jEdit Community - Resources for users of the jEdit Text Editor
New Line Ignorer
Submitted by sdexp on Friday, 12 August, 2005 - 03:28
jEdit is great with handling the newline (/n, /r, or /n/r) arguments. However, it needs to be able to ignore them to with find and replace given an option is checked. This option should be located under the HyperSearch checkmark.

I love jEdit. Thanks.
Retain selection
Submitted by bmiller on Monday, 8 August, 2005 - 13:41
It would be *very* handy if selections were retained after undo. In other words, if one were to select a block of text, cut/delete it, and then hit undo, the text would (obviously) be returned, and the selection of said text would also return, giving you a better idea of exactly what you had undone.
dockable Search window
Submitted by cajetanus on Saturday, 30 July, 2005 - 12:42
I couldn't find this in any of the plugins.

Would it be possible to have the search dialog as a dockable item? For instance, it would be nice to have it on the right side, maybe with the hypersearch results beneath like in the file browser.

The current search dialog is a pain to use. It hides my text, doesn't disappear and is just plain annoying like all dialog boxes are. I like jEdit because almost everything can be put on the docks, and are instantly available when I want them. This search dialog seems to be the only exception. I know that there exists the search tool bar (which I now use almost exclusively, as I repeat, I AM SICK AND TIRED OF THIS STUPID SEARCH DIALOG - wow, glad to get that off my chest). However from this tool bar you cannot search directories. What do I need to do to have this option?

Also, it would be nicer if the multiple file search was a little faster. It seems to take forever on a regular expression...

Thanks for listening.
Flash Plugin
Submitted by Anonymous on Friday, 29 July, 2005 - 10:11
Give it a web based jEdit Version, where i can programm imploded flash or shockwave features use? i will change the structure of my website (Telefonkonferenz to write it complett in jEdit.
ClearType on Windows
Submitted by Anonymous on Sunday, 10 July, 2005 - 18:47
ClearType antialiasing available on Windows is a lot better than jEdit's font smoothing. I have noticed that Eclipse, which I believe to be written in Java as well, and which I run on the same JVM, uses Windows' font smoothing. It would be great if jEdit allowed for this option.
REQUEST - General CODE completion via TAGS and editmode xml data
Submitted by wrongway on Friday, 13 May, 2005 - 11:12
Greetings you wonderful jedit coders and hackers. I write today with a feature request ... General CODE completion via TAGS and editmode xml data...

I see many people asking for code completion for various langs, and I feel a simple implementation via the TAGS file, and modes.xml data, can work for a whole slew of langs.

Basically have a shortcut (ie ctrl+space) that would grab the previous word, and check for matches in the tags and the editmode xml data, showing a popup with the list of matching keywords for completion.

It seems like it would be a fairly easy plugin for an experienced jedit hacker.

Thanks in advance..

Glob should have an "AND" operation
Submitted by Bradlis7 on Saturday, 7 May, 2005 - 03:55
I was just messing around with glob, and there's no way to have an AND search. For example, if I do "{*.*, !{*.jpg, *.gif}}" it returns everything, even jpg and gif files. This example is kind of pointless, because you can do it without *.*, but I would like to see a way to do this. Another example, if I wanted to filter files that had "ca" in it but not image files, I don't think it's possible. "{*ca*.*, !{*.jpg, *.gif}}" would not exclude images. Maybe it could be "{*ca*.* + !{*.jpg, *.gif}}" or just use "AND".

If no one else thinks so, it doesn't really matter to me. It's just my 2 cents.
Extending the UNDO function
Submitted by Anonymous on Friday, 6 May, 2005 - 22:59
Whenever I'm typing a line of text, and I realize that I made a typo, I'm used to hitting and/or holding CTRL-Z to undo the letters I've just typed until I get to my error. But when I hit CTRL-Z, it un-does the entire line. Some might say to just use the backspace, because that's what it's there for. So then I press/hold the backspace and sometimes I end up erasing too many chars. So I press CTRL-Z again, and it'll rewrite all the text I just erased. I guess the solution to that is, don't mess up. But if I could do that, I wouldn't need an undo function.

Anyway, is it possible to add an option that simplifies the undo function to undo the last basic action/keystroke?
Extending the UNDO function
Submitted by Anonymous on Friday, 6 May, 2005 - 22:59
Whenever I'm typing a line of text, and I realize that I made a typo, I'm used to hitting and/or holding CTRL-Z to undo the letters I've just typed until I get to my error. But when I hit CTRL-Z, it un-does the entire line. Some might say to just use the backspace, because that's what it's there for. So then I press/hold the backspace and sometimes I end up erasing too many chars. So I press CTRL-Z again, and it'll rewrite all the text I just erased. I guess the solution to that is, don't mess up. But if I could do that, I wouldn't need an undo function.

