jEdit Community - Resources for users of the jEdit Text Editor
XML Plugin: Updated Ant Completion
Submitted by Stillglade on Tuesday, 21 February, 2006 - 16:20
The Ant code completion when editing a build.xml file is currently outdated (based on Ant 1.5). This functionality is driven by the ant-complete.xml file found in the XML Plugin (a sort of DTD for Ant). I created an Ant task that when run will generate an updated ant-complete.xml based on the version of Ant used when running the task (it uses the Introspection Helper to see all available task/types and their attributes/sub-elements). I created a patch for the build.xml of the XML Plugin so that when built, it will also update the ant-complete.xml file as part of the build. This will keep this file from getting out of date in future releases of the XML Plugin (assuming that new versions of Ant are used when building for a release). Also, this is useful for those who wish to build the plugin themselves as it will allow them to use Ant code copletion with their specific types and tasks which may be added to their local Ant installations.

I recently created a bug report which has these changes attached -
TextMate snippets importing
Submitted by delackner on Monday, 13 February, 2006 - 07:36
SuperAbbrevs is a plugin that has functionality similar to Textmate's and Eclipse's to paste a template with placeholders that you can tab through. Textmate supplies a lot of nice defaults.

Textmate is OS X only, so I wrote a command line Cocoa tool to convert binary plists to xml plists, which I then batch run against the snippet files I want.

Then I modified SuperAbbrevs to have an import option, which takes a directory and imports all .xml or .plist files it finds there, converting $0 endings to $end endings.

If anyone would like to polish this into something more end-user usable, I'd be happy to email the code. For my purposes it has already consumed far more time than I wanted.
How to change plugins properties during the installation?
Submitted by Siver on Thursday, 26 January, 2006 - 15:27

I'm working on installation CD with jedit and I would like to install all the plugins with jedit properly. This requires to set some plugins configuration.
Is there a regular way how to do it?
As I understand it's not easy to change plugin *.prop property in *.jar archive during the installation (for exampe, a path for ctags for Code Browser plugin) (perhaps to patch java sources of the plugin looks better...).

Thanks in advance,

Inhibit the save function
Submitted by adicam69 on Wednesday, 25 January, 2006 - 09:26
Hi, I need to inhibit the save function if the buffer is "read-only".

How can I do this ?

Loading a JEdit plugin
Submitted by maths on Thursday, 19 January, 2006 - 12:41
I have written a program using a Java IDE which works well, and I want to create a plugin using it. I copied the .jar file into the jedit/jars folder direcrory, and the plugin manager register it as being loaded.

However, the menu list does not appear. I do not know how to continue.
Please HELP!
JSwat Plugin: how to view a date?
Submitted by stanberka on Tuesday, 3 January, 2006 - 19:58
Right now, there seem not to be a way to view a value of a Date variable. Or have I missed it? Are there plans to add this feature?
Console plugin - how to write to the shell
Submitted by rbublitz on Monday, 12 September, 2005 - 16:26
I'm interested in using the Console plugin to display information. I am not interested in displaying the results of an executed script. How can I specifically write to the console shell?

File listeners and jEdit
Submitted by rbublitz on Monday, 12 September, 2005 - 16:22
I am very new to java plugin writing. I would like to know what jEdit options there are for updating buffers when the file it is displaying is modified on disk. Are there jEdit class/methods or how do I incorporate the java File Listeners?

BufferList Enhancement Request: Get shortest directory location.
Submitted by Bradlis7 on Tuesday, 9 August, 2005 - 22:10
I have a request for the BufferList plugin. It's an awesome plugin and I use it all the time. I'd like for it to shorten the directory names to the common directory of all open files, and display that directory at the top or something. For example, my webpages are at "C:\Documents and Settings\Brad\My Documents\My Webpages\wboots" and can be shortened to "~\My Documents..." with the replace occurences of user directory option, but it still seems a bit long. Some of my pages are at "~\My Documents\My Webpages\wboots\includes" and it runs off of the screen. I like for the list to take up the least amount of space, so I never have it where I can see the whole line.
CSS Editor : changing template
Submitted by Anonymous on Wednesday, 11 May, 2005 - 15:08

I'm using CSS Editor. Where can I change the style of the result I obtain ? I mean, CSS Editor writes the CSS element on several lines, whereas I'm used to present my CSS on one only line per element.

Console: how do you escape double quote?
Submitted by Anonymous on Wednesday, 4 May, 2005 - 16:22
The system console for windows eats double quotes. Can't use commands that require them, such as the find command, e.g. find "XYZ" *.html.
find NEEDS them.
Any suggestions?
Console: how do you escape double quote?
Submitted by Anonymous on Wednesday, 4 May, 2005 - 16:21
The system console for windows eats double quotes. Can't use commands that require them, such as the find command, e.g. find "XYZ" *.html.
find NEEDS them.
Any suggestions?
Newbie: Can't get CodeLint to work or maybe I don't know how to use it!
Submitted by Anonymous on Monday, 18 April, 2005 - 04:11

Just installed jEdit 4.2:
[message] Log: java.version=1.4.2_05
[message] Log: java.vm.version=1.4.2_05-b04
[message] Log: java.runtime.version=1.4.2_05-b04
[notice] jEdit: jEdit version 4.2final

And also CodeLint 0.3.

I have a few "C" files open and to run CodeLint, I go to Plugins->CodeLint->Lint Source Code.

However, nothing happens. I even set the CodeLint option for AntiC/jLint to the path of the source files I'm working on. Nothing happens.

Does the output of CodeLint get placed somewhere special?

Thanks very much for your help.
Changing the root menu in Views
Submitted by Anonymous on Monday, 11 April, 2005 - 16:58
I want to
1) reorganize the root menu that all views see in my jEdit instance.
Or, at the very least,
2) add new root menus.

Is there a standard way to do this without re-building the jar file? I think the most extensible approach to #2 would be to install a user space actions.xml. Is there a way to do this?

Is there a sanctioned way to do #1?

I could also see doing it in code using statements such as
view.getJMenuBar().add(new JMenu(...));
but presumably I should do this as a plugin and respond to edit bus messages so that new views also get the new menus, and I should use the actions API so that actions get installed and called.
It seems like a lot of work -- I would imagine that someone has a document or test case that shows the steps. Does anyone have any pointers in this direction?

JCompile / Java Core Plugin problem with" "The Default service"
Submitted by Anonymous on Tuesday, 5 April, 2005 - 19:58
Iam new here and i have right now finished my installation of jEdit.
I have a problem when i start to compile a java file with jCompile:

The following Error popup starts when i start to compile:

| Java Core Plugin
| The "Default" service is not available.
| Possibly the plugin providing it has
| unloaded or removed. Switching to Default.

And if i click on OK just the compiler-console runs without any Errormessage,
but the sign of compiling is still turning.

I did load the whole plugins bymyself, as zip's und unzipped all jar
(also "JavaCore.jar" and "JavaParser.jar" from "" )
and by the Startup of jEdit is no Error Message.

What does that popup say?
is there a errorlog wich kan say more?

Can anybody help me please?

txs Florian
Favorite files plugin?
Submitted by Anonymous on Thursday, 17 March, 2005 - 17:12
Is there a plugin that will create a menu with manually addable items for files (kind of like the Bookmarks menu in a web browser)?

I know about the "Favorites" option in the file manager but that seems like it can only bookmark paths rather than specific files. There is also the "Bookmarks" plugin but that doesn't really seem to have same goal as what I'm looking for and would be cumbersome for my purpose.
Caution: BeanShell at console can hang jEdit 4.2final
Submitted by Anonymous on Friday, 11 March, 2005 - 15:43
I accidentally hit Enter when typing "while (i < 20)" at the Console and jEdit hung, doing an infinite loop, since i was not being incremented.

Luckily, the autosave recovered my document, but thought I'd warn you all about this danger.

An execution-terminate key would be nice. As of right now, the documentation shows no terminate key for infinite BeanShell loops. I think this is possible by running BeanShell in a separate thread, and killing that thread on the execution-terminate key?

If there is an execution-terminate key, please have that documented.

(Windows version of jEdit 4.2final, using Console plugin downloaded as of yesterday from inside the editor.)
Do plugins have to be licensed as GPL?
Submitted by Anonymous on Monday, 7 March, 2005 - 09:37
Do plugins have to be licensed as GPL?

rich client platform
Submitted by Anonymous on Friday, 4 March, 2005 - 01:22
I've been looking for a "rich client platform" that I can easily understand and fast. Netbeans has been a bear. Eclipse doesn't swing. It looks like jEdit might be my's simple and fast based on the plugins that I've played with.

Question is: Has anyone been figured out how to remove or hide the text editor when you don't want it around when your plug in is running? I just started looking at the process and thought some one can give me a hint before I get to deep in the internal.

code2html commandline in 4.2
Submitted by Anonymous on Wednesday, 23 February, 2005 - 07:35
The version of code2html in cvs has a command-line option I'd like to use, but I can't compile it against the current version of jedit. It does compile against jedit 4.0.

Are there any barriers to refactoring it to work with jedit 4.2? Does anyone know of a better multiple-language HTML syntax highlighter that can run from command line (or ideally, Ant)

Thanks, cosmo
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