jEdit Community - Resources for users of the jEdit Text Editor
HDL Parser (HDLParser.jar v0.2 by Igor Lesik)
Submitted by curoles on Tuesday, 2 August, 2005 - 22:44
Now supports VHDL
jEdit EditPanes for SwitchBuffer (JEditEditPanesForSwitchBuffer.jar v0.1 by Lee Turner)
Submitted by lturner on Tuesday, 11 January, 2005 - 11:13
This is a bit of a silly example that provides SwitchBuffer with a list of files in different jEdit EditPanes (ie when the user has their view split). If all splits are displaying the same file then nothing will be displayed in the SwitchBuffer dialog, otherwise selecting a file from the list will give focus to that editpane.
jEdit Actions for SwitchBuffer (JEditActionsForSwitchBuffer.jar v0.1 by Lee Turner)
Submitted by lturner on Tuesday, 11 January, 2005 - 11:05
This plugin provides the ability to execute any jEdit action pretty much like the jEdit action bar.
SideKick for SwitchBuffer (SideKickForSwitchBuffer.jar v0.1 by Lee Turner)
Submitted by lturner on Tuesday, 11 January, 2005 - 10:59
This plugin provides a the SwitchBuffer core with the ability to view all items in the SideKick tree. I am currently updating this plugin to allow the user to filter the information that comes from the SideKick tree based on the edit mode. This will be in the next release.

This plugin requires SideKick 0.3.1
ProjectViewer for SwitchBuffer (ProjectViewerForSwitchBuffer.jar v0.1 by Lee Turner)
Submitted by lturner on Tuesday, 11 January, 2005 - 10:44
This plugin provides the SwitchBuffer core with the ability to view all files in the currently selected project within the ProjectViewer plugin.

This plugin requires ProjectViewer 2.0.4 and SwitchBuffer 2.0pre2
Markers for SwitchBuffer (MarkersForSwitchBuffer.jar v0.1 by Lee Turner)
Submitted by lturner on Tuesday, 11 January, 2005 - 10:40
This plugin provides the SwitchBuffer core with the ability to markers across all open buffers. This functionality was previously in the pre1 release of SwitchBuffer 2.0 but has now been taken out. This plugin has a few options available in the plugin options dialog.

This plugin requires SwitchBuffer 2.0pre2
Recent Files for SwitchBuffer (RecentFilesForSwitchBuffer.jar v0.1 by Lee Turner)
Submitted by lturner on Tuesday, 11 January, 2005 - 10:36
This plugin provides the SwitchBuffer core with the ability to view recent files. This functionality was previously in the pre1 release of SwitchBuffer 2.0 but has now been taken out.

This plugin requires SwitchBuffer 2..0pre2
SwitchBuffer 2.0pre2 (SwitchBuffer.jar v2.0pre2 by Lee Turner)
Submitted by lturner on Tuesday, 11 January, 2005 - 10:10
This pre2 version of SwitchBuffer has taken a little bit of a turn in direction from the pre1 release. A number of the features that were added to SwitchBuffer 2.pre1 have been removed and the core of SwitchBuffer has now gone back to its roots and only implements an open buffer switch and a file suffix switch. This keeps the SwitchBuffer core nice and compact without the markers and recent file switch.

The major change in the pre2 release is that SwitchBuffer now implements the jEdit Service API which means that other plugins can provide the data to be viewed in the SwitchBuffer dialog. This opens up a whole load of possibilities for what SwitchBuffer can used for.
SourceControl 0.7.1 (SourceControl.jar v0.7.1 by Mirco Bova)
Submitted by mirco.bova on Friday, 7 January, 2005 - 09:31
This second release of 0.7 introduces some changes in Perforce implementation that support multiple clients (i.e. p4 is executed in the same directory as the file involved in the operation). Thanks to Greg Bail who contributed the code.
SourceControl plugin 0.7 beta release ( v0.7 by Mirco Bova)
Submitted by mirco.bova on Wednesday, 5 January, 2005 - 09:17
The 0.7 version of the SourceControl plugin features an embrional support for CVS. It also includes a number of bugfixes and improvements to perforce and VSS implementations from different authors. BR, Mirco
JavaCore-aware JCompiler Plugin again ( v1.6.2 by Doug Breaux)
Submitted by doug on Friday, 9 July, 2004 - 02:26
I updated JCompiler to work with the latest (0.7.1) JavaCore. The AbstractClasspathSource constructor changes had broken the previous version.
JavaCore-aware JCompiler Plugin ( v1.6.1 by Doug Breaux)
Submitted by doug on Tuesday, 1 June, 2004 - 02:59
I created a JavaCore-aware version of JCompiler. First, I created a 4.2 version of JCompiler and called it 1.6.0 in its .props file. (The Plugin Central version is 1.5.0). I did put this version into CVS, but I forgot to ask the current maintainer's permission, so I may need to back that out.