Anyway, is it possible to add an option that simplifies the undo function to undo the last basic action/keystroke?
Getting off the docking strip
Submitted by Anonymous on Friday, 6 May, 2005 - 19:51
Please, would it be possible to switch off the docking strip? I don't want to see it (the panel) anymore. For better explanation, see
auto tab behavior
Submitted by Anonymous on Monday, 2 May, 2005 - 14:02
I would like to be able to select the 'tabbing' behavior to match my coding style. The only behavior I see now is to force my next line to start to the right of where ever I am typing. What I would like is:


and NOT


Well the forum doesn't do my request justice - all of my spaces have been swallowed up.
Try editing my submission to see what I am talking about.

Anyway - my Windows based editor does the behavior I want but I am trying to use jedit in linux full time.
Please help!
Typing anywhere on page
Submitted by Anonymous on Monday, 2 May, 2005 - 13:54
I would like to be able to position the cursor anywhere within the editor window and begin typing at that location.

The current behavior is to force me back to the beginning of the line at the left hand side.

My Windows based editor does this but I am trying to move in to linux full time.

Lost features moving from 4.1 to 4.2
Submitted by Anonymous on Thursday, 28 April, 2005 - 22:21
When I had 4.1 installed using the Windows installer, I could right click on multiple files and I would get an option to Open All of the files in the same editor. With 4.2, that feature seems to be missing. Now I just get the "Open with jEdit", but it will open each file in a separate editor. Why was this feature removed in 4.2?
Lost features moving from 4.1 to 4.2
Submitted by Anonymous on Thursday, 28 April, 2005 - 21:02
When I had 4.1 installed using the Windows installer, I could right click on multiple files and I would get an option to Open All of the files in the same editor. With 4.2, that feature seems to be missing. Now I just get the "Open with jEdit", but it will open each file in a separate editor. Why was this feature removed in 4.2?
Character encoding selection in Open file dialog
Submitted by Anonymous on Thursday, 21 April, 2005 - 23:53
I would appreciate option to choose character encoding in Open file dialog.
jEdit has troubles when opened document is not in default encoding: Utilities - Buffef options - Character encoding doesnt help, jEdit often converts wrong displayed characters to another encoding instead of reloading document with proper encoding
Word separation in bumpyCaps strings
Submitted by Anonymous on Sunday, 10 April, 2005 - 16:45
bumpyCaps are a very common convention for variable names etc. It would be cool if jEdit offered the option of separating words based on capitalization as well. "bumpyCaps" would then be two words.

If implemented, this option should probably be relative to the edit mode and, of course, optional.
Need function highlighting in CodeBrowser plugin
Submitted by Anonymous on Friday, 8 April, 2005 - 09:04
One of the frequent things I run into is that I search for a word or a tag in my
C program and end up somewhere in a file. I end up scrolling up the screen to know
which function the cursor is in and come back to the cursor position. A nice feature
would be if the CodeBrowser plugin can highlight the function in which the cursor is
currently located.

--Hemanth P.S.
Mouse-related usability
Submitted by Anonymous on Tuesday, 5 April, 2005 - 22:21
I can't select entire line/multiple lines by clicking line numbers column (I find this very useful)

No drag'n'drop edit (ok, I can live without that one)

Docked panels/windows aren't clickable on the edge of the window (they're shifted 1 pixel off the edge).
That is a waste in terms of Fittz's Law - you lose "infinite" clickable area.
Jar Creator could include a .jad creator
Submitted by Anonymous on Thursday, 31 March, 2005 - 19:49
for us j2me monkeys.

They're simple text files, so not too difficult...
Floating Window: Always on Top
Submitted by Anonymous on Wednesday, 30 March, 2005 - 21:15
There are many options/plugins in jEdit that offer the option between a floating window, or one which is docked (top/right/bottom/left). It would be nice to have a floating window always ontop. Sometimes docking the window uses too much space, but you don't want to love the floating window when you change focus back to your code.
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Total votes: 1093
file   ver   dls
German Localization light   107140
Context Free Art (*.cfdg)   0.31   46064
BBEdit scheme   1.0   18603
JBuilder scheme   .001   18504
ColdFusion scheme   1.0   18034
R Edit Mode - extensive version   0.1   17483
Advanced HTML edit mode   1.0   16215
Matlab Edit Mode   1.0   16079
jEdit XP icons   1.0   15238
XP icons for jEdit   1.1   14302