jEdit Community - Resources for users of the jEdit Text Editor
jEdit 4.1pre5 now available
Submitted by slava on Friday, 4 October, 2002 - 20:01
jEdit 4.1pre5 is now available. This release has new and updated syntax highlighting modes, the frequently-requested "unsplit current" command, and a number of other improvements and fixes.
Plugin Central updates (2)
Submitted by mdillon on Wednesday, 2 October, 2002 - 19:18

  • FastOpen 0.6: fixed a small bug when FastOpen would get a NPE on clicking OK/Cancel in Global Options box when FastOpen options were not changed; new Regular Expressions support for finding files; added a new option in the Global Options to toggle Ignorecase when doing Search; documentation to FastOpen has been included in this release which was only in form of Release Notes & Change logs in previous version; requires jEdit 4.0pre1, ProjectViewer 1.0.2, and JDK 1.3

  • JTools 1.1: adds Extend / Implement Wizard tool v1.0; adds Toggle Line Comment & Toggle Range Comment tools v1.0; Check Imports tool v1.1 now combines functionality of Check Imports v1.0 and Resolve Imports; addresses several issues the old versions didn't (i.e. duplicate imports, ambiguous imports & java.lang imports); Check Imports can now be applied to all buffers or just the current buffer; options now govern whether the tool inserts wildcard resolutions and automatically deletes unwanted imports or flags them with ErrorList; fixed a bug where a RuntimeException was thrown if the buffer was locked; resolved imports are now sorted; requires jEdit 4.0pre1, ErrorList 1.2, and JDK 1.3
Plugin Central updates (10)
Submitted by mdillon on Monday, 30 September, 2002 - 20:30

  • AntelopePlugin 1.40: includes several bug fixes and new features; "trace" and "edit" modes for tracing Ant target execution and editing build files; requires jEdit 4.0pre1, CommonControls 0.3, Console 3.3, ErrorList 1.2.2, and JDK 1.4

  • ConfigurableFoldHandler 0.3: adds the ability to treat the fold start and end strings as regular expressions when calculating folds; adds the ability to fold on certain patterns (enables folding on multiple strings by seperating each string with the | (pipe) symbol); requires jEdit 4.1pre2 and JDK 1.3

  • GruntspudPlugin 0.0.12-alpha: many fixes and changes since last Plugin Central version: see RELEASE_NOTES.txt; requires jEdit 4.0pre4, JDiffPlugin 1.3, Console 3.1, and JDK 1.3; includes cvslib.jar and NetComponents.jar
Plugin Central updates
Submitted by mdillon on Wednesday, 11 September, 2002 - 20:23

  • FastOpen 0.5: lots of improvements and options; you can now sort the files; hide files already open; show open files first/last when executing a search; ordering can be disabled; color highlighting of already open files; code optimizations; requires jEdit 4.0pre1, ProjectViewer 1.0.2, and JDK 1.3
Plugin Central updates
Submitted by mdillon on Wednesday, 4 September, 2002 - 18:50

  • JTAPlugin 0.1: Initial Plugin Central release; requires jEdit 4.0pre4 and JDK 1.3; includes JTA 2.5b

  • Xrefactory 1.5.10: Initial Plugin Central release; requires jEdit 4.0final and JDK 1.4; based on xref 1.5.10 (a shareware program downloaded by the plugin under user direction)
Plugin Central updates
Submitted by mdillon on Monday, 2 September, 2002 - 20:38

  • GruntspudPlugin 0.0.11-alpha: file permissions are preserved correctly on Unix like platforms; 'Checkout as ..' option added; 'Module explorer' in the checkout option (lists the modules for a specified connection profile); CVSROOT and full path is shown in the status area; added integration with InfoViewer plugin; module roots are detected correctly; new progress monitors; SOCKS proxy support added (at its best under 1.4); new 'Password Manager' replaces some password connection profile related options; warning when no connection profiles are available (first run?); toggled flat mode; port number works for :pserver connection method; additional arguments may be specified for :ext connection method; log graph; requires jEdit 4.0pre4, JDiffPlugin 1.3, Console 3.1, and JDK 1.3
jEdit 4.1pre4 now available
Submitted by slava on Thursday, 22 August, 2002 - 09:28
This release fixes a show-stopper bug in pre3 where only the first macro in each directory would be listed. Go download it now.
What would you like to see before 4.1final?
Submitted by slava on Tuesday, 20 August, 2002 - 20:21
I am planning on implementing searchable help in 4.1pre4. What else would you like to see before 4.1 goes final? Post your comments below.
jEdit 4.1pre3 now available
Submitted by slava on Tuesday, 20 August, 2002 - 20:14
After a brief hiatus, jEdit development has resumed. Go download 4.1pre3 and tell me what you think. The most interesting new feature in this release is probably the addition of regular expression syntax highlighting rules. Also auto-completion in the Open File dialog box has been improved, and an option has been added for jEdit 4.0-style tool bar placement.
Plugin Central updates
Submitted by mdillon on Saturday, 10 August, 2002 - 19:04

