Macros that manipulate text
You store all your snippets as separate text files in the c:\snippets directory (hard-code another location if you like). When you run the macro it pops up a JList selection box where you can choose which snippet to paste.
Updated on 04/27/2007 - 19:25
Downloads: 1595
This is just similar to the sort function in Editplus 2.
- Order - Either ascending order or descending order.
- Starting column - Enter a column number from which the sorting operation begins. The text before this column number will be sorted when string after the column is the same. Enter an integer value great than or equals to 1.
- Case sensitive - The case-sensitive comparison option.
- Remove duplicates - Remove any duplicated line after the sorting option.
Updated on 09/04/2007 - 15:00
Downloads: 3099
- Remove duplicated lines
- Ignore case sorting
Updated on 05/31/2008 - 13:12
Downloads: 5875
Updated on 12/16/2003 - 23:24
Downloads: 2173
This script is designed to help with inline markup of strings for reStructuredText, AsciiDoc, txt2tags, or other similar Lightweight markup languages. Of course, you can use it on *any* plain text where you want to convey extra meaning to the contents.
Similarly to the XML plugin, it can surround multiple selections with the string requested by the user (by default, an asterisk- "*"). To be accepted as valid markup, though, the string must be at the start or end of the word, so the macro inserts the string at the closest word boundary without shrinking the selection. The selection is preserved, making it easier to apply another markup command afterwards.
Unlike the Add_Prefix_and_Suffix.bsh macro, this one operates on selections, not selected lines.
Updated on 10/29/2007 - 11:31
Downloads: 1085
- When there is no selection in buffer, it joins current line and next NON-empty line, removing any whitespace content between them.
- If some text is selected, all empty lines within selected regions are removed.
Updated on 01/14/2004 - 13:39
Downloads: 1856
Updated on 03/17/2008 - 08:48
Downloads: 1314
UpdateIndex scans the current buffer, makes a list of all the headers, and replaces the section titled "Index" with this list.
For example: Index old items no longer present shopping list peaches apples calls to make call Larry call Moe call Curly After running UpdateIndex macro the file will be: Index shopping list calls to make shopping list peaches apples calls to make call Larry call Moe call CurlyIt works really well in conjunction with my WikiWord.bsh macro which can turn each header into an active link.
Updated on 11/17/2010 - 02:30
Downloads: 852
- - Upper Case
- - Lower Case
- - Invert Case
- - Capitalize Case
Updated on 05/30/2008 - 20:51
Downloads: 4415
Updated on 11/09/2009 - 18:41
Downloads: 814