jEdit Community - Resources for users of the jEdit Text Editor
6502 assembly edit mode (assembly-6502.xml v0.1 by Aaron Forrest)
Submitted by aarfo on Wednesday, 31 May, 2006 - 01:46
Edit mode for 6502 assembly language, with highlighting for XASM assembler directives
Be sure to add the following line to your modes/catalog file
<MODE NAME="assembly-6502" FILE="assembly-6502.xml" FILE_NAME_GLOB="*.asm" />
Toggle_Toolbar.bsh v1 by Oswald
Submitted by Oswald on Saturday, 20 May, 2006 - 21:07
Toggle view of main toolbar. You can assign some shortcut for this macro and change view of main toolbar without opening Options dialog.
Model/Controller Switcher for RoR developers (toggle_model_controller.bsh v0.1 by vovan)
Submitted by vovan on Monday, 15 May, 2006 - 10:40
The macros opens a Controller file in the current buffer if you're editing a Model and vice versa.
Select and iterate through string literals (selectStr.bsh v0.1 by Mehmet Soyturk "myavuzselim")
Submitted by myavuzselim on Friday, 14 April, 2006 - 08:04
  • Calling this macro once selects text between the doublequotes around the caret, doublequotes exclusive.
  • A second call selects also the doublequotes.
  • By calling the macro multiple times, you iterate through the string literals in your file from left to right.
  • It takes java/c++ escape sequences into consideration.
JavaSideKick 2.0 (JavaSideKick.jar v2.0 by Dale Anson)
Submitted by daleanson on Tuesday, 17 January, 2006 - 18:44
This is a pre-built binary of JavaSideKick 2.0. The parser was built with JavaCC 4.0. There have been some issues with the parser when it was built with JavaCC 3.2 where the parser would hang and consume all CPU cycles. JavaCC 4.0 has made some changes in stream handling, and so far, I've been unable to reproduce the "hang" with this version of the parser. I'd appreciate any feedback be posted to either the jEdit user or development mailing lists.
  • 14 Feb 2006: updated jar file, should fix the problem mentioned about the beanshell/gotodockable error.
  • 17 Feb 2006: apparently I compiled the previous file with Java 1.5. I've recompiled with Java 1.4 and updated the jar.
  • 24 Feb 2006: removed the menu item to show the structure browser, use the SideKick menu item instead. Updated code completion, it's better, but it's still not complete.
  • 30 Mar 2006: JavaSideKick 2.0.2 is out, the attached is 2.1.0. More updates to code completion, and added ability to show javacc files in the tree.
  • 13 Apr 2006: Attached JavaSideKick 2.1.1, as usual, more minor updates to code completion, some clean up of the javacc browser.
Previous word actions with nice whitespace eating and selection movement actions ( v0.1 by Stefan Rank)
Submitted by wrstlprmpft on Friday, 7 April, 2006 - 15:07

PrevWord.bsh - like Go to Previous Word (Eat Whitespace) but don't eat whitespace in front of the word.

SelectPrevWord.bsh - like Select Previous Word (Eat Whitespace) but don't eat whitespace in front of the word.

BackspaceWord.bsh - like Delete Previous Word (Eat Whitespace) but don't eat whitespace in front of the word.

Using these for the shortcuts C-left, CS-left, and C-backspace gives you word movement that always stops at the beginning of words, but does not stop at the end of words. (For the 'Next' variants use the standard actions with (Eat Whitespace))

The Move_Selection_* macros allow you to ... well, move the current selection around. If you like you can bind them to complicated shortcuts and ruin your fingers. ;-)

(I use AS- plus the standard movement keys... e.g. ASC-left to move past one word on the left)

There is lots of ugly code duplication in these macros, but I guess it's ok as these should not be macros but builtin anyway. :-)

