jEdit Community - Resources for users of the jEdit Text Editor
jEdit Actions for SwitchBuffer (JEditActionsForSwitchBuffer.jar v0.1 by Lee Turner)
Submitted by lturner on Tuesday, 11 January, 2005 - 11:05
This plugin provides the ability to execute any jEdit action pretty much like the jEdit action bar.
SideKick for SwitchBuffer (SideKickForSwitchBuffer.jar v0.1 by Lee Turner)
Submitted by lturner on Tuesday, 11 January, 2005 - 10:59
This plugin provides a the SwitchBuffer core with the ability to view all items in the SideKick tree. I am currently updating this plugin to allow the user to filter the information that comes from the SideKick tree based on the edit mode. This will be in the next release.

This plugin requires SideKick 0.3.1
ProjectViewer for SwitchBuffer (ProjectViewerForSwitchBuffer.jar v0.1 by Lee Turner)
Submitted by lturner on Tuesday, 11 January, 2005 - 10:44
This plugin provides the SwitchBuffer core with the ability to view all files in the currently selected project within the ProjectViewer plugin.

This plugin requires ProjectViewer 2.0.4 and SwitchBuffer 2.0pre2
Markers for SwitchBuffer (MarkersForSwitchBuffer.jar v0.1 by Lee Turner)
Submitted by lturner on Tuesday, 11 January, 2005 - 10:40
This plugin provides the SwitchBuffer core with the ability to markers across all open buffers. This functionality was previously in the pre1 release of SwitchBuffer 2.0 but has now been taken out. This plugin has a few options available in the plugin options dialog.

This plugin requires SwitchBuffer 2.0pre2
Recent Files for SwitchBuffer (RecentFilesForSwitchBuