jEdit Community - Resources for users of the jEdit Text Editor
Radical GUI builder - jEdit plugin (rad-jedit.jar v0.1 by Shlomy Reinstein (Work of Richard S. Hall))
Submitted by shlomy on Friday, 21 September, 2007 - 21:43

Radical is a GUI builder that can work as a jEdit plugin: Project author is (or was) Richard S. Hall. Project development stopped a while ago, and I'm trying to revive and modernize it now.

The version provided here works (to some extent) within jEdit. You can generate Java source code from the GUIs you create. Feel free to try it and comment on it. Please read the usage instructions provided on the web page; some learning is required in order to use the tool, but it's a great tool in my opinion. The main thing I'd like to do is use an XML persistence model for the forms (possibly an existing open source XML model like SwingML) instead of the binary format currently used.

The jar file attached here is built against the latest development version of jEdit trunk, 10708. But I assume it can work with older versions too as the plugin itself is quite old.

SyntaxHelper (SyntaxHelperPlugin.jar v0.1 by Shlomy Reinstein)
Submitted by shlomy on Friday, 7 September, 2007 - 02:52
The SyntaxHelper plugin maks it easier to configure the syntax highlighting styles in jEdit by providing the syntax highlighting option pane in a dockable, with the following features: 1. Immediate feedback in the buffer when a style is changed 2. Ability to cancel changes to styles 3. Tracking the caret and marking the style used for the token under the caret.

Note: This plugin works only with the development (SVN trunk) version of jEdit. It won't work with jEdit 4.3pre10.

10 Sep: Updated with a few bug fixes.

CodeBrowser with function highlight ( v1.5 by Manil)
Submitted by Manil on Tuesday, 18 July, 2006 - 23:07
If someone wants to use this version of CodeBrowser it is based on version 1.4.3 of CodeBrowser but it will highlight the current Tag (depending on the Caret position). If you find any bug please notify me. I included the jar file and the source code, if someone can make it available for the next release of CodeBrowser it will be great, i don't have access to CVS, and i am not an official developeur for jEdit. I'll be happy to participate to this great text editor.... Comments are wellcome... Manil
RecursiveOpen plugin update for 4.3pre3 (RecursiveOpen.jar vn/a by nick durcholz)
Submitted by nick.durcholz on Friday, 23 June, 2006 - 16:11
This jar file is compatible with 4.3 pre3. Also includes new ignore lists option.
JavaSideKick 2.0 (JavaSideKick.jar v2.0 by Dale Anson)
Submitted by daleanson on Tuesday, 17 January, 2006 - 18:44
This is a pre-built binary of JavaSideKick 2.0. The parser was built with JavaCC 4.0. There have been some issues with the parser when it was built with JavaCC 3.2 where the parser would hang and consume all CPU cycles. JavaCC 4.0 has made some changes in stream handling, and so far, I've been unable to reproduce the "hang" with this version of the parser. I'd appreciate any feedback be posted to either the jEdit user or development mailing lists.
  • 14 Feb 2006: updated jar file, should fix the problem mentioned about the beanshell/gotodockable error.
  • 17 Feb 2006: apparently I compiled the previous file with Java 1.5. I've recompiled with Java 1.4 and updated the jar.
  • 24 Feb 2006: removed the menu item to show the structure browser, use the SideKick menu item instead. Updated code completion, it's better, but it's still not complete.
  • 30 Mar 2006: JavaSideKick 2.0.2 is out, the attached is 2.1.0. More updates to code completion, and added ability to show javacc files in the tree.
  • 13 Apr 2006: Attached JavaSideKick 2.1.1, as usual, more minor updates to code completion, some clean up of the javacc browser.
TigerBrowser, yet another Java code browser, supports Java 1.5 (JBrowse.jar v1.0 by Dale Anson)
Submitted by daleanson on Thursday, 15 December, 2005 - 17:28
TigerBrowser is yet another Java source code browser. It's named "TigerBrowser" after Sun's code name for Java 1.5. Java 1.5 introduced new language syntax that isn't supported (yet) by the existing Java code browser plugins. This is a "simple" browser, there are no options, it only parses Java files, and there aren't any nice icons to help tell what's what. On the other hand, the code parsing is excellent (it's based on the reference Java 1.5 grammar for javacc) and supports all Java 1.5 and earlier syntax.
  • 18 Dec 2005: I've updated the link to the download, the new file is my first attempt to make TigerBrowser be a JBrowse replacement.
  • 20 Dec 2005: I've updated the link again, this is the "final" version of JBrowse using the TigerParser. Assuming no one finds any glaring bugs, this is the version that will be in the next plugin release.
BufferLocal 1.2.4 update (BufferLocalPlugin.jar v1.2.4 by Dale Anson)
Submitted by daleanson on Wednesday, 14 December, 2005 - 15:45
A minor update to the BufferLocal plugin that will restore the encoding of a file as well as other buffer local properties.
LogViewer 0.6 beta (LogViewer.jar v0.6 by Dale Anson)
Submitted by daleanson on Thursday, 3 November, 2005 - 20:51
I've made a bunch of changes to LogViewer to better support parsing of log files so irrelevant entries can be skipped, and only relevant portions of the log file displayed. I'm still working on the documentation, but the example xml configuration file in the help for the plugin has fairly detailed explanations. Please post feedback on the jEdit users list.
ProjectViewer 2.1.1 Beta (ProjectViewer.jar v2.1.0.91 by Marcelo Vanzin)
Submitted by vanzin on Saturday, 8 October, 2005 - 23:06
New beta version of next ProjectViewer release. This version contains a few bug fixes reported from the previous beta, some fixes to the extension mechanism for other plugins, and a new event used by the next release of Console.
Editmodes for SwitchBuffer (EditmodesForSwitchBuffer.jar v0.1 by Jeroen Budts (TeRanEX))
Submitted by TeRanEX on Monday, 26 September, 2005 - 21:38