UMN Mapserver Mapfile Edit Mode (mapfile.xml v1.0 by Kenton Williams)
Submitted by williamskg6 on Tuesday, 21 March, 2006 - 19:14
This is a University of Minnesota Mapserver Mapfile edit mode for syntax highlighting while creating mapfiles. You can visit the UMN Mapserver website at for more details about Mapserver.
C++ fonction declaration to definition (declarationToImplementation.bsh v0.1 by clement)
Submitted by clement on Friday, 17 March, 2006 - 13:33
Macro that transform a C++ fonction declaration into a fonction definition. The class name is added according to filename of current buffer. To use, copy the fonction declaration into the .cpp file you want to define the fonction and apply the macro. The semi-colon at end of declaration is expected to be copied and is removed. Happy coding, Clément.
Duplicate Selection/Line macros (Duplicate_Selection_Line.bsh v1.0 by Sergey Kojin)
Submitted by runmen on Thursday, 16 March, 2006 - 17:17
This is modified version of original Duplicate_Line.bsh that allow duplicate not only lines, but also selection, like in IntelliJ IDEA Ctlr+D (duplicate) feature Checked for jEdit 4.3.pre3
Date Tag Buddy (Date_Tag_Buddy.bsh v0.2 by Ralf Kintrup)
Submitted by RalfK on Tuesday, 7 March, 2006 - 11:12
[READ THIS USING THE MACRO MANAGER] Updates certain date value tags in an HTML buffer (the current edit mode must be "html"): 1. Updates the date value of a modification date tag:
Last modified: 01 Mar 2006
2. Updates the year in a copyright text: © Me 2006 Updates all "includes" in an HTML buffer. An include is defined as two HTML comments where the first one contains the path to a file that should be inserted between the comments: The path can be relative, as in the example, or absolute. Included files may contain date tags. The date tag and "include" updates can be automatically updated when the buffer is saved. Therefore install Ollie Rutherfurd's ActionHooks plugin ( and set it up: 1. Add the Date Tag Buddy macro to the "BufferUpdate.SAVED" event list. 2. Configure the ActionHooks plugin to start up with JEdit. This ensures that date tags and "includes" are automatically updated whenever the HTML buffer is saved. A modification tag is identified by
. A copyright text is identified by © and . The macro assumes that the date value is located at the end of each tag. To change the default behavior of the macro you can modify the constants at its end. Checked for jEdit 4.3pre3 API.
Make bookmarklet (Make_Bookmarklet.bsh v1.0 by d delvin johnson)
Submitted by delvinj on Saturday, 11 March, 2006 - 01:38
Make_Bookmarklet.bsh -- removes the newlines and tabs in the current buffer, making the text appropriate for use as a javascript bookmarklet.
Automatically run Ant on the default target of the build file for frontmost buffer (Run.bsh v1.0 by Philip Weaver)
Submitted by philmaker on Tuesday, 7 March, 2006 - 09:47
It's kind of cumbersome to have to switch between ProjectViewer and AntFarm during development. So I created this simple macro (3 lines) to allow me to press command-r to run the nearest build file for the frontmost buffer. You'll also need to create a keyboard shortcut yourself.

The script assumes that AntFarm and ProjectViewer are docked in the same pane. Whenever AntFarm runs, its panel becomes visible automatically, so the macro quickly switches it back to ProjectViewer (which I always leave open.)

If you have any questions or would like to enhance this, feel free to contact me at philip at philmaker dot com. All of this is documented in jEdit help:

- Console Plugin Help: 6. Macros and the Console plugin
- AntFarm Plugin Help: 5. The Ant Shell
- jEdit API Reference: org.gjt.sp.jedit.gui.DockableWindowManager
AVR Assembly syntax highlighting (assembly-avr.xml v0.1 by Bernd Klein)
Submitted by BerndKlein on Sunday, 5 February, 2006 - 16:42
This file contains all keywords for ATMEL avr microcontrollers.
ATtiny and ATmega

if something is missing, please contact me via mail

You find a AVRA-Compiler extension and a avrdude download utility under "commando files"
AVRdude download utility (avrdude.xml v0.1 by Bernd Klein)
Submitted by BerndKlein on Thursday, 9 February, 2006 - 07:27
Include this file into your Console-folder structure and you can download avr assembler hex files to your avr-board via avrdude

You need a proper installation of avrdude 5.0.x !

This file provides:
-> device-selection
-> programmer type ( I'm using parallel port, i didn't check if other types are working well)
-> writing to memory types (flash, eeprom, etc)
-> write/read from device
-> go into avr-terminalmode
-> erase flash before write

Version: 0.1

I only tested this file under Ubuntu Breezy Badger, it should be work on other distris too, but maybe not under windows

Your avrdude installation needs user access-rights to use the parallel-port, to get these rights for avrdude you should set the s-bit for avrdude
sudo chmod +s [path_to_your_avrdude_binary]/avrdude

If you get the below error-message:

avrdude: can't open device "/dev/parport0": No such file or directory
avrdude: failed to open parallel port "/dev/parport0

you have to include the kernel-module ppdev into your kernel. Easiest way to do this is to include the modules in you /etc/modules file:

sudo echo "ppdev" >>/etc/modules

After the next reboot the parallelport modules should be loaded automatically :-).
To include the module during "live" do this:
sudo modprobe ppdev

After this work, avrdude should be run without any errors

If something is missing, please contact me via mail
AVRA AVR Assembler compiler (avra.xml v0.1 by Bernd Klein)
Submitted by BerndKlein on Sunday, 5 February, 2006 - 16:52
Include this file into your Console-folder structure and you can compile avr-assembler files out from jEdit.

