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jEdit 4.2pre8 now available
Submitted by slava on Sunday, 28 December, 2003 - 06:50
jEdit 4.2pre8 is now available. This is a bug fix release. It also includes BeanShell 2.0b1, and 5 new syntax highlighting modes.
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No pathetic rants please.
by Anonymous on Tue, 30/12/2003 - 14:38
No pathetic rants please.
pathetic rants
by Anonymous on Tue, 30/12/2003 - 16:40
I only wanted to contribute. JEdit is really a great tool and I always try to convince my colleges also to use jedit, but it isn't too good if new versions are released if the new versions don't work as good as the older one's. The FTP problem was already menioned with jedit pre7 and I posted the error trace in the comunity forum, which seems to be lost now.

Sorry if you think that this is 'pathetic rants'

Sorry for my complains
by Anonymous on Wed, 14/01/2004 - 10:11
It seems that at least on my point it was only a problem with a special ftp server -- The bugs contained in the "pre 7" Version seem to be solved in "pre 8"
FTP Plugin
by Anonymous on Tue, 30/12/2003 - 17:19
I have also noticed the error in the FTP plugin starting with jEdit 4.2pre6, it only appears to be happening to certain files/folders for me (specifically when I add a file to a folder, the folder will have the issue, or when I add or update a file, the file will have the issue). On the other note of this conversation, I agree that it isn't good if new versions don't work as well as older versions, but before criticizing, you should remember not only that all "pre" releases are exaxtly that, a pre-release before a final stable version is released, and that also, jEdit uses a plugin system, meaning that errors in the FTP plugin aren't actual errors with jEdit (even though they are both maintained by Slava). That's just my two cents.
RolloverButton problems
by Anonymous on Mon, 29/12/2003 - 19:01
There appears to be a bug in the RolloverButton class with pre8. On WinXP, j2sdk1.4.2_03, RolloverButtons in plugins are extremely unresponsive and use >80% of the CPU, but the toolbar responds normally. On WinXP, j2re1.4.2_02, buttons on plugins respond normally (30% CPU), but the buttons on the toolbar jump to >90% CPU. On Linux, j2sdk1.4.2_02, buttons on both the toolbar and plugins are very unresponsive and use about 60% of the CPU. Buttons in the file manager on all systems are extremely responsive (15% CPU). No problems with any previous pre-releases. Otherwise, this is an excellent release. jEdit is definately the best editor around, and I can't wait for the final release of 4.2!
New splash...
by Borszczuk on Mon, 29/12/2003 - 18:21
I like pre7 splash more than current one - it was much clearer that recently used. As we talk about the graphics - there's OS project Gallery (web image gallery if you wonder Eye-wink, which just closed their logo contest for forthcoming version 2. Browsing all the submissions at I see lots of nice stuff created by the contestants, and I just started to wonder if these guys wouldn't be keen on doing some logotypes for jEdit as well. jEdit lack nice, colorful and shiny graphics (which I personally don't care that much, but know others would love to see the improvement in that area as well). I think contacting some of them would be worth consideration.

Looks very good
by OlafGroeger on Mon, 29/12/2003 - 17:03
The startup time is now much better.
Thanks for this great software.

Pre7 and Pre8 broken under JRE1.3 in Win32
by Anonymous on Mon, 29/12/2003 - 07:28
Browse for a file and you'll get a VFS beanshell error

(Either through the docked VFS browser or "open" dialogue)

Pre6 was the last version to work nicely with 1.3

JEdit is the best reason to upgrade though Smiling
Same here with jdk1.3.1_02 an
by Anonymous on Tue, 30/12/2003 - 11:19
Same here with jdk1.3.1_02 and Red Hat Linux 7.3.

Unfortunatelly, I cannot upgrade my JDK Sad , but I agree with you in that reason Smiling
OS X (Panther)
by Anonymous on Sun, 28/12/2003 - 21:01
None of the menus or icons stay visible, They come on as the curser goes over them and then disappear, It has been consistant with all the pre releases. Any fixes?
This is a problem with Swing
by Anonymous on Sun, 04/01/2004 - 06:17
This is a problem with Swing on Mac OS X. (That is, it's a bug in Apple's java implementation, not a bug in jEdit.) It's been gradually getting better, and on my system (10.3.2 with the latest java developer prerelease) jEdit is now quite usable. But I still see it happen every so often. If it bothers you, wait until Apple's java gets updated.
Speed issues and broken keys on OS X Panther
by Anonymous on Wed, 07/01/2004 - 16:22
You mention that jedit is quite usable with the latest java developer release.
I found (with the normal Panther java version) that scrolling is very slow compared with jEdit 4.1. Also, the international keys (~ with Option-n or ^ on German keyboard e.g.) are still broken. Can anybody confirm this?
OS X - Applescripts
by Anonymous on Sun, 28/12/2003 - 21:57
The menus and icons stay visible on my machine (OS X - Panther), but JEdit 4.2pre8 still doesn't execute an applescript whether its placed in JEdit/macros or .Jedit/macros. It does appear in the macros menu, however. The same .scpt is executed properly by JEdit 4.1.

Otherwise, this release feels significantly faster than 4.1, and I would love to start using it except for the lack of Applescript support.
This is not a jEdit problem.
by Anonymous on Sun, 28/12/2003 - 21:08
This is not a jEdit problem. Either your Java installation or OS are broken.
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