In the meantime, I created a local version I called 1.6.1 that added basic interaction with JavaCore. It requires JavaCore and obtains its classpath and sourcepath from that plugin. However, I also provided and registered a simple JavaCore JCompilerClasspathSource implementation that simply uses the existing JCompiler OptionPane HistoryTextFields as the source.

If "JCompiler" is selected in JavaCore's option pane, JCompiler behaves exactly as it does today, except that I've rearranged the option pane to put classpath and sourcepath at the bottom.

If something other than "JCompiler" is selected in JavaCore, the JCompiler classpath and sourcepath fields on its option pane are disabled and a JLabel is added explaining that fact.

NOTE: Either way, the other JCompiler "classpath" options will still be added to what JavaCore returns: Required Library Path, Output Directory, and package of current source file.

I can see that this behaviour, as well as some others, are things some people might like to see done differently, and that's fine. Hopefully this is at least a good starting point and maybe even immediately beneficial to people wanting to use the Ant ClasspathSource implementation.

I'm uploading a zip with both the source and the compiled jar.

AntHelper for JavaCore (AntHelperForJavaCore.tar.gz v0.4 by Robert Fletcher)
Submitted by rfletch6 on Tuesday, 27 April, 2004 - 12:58
A JavaCore service that gets classpath/sourcepath from AntHelper. Requires JavaCore 0.7+ and AntHelper 0.8.4+. This version improves behaviour when dealing with files that do not have a build.xml.
XInsert fixed for 4.2 (XInsert.tgz vI have no by Nathan Tenney)
Submitted by euler on Wednesday, 25 February, 2004 - 01:40
I made a one line fix to XInsert to get it to load in jEdit 4.2pre9.
LaTeXTools Urgent Bug Fix. (LaTeXTools.jar v0.5.1 by Anthony Roy)
Submitted by antroy on Monday, 23 February, 2004 - 13:55
Version 0.5 of the plugin replaced the General Options pane in jEdit's Global Options with its own General Options. This release fixes that bug.
DocSynch ()
Submitted by klizza on Monday, 9 February, 2004 - 02:30
DocSynch is a collaborative editing system on top of IRC. By transforming single-user editors into multi-user editors, it allows to remotely edit text documents together. This plugin for jEdit is the first and the reference implementation. You will need the IRC Plugin 2.0 and an IRC Server for communication. Currently you cannot edit in real-time, but you have to acquire a lock for a document before you can edit it. Improvements and new features concerning locking and real-time editing are planned for the next releases. UPLOADING DOES NOT WORK FOR SOME REASON. PLEASE DOWNLOAD at the sourceforge project for DocSynch:
OpenIt Plugin ( v1.03 by Matt Etheridge)
Submitted by matt_etheridge on Wednesday, 14 January, 2004 - 01:20
New OpenIt Plugin Version 1.03 * New "substring matching" functionality - if this configurable option is activated, any filename that contains this string will be found (previously the file was only found if the filename started with the specified string).
JDiff Plugin for Jedit 4.2 pre xx (JDiffPlugin-1.4.1.jar v1.4.1 by Andre Kaplan/Mark Wickens)
Submitted by NathanJones on Tuesday, 23 December, 2003 - 09:06
This is the JDiff plugin for Jedit 4.2 as I could not find it anywhere on the site. Appologies if you can get it elsewhere.
php complete plugin ( v0.0.4 by matteo galiazzo)
Submitted by eilart on Saturday, 20 December, 2003 - 15:45
This is a completion-code plugin for php. It parses the working file, the included/required files, if they are reacheable, builds an object oriented representation of the code, then popups a window with the prompts. The prompted elements are: - global, local variables (and the parameters if we are inside a function); - methods and variables of a class and the classes it extends from if we type -> after an object instance; - methods of a class if we type :: after a class name; - php functions from the selecteds function groups and predefined variables; - defines. You can switch-off/on the prompted elements with the checkboxes in the option panel.
LazyFolds plugin (LazyFolds.jar v0.3 by Robert Fletcher)
Submitted by rfletch6 on Tuesday, 16 December, 2003 - 10:24
A plugin that can automatically add explicit folds around certain constructs in a jEdit buffer. Rules for finding where to place folds and defining what text to include with the fold marker are defined in an XML file for each edit mode. The user can add XML rules files to their ~/.jedit/lazyfolds/ directory. The plugin has default rules for Java and JavaScript which can be used as a guide for how to build new rules files. Now supports Java 1.5 syntax
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German Localization light   106207
Context Free Art (*.cfdg)   0.31   46063
BBEdit scheme   1.0   18602
JBuilder scheme   .001   18503
ColdFusion scheme   1.0   18033
R Edit Mode - extensive version   0.1   17482
Advanced HTML edit mode   1.0   16214
Matlab Edit Mode   1.0   16078
jEdit XP icons   1.0   15237
XP icons for jEdit   1.1   14301