You need a proper installation of the avra assembler !

To get the latest version of avra, please go to:
Current version 1.1.0 - Build 372

Version: 0.1
If something is missing, please contact me via mail
LaTeX Menu Manager (LaTeX_Menu_Manager.bsh v1.2 by Jakub Holy)
Submitted by malyvelky on Monday, 31 January, 2005 - 12:12
When in tex mode create a top-level menu for LaTeX Tools This macro simplifes the work of people using (La)TeX with jEdit because it makes the menu of LaTeX Tools available in 1 click instead of 2 - 3. When a user switches into another buffer it's checked whether it is in the (la)tex mode and if so LaTeX Tool Plugin's menu is copied to the menu bar next to "Help" (i.e. a top-most menu is created for it). When the buffer is left the menu is removed. The macro could be easily modified for another mode,plugin combination (change the fields PLUGIN_CLASS and MODES) and with a bit more work it could handle multiple pairs of modes and plugins. The macro shall be placed in jEdit startup directory (e.g. /home/me/.jedit/startup/; find it from jEdit: Utilities->Settings Directory->More->startup) to load it automaticaly. If you want to load it manually: 1. Open the macro and in beanshell execute 'eval( textArea.getText() );' or 'source("path/to/macro")' to make the class available 2. In beanshell again execute 'new ModeMenuManager( view );' which will create an instance listening for edit mode changes & setting the menu.

1.1 - show the menu also for the 1st active buffer if it's TeX; so far you need to switch into a non-tex buffer and back
- check that the plugin is available 1.2 - work not only for tex but also for latex mode LIMITATIONS: Only one view is supported so far. If there're more requests I'll work out multiple-view support but otherwise I'll leave it as it is.
If you set edit mode of a buffer manually (in buffer options) the macro won't reflect it until you switch into another buffer and back

Donwload the LaTeX Tools plugin: You should also try a pretty useful latex macro from or (Files>Macros)
LaTeX Tools v. 0.5.1 only function with the mode 'tex'. If the buffer mode is 'latex' the plugin believes it's not a TeX file and so e.g. the Structure Browser doesn't work. i sumitted a bug for it. You may correct it yourself - see the plugin bug 1396913 (
XQuery syntax (XQuery.xml v0.5 by Andrey Siver)
Submitted by Siver on Thursday, 22 December, 2005 - 17:47
Simple syntax highlight for XQuery language.
TigerBrowser, yet another Java code browser, supports Java 1.5 (JBrowse.jar v1.0 by Dale Anson)
Submitted by daleanson on Thursday, 15 December, 2005 - 17:28
TigerBrowser is yet another Java source code browser. It's named "TigerBrowser" after Sun's code name for Java 1.5. Java 1.5 introduced new language syntax that isn't supported (yet) by the existing Java code browser plugins. This is a "simple" browser, there are no options, it only parses Java files, and there aren't any nice icons to help tell what's what. On the other hand, the code parsing is excellent (it's based on the reference Java 1.5 grammar for javacc) and supports all Java 1.5 and earlier syntax.
  • 18 Dec 2005: I've updated the link to the download, the new file is my first attempt to make TigerBrowser be a JBrowse replacement.
  • 20 Dec 2005: I've updated the link again, this is the "final" version of JBrowse using the TigerParser. Assuming no one finds any glaring bugs, this is the version that will be in the next plugin release.
perltidy.bsh v1.0 by Ygramul
Submitted by Ygramul on Saturday, 17 December, 2005 - 21:05
A quick way to `perltidy` the current buffer, results (and/or errors) being displayed in a new buffer.
BufferLocal 1.2.4 update (BufferLocalPlugin.jar v1.2.4 by Dale Anson)
Submitted by daleanson on Wednesday, 14 December, 2005 - 15:45
A minor update to the BufferLocal plugin that will restore the encoding of a file as well as other buffer local properties.
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