  • JarMaker 0.2: initial Plugin Central release; the JarMaker Plugin adds a simple interface for creating a JAR file; removed FileWalker class with incompatible copyright; requires jEdit 4.0final and JDK 1.3

  • SourceControl 0.1: initial Plugin Central release; the SourceControl plugin provides integration with source control systems; currently only MS Visual Source Safe, but other systems can be supported by implementing the SourceControlInterface and adding an option pane; requires jEdit 4.0final and JDK 1.3

  • Templates 3.0.0: includes contibutions from Calvin Yu; now uses Apache Velocity as the templating engine; supports standard Velocity directives; supports jEdit specific directives for: i) prompting for user input, ii) setting cursor location, iii) setting buffer mode, iv) including the current date (any format), and v) evaluating BeanShell snippets during template processing; dockable template selection window; template accelerators (similar to jEdit abbreviations); fixed JDK 1.3 incompatibility; requires jEdit 4.0pre4 and JDK 1.3; includes Apache Velocity 1.3 and Jakarta-Commons Collections
Download community macros from within jEdit
Submitted by slava on Tuesday, 6 August, 2002 - 20:01
The newly-released MacroManager plugin by Carmine Lucarelli enables you to download macros from the jEdit community site. This should make it much easier to customize and extend jEdit using the macros provided by the community.
Plugin Central updates
Submitted by mdillon on Monday, 5 August, 2002 - 17:56

  • AntVizPlugin 1.0: initial Plugin Central release; visualizes
    Ant-script dependencies; step-through debugging of targets; (Ant-)property inspector; requires jEdit 4.1pre2, AntFarm 1.1, Console 3.1, XML 0.8.1, and JDK 1.4; includes JGraph 1.0.5 and dom4j 1.3

  • DragAndDrop 0.2.7: fixed bug that would cause jEdit to lock up if a dropped file caused a dialog to pop up; used Java 1.3 methods for text drops; requires jEdit 3.2.2 and JDK 1.3

  • GruntspudPlugin 0.0.9-alpha: initial Plugin Central release; requires jEdit 4.0final, Console 3.1, JDiffPlugin 1.3, and JDK 1.3; includes Netbeans' cvslib.jar and Jakarta's NetComponents.jar
jEdit development resumes
Submitted by slava on Friday, 2 August, 2002 - 18:35
I have started work on jEdit again. You can find the beginnings of 4.1pre3 in the CVS, although currently the only changes are a few minor tweaks and bug fixes. There will be more changes soon, with an actual 4.1pre3 release before the end of August.
Slava is in Canada
Submitted by slava on Friday, 26 July, 2002 - 20:32
Well, after spending three weeks in Canberra, I have now arrived in Ottawa, Canada. Now I have five hundred or so e-mails to read; if you tried to contact me within the last few weeks, please be patient - I will reply.
Plugin Central updates
Submitted by mdillon on Saturday, 20 July, 2002 - 13:02

  • jEditCvs 0.4: initial Plugin Central release; requires jEdit 4.0final, Console 3.1, and JDK 1.3
  • MementoPlugin 0.5.3: Version 0.5.2 changes: added an up/down arrow to the column that the memos are sorted by; added ability to
    sort groups; fixed some null pointer exceptions with the option menu; rearranged UI to make better use of space; fixed the way the
    calendar looks as a plugin; addressed some initialization/context switching issues with the memo list; Version 0.5.3 changes: fixed data
    initialization bug (when there weren't any .xml files in the "memodb" directory, Memento threw an exception); fixed problem with
Gruntspud CVS client plugin - New Release
Submitted by tanktarta_magicthize on Monday, 8 July, 2002 - 03:02
There is a new release of Gruntspud, a graphical CVS client that may be used as a plugin to jEdit or as a standalone. This release sees loads of new features, commands and bug fixes as well as a Java Web Start installer for the standalone version. Note: Gruntspud now uses the 4.0 plugin API..
Slava Pestov away until the end of July
Submitted by slava on Sunday, 23 June, 2002 - 06:26
I am leaving New Zealand on the 29th June. I will be in Australia until the 20th July. During this time I will have e-mail access, however I will not be doing any jEdit development. On the 21st July, I am going to Canada. Once I settle in, I will resume jEdit development.
jEdit 4.1pre2 now available
Submitted by slava on Sunday, 23 June, 2002 - 06:26
jEdit 4.1pre2 is now available.
Submitted by Anonymous on Thursday, 1 January, 1970 - 00:00
Gruntspud CVS client plugin release 0.0.6-alpha
Submitted by tanktarta_magicthize on Saturday, 15 June, 2002 - 16:51
This release containes fixes for the :pserver problems, new actions such as Log (with a useful report dialog), Import, History, Erase. There are some extras such as a 'New Folder' action that creates a folder then adds it to CVS and a simple .cvsignore front end (although the filter is still rubbish). There is a 'Explorer' style view that can be used instead of the Files / Folders tab when there is more space available.

The toolbar is getting quite large now, so an 'All tools' button hasbeen added to help when docked in jEdit, but I'm not 100% happy with. Suggestions are welco
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