax highlighted
Submitted by a992400 on Monday, 24 October, 2005 - 15:49

When editing Perl scripts, jEdit highlights a regex syntax (blue by default), e.g., "m/\w\d/". But if the regex spans multiple lines, e.g.,


then jEdit fails to syntax-highlight it correctly.

DOS batch file comments should not be considered labels
Submitted by a992400 on Monday, 24 October, 2005 - 15:48

When editing DOS batch files (*.bat), every comment line (i.e., any line beginning with "::") is mistakenly considered to be a label by jEdit (as reflected in the coloring and font setting of the entire line), regardless of how many spaces are in between the two colons and the first word in the comment line. Actually, even if there were absolutely no spaces between the two colons and the first word (e.g., "::This block of code..."), then it should still be considered a valid comment, and not a label. It should only be considered a DOS batch label if there is only one colon and the label name is immediately adjacent to that colon, with no spaces in between (e.g., ":Label1").

jEdit should execute selected dialog button
Submitted by a992400 on Monday, 24 October, 2005 - 15:46

Most jEdit dialog boxes contain multiple buttons, and the user can tab from one button to another using the Tab key. Once the user has stopped at a button and it is highlighted, they quite rightly expect that action to be performed when they press the Enter key. But jEdit misleadingly performs whatever action whose button is selected when the dialog box first appeared, the default.

For example, in the Search > Find dialog box, if the user tabs to the Replace All button, that button is highlighted. But then pressing Enter does not execute the selected button. Instead it executes the Find button (which was the button selected when the dialog box first appeared).

For example, if the user makes changes to a file and then tries to close the file, the "File Not Save" dialog box appears, with the "Yes" button preselected. Pressing the Tab key then selects the "No" button. But pressing Enter does not execute the "No" button.

jEdit should not search its temp files
Submitted by a992400 on Monday, 24 October, 2005 - 15:45

In Search > Find, when the file filter is set to "*.*", and jEdit's temp files are stored in one or more of the directories searched (which is the default), then if jEdit finds text in, let's say, x.txt, it will also find text in #x.txt#. In the case of many files, if the user is replacing several strings, then each time they do a Replace All, not only is the text changed in x.txt, but also #x.txt# gets changed, producing ##x.txt##. With more replacements, it gets worse. jEdit should ignore its own temporary files, or have that optional.

Perl array refs syntax highlighting incomplete
Submitted by a992400 on Monday, 24 October, 2005 - 15:44

When editing a Perl script containing references to array references and arrays of references (e.g., $$arrayRef and @$arrayRef), the first character (the leading $ or @) is not syntax highlighted like the rest of the string.

CSS mode fixes
Submitted by a992400 on Monday, 24 October, 2005 - 15:39

In css.xml, top incorrectly supersedes top, and thus should be removed. Same for bottom.

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Total votes: 1093
file   ver   dls
German Localization light   82348
Context Free Art (*.cfdg)   0.31   46055
JBuilder scheme   .001   18495
BBEdit scheme   1.0   18116
ColdFusion scheme   1.0   18024
R Edit Mode - extensive version   0.1   17473
Advanced HTML edit mode   1.0   16206
Matlab Edit Mode   1.0   16068
jEdit XP icons   1.0   15229
XP icons for jEdit   1.1   14293