A dataprovider for the new SwitchBuffer, which is currently in beta and can be found here, to make it possible to change the editmode of a buffer, by using SwitchBuffer.

You can get the source by using DARCS:
$ darcs get

Also available from

HDL Parser (HDLParser.jar v0.2 by Igor Lesik)
Submitted by curoles on Tuesday, 2 August, 2005 - 22:44
Now supports VHDL
jEdit EditPanes for SwitchBuffer (JEditEditPanesForSwitchBuffer.jar v0.1 by Lee Turner)
Submitted by lturner on Tuesday, 11 January, 2005 - 11:13
This is a bit of a silly example that provides SwitchBuffer with a list of files in different jEdit EditPanes (ie when the user has their view split). If all splits are displaying the same file then nothing will be displayed in the SwitchBuffer dialog, otherwise selecting a file from the list will give focus to that editpane.
jEdit Actions for SwitchBuffer (JEditActionsForSwitchBuffer.jar v0.1 by Lee Turner)
Submitted by lturner on Tuesday, 11 January, 2005 - 11:05
This plugin provides the ability to execute any jEdit action pretty much like the jEdit action bar.
SideKick for SwitchBuffer (SideKickForSwitchBuffer.jar v0.1 by Lee Turner)
Submitted by lturner on Tuesday, 11 January, 2005 - 10:59
This plugin provides a the SwitchBuffer core with the ability to view all items in the SideKick tree. I am currently updating this plugin to allow the user to filter the information that comes from the SideKick tree based on the edit mode. This will be in the next release.

This plugin requires SideKick 0.3.1
ProjectViewer for SwitchBuffer (ProjectViewerForSwitchBuffer.jar v0.1 by Lee Turner)
Submitted by lturner on Tuesday, 11 January, 2005 - 10:44
This plugin provides the SwitchBuffer core with the ability to view all files in the currently selected project within the ProjectViewer plugin.

This plugin requires ProjectViewer 2.0.4 and SwitchBuffer 2.0pre2
Markers for SwitchBuffer (MarkersForSwitchBuffer.jar v0.1 by Lee Turner)
Submitted by lturner on Tuesday, 11 January, 2005 - 10:40
This plugin provides the SwitchBuffer core with the ability to markers across all open buffers. This functionality was previously in the pre1 release of SwitchBuffer 2.0 but has now been taken out. This plugin has a few options available in the plugin options dialog.

This plugin requires SwitchBuffer 2.0pre2
Recent Files for SwitchBuffer (RecentFilesForSwitchBuffer.jar v0.1 by Lee Turner)
Submitted by lturner on Tuesday, 11 January, 2005 - 10:36
This plugin provides the SwitchBuffer core with the ability to view recent files. This functionality was previously in the pre1 release of SwitchBuffer 2.0 but has now been taken out.

This plugin requires SwitchBuffer 2..0pre2
SwitchBuffer 2.0pre2 (SwitchBuffer.jar v2.0pre2 by Lee Turner)
Submitted by lturner on Tuesday, 11 January, 2005 - 10:10
This pre2 version of SwitchBuffer has taken a little bit of a turn in direction from the pre1 release. A number of the features that were added to SwitchBuffer 2.pre1 have been removed and the core of SwitchBuffer has now gone back to its roots and only implements an open buffer switch and a file suffix switch. This keeps the SwitchBuffer core nice and compact without the markers and recent file switch.

The major change in the pre2 release is that SwitchBuffer now implements the jEdit Service API which means that other plugins can provide the data to be viewed in the SwitchBuffer dialog. This opens up a whole load of possibilities for what SwitchBuffer can used for.
SourceControl 0.7.1 (SourceControl.jar v0.7.1 by Mirco Bova)
Submitted by mirco.bova on Friday, 7 January, 2005 - 09:31
This second release of 0.7 introduces some changes in Perforce implementation that support multiple clients (i.e. p4 is executed in the same directory as the file involved in the operation). Thanks to Greg Bail who contributed the code.
SourceControl plugin 0.7 beta release ( v0.7 by Mirco Bova)
Submitted by mirco.bova on Wednesday, 5 January, 2005 - 09:17
The 0.7 version of the SourceControl plugin features an embrional support for CVS. It also includes a number of bugfixes and improvements to perforce and VSS implementations from different authors. BR, Mirco
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