jEdit Community - Resources for users of the jEdit Text Editor
jEdit 4.1 now available
Submitted by slava on Friday, 28 February, 2003 - 21:56
Yes, it's finally out. Everyone using 4.0 should upgrade; this release has significant improvements in functionality, performance, and usability. Read the full announcement!
Plugin Central updates (15)
Submitted by mdillon on Thursday, 27 February, 2003 - 23:28

  • CodeLint 0.2: updated to jEdit 4.1 API & plugin props changes. CodeLint can work with both 4.0.x & 4.1; lots of Advance Options added to enable fine tuning of what kinds of bugs you would like to find when finding errors in class files; fixed a minor bug of CodeLint only working on Java files (now it is made to work on C/C++ code too); added dependency on Console Plugin missing from 0.1; Code Streamline; requires jEdit 4.0pre1, Console 3.3, ErrorList 1.2, and JDK 1.3; requires separate installation of JLint from

  • EditorScheme 0.4.2: added support for "foldLine" property and updated existing schemes; fixed bug that prevented one from creating new schemes until the 'Scheme Selector' dialog has been displayed at least once; added 5 new schemes; changed default value of "Automatically Apply" to false; requires jEdit 3.2final and JDK 1.1
Comment on jEdit performance
Submitted by slava on Saturday, 22 February, 2003 - 23:20
What aspects of jEdit do you find most lacking performance-wise? Any particular editing commands or plugins that are too slow? Any specific configurations and cases where jEdit's text area lags?
jEdit 4.1pre11 now available -- FINAL RELEASE CANDIDATE
Submitted by slava on Saturday, 22 February, 2003 - 00:59
jEdit 4.1pre11 is now available. This will be the last release before 4.1final, which will be out in the middle of next week.
jEdit mentioned on Slashdot
Submitted by cjkent on Tuesday, 18 February, 2003 - 23:57
Slashdot has a story in its developers' section about a linuxworld comparison of 3 Java-based editors running on linux.
New: Aspect-jEdit plug-in
Submitted by tps on Tuesday, 18 February, 2003 - 16:40
If you are interested in AOP, take a look at the Aspect-jEdit plugin.
WebDAV plugin for jEdit
Submitted by slava on Saturday, 15 February, 2003 - 02:40
A WebDAV plugin for jEdit is under development.
jEdit 4.1pre10 now available
Submitted by slava on Saturday, 15 February, 2003 - 00:45
Its Valentine's day, and the text editor you all love now has been updated. jEdit 4.1pre10 features improved plugin development documentation and a number of bug fixes. If you are still using jEdit 4.0, please test this version.
Debian packages of jEdit 4.1pre9 now available
Submitted by eloy on Tuesday, 11 February, 2003 - 15:52
I've uploaded Debian Linux packages of jEdit. So you can just add following lines to your /etc/apt/sources.list:

deb ./
deb-src ./

... and run:

apt-get install jedit

to install the latest jEdit package.
jEditLauncher needs a new maintainer
Submitted by slava on Friday, 7 February, 2003 - 17:54
The jEditLauncher package (used to start jEdit and integrate it with the shell on Windows) is no longer being developed by its original author, John Gellene, and it needs a new maintainer. Anybody willing to take over? It is written in C++ using the Win32 API.
CodeAid is on the road, and a beta is already here!!
Submitted by maeste on Tuesday, 4 February, 2003 - 16:56
CodeAid for jEdit 4.1 will be released soon. You can find the current CVS version packaged as jars on my site:

Download 4 jars, put it on jars directory and configure Jane and CodeAid in global options.

Give me feedback on the mailing lists.
jEdit 4.1pre9 now available
Submitted by slava on Wednesday, 29 January, 2003 - 01:42
jEdit 4.1pre9 is now available. This release features improved syntax highlighting and a whole heap of bug fixes. If you're still using jEdit 4.0, please give 4.1 a go and report any problems you find so it can be ultra-stable by the time it gets to 4.1final.
Plugin Central updates (6)
Submitted by mdillon on Tuesday, 21 January, 2003 - 16:08

  • AntelopePlugin 2.25: bug fixes; feature enhancements; requires jEdit 4.0pre1, Console 3.3, ErrorList 1.2, CommonControls 0.7, and JDK 1.4

  • EBrowse 0.5.3: initial Plugin Central release; requires jEdit 4.1pre1, Console 3.3, and JDK 1.3

  • IRC 1.9.1: changed default server to; requires jEdit 4.0final and JDK 1.3

  • ProjectViewer 1.0.6: jEdit4.1 look & feel enhancements; bug fixes; small feature enhancments; requires jEdit 4.1pre1 and JDK 1.3

  • XML 0.10: includes Xerces 2.2.1; element completion supports namespaces and schemas (schema support is still somewhat experimental and incomplete); completion popups now include entries for inserting comments and
Build a Web Service Analyzer using XSLT and jEdit
Submitted by Brad Mace on Friday, 17 January, 2003 - 01:06 has released a tutorial on how to build a Web Service analyzer using XSLT. This tutorial will use the power of XSLT and WSDL documents to build a Web Service analyzer that will report the operations, parameters, and description of a Web Service. Best of all, it uses the latest jEdit and the XSLT Plugin throughout the tutorial. You will learn how to transform and use the XPath tool in jEdit. What are you waiting for, click here to read it now!
Helpful plugin debugging aid
Submitted by slava on Tuesday, 14 January, 2003 - 20:09
I don't think many jEdit developers know about this trick.

It is very useful for tracking down plugin bugs in a live jEdit instance.

After calling this BeanShell code:
You can manipulate any private, protected or package-private variable or method.
Plugin Central updates (6)
Submitted by mdillon on Tuesday, 14 January, 2003 - 15:54
This evening, I have released the latest batch of jEdit plugins. This release consists of one new plugin (HeadlinePlugin 1.0.2) and five updates. Except for Console 3.4, all of these plugins work with both jEdit 4.0 and 4.1.
jEdit 4.1pre8 now available
Submitted by slava on Saturday, 11 January, 2003 - 05:33
jEdit 4.1pre8 is now available. This release features improvements in syntax highlighting, auto indent, documentation, and soft wrap scrolling performance. A number of bugs have been fixed too.
More Plugin Central updates (3)
Submitted by mdillon on Wednesday, 8 January, 2003 - 23:59
A couple of the packages released yesterday had problems (XSLT and JDiffPlugin), so I am releasing updated versions of them, along with a new version of CommonControls.
Plugin Central updates (10)
Submitted by mdillon on Wednesday, 8 January, 2003 - 03:30
A busy holiday season, my recent engagement to my girlfriend of five years, and an unexpected flu have distracted me from jEdit stuff for the last month, so this batch of 7 updated and 3 new plugins covers from December up to the present.
SSHTools library
Submitted by slava on Friday, 3 January, 2003 - 23:45
Check out SSHTools if you're looking for a good, pure Java implementation of the SSH2 protocol. The next version of the FTP plugin - due out very soon - will use this library to implement secure FTP.
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Total votes: 1093
file   ver   dls
German Localization light   95567
Context Free Art (*.cfdg)   0.31   46060
BBEdit scheme   1.0   18599
JBuilder scheme   .001   18500
ColdFusion scheme   1.0   18029
R Edit Mode - extensive version   0.1   17478
Advanced HTML edit mode   1.0   16211
Matlab Edit Mode   1.0   16073
jEdit XP icons   1.0   15234
XP icons for jEdit   1.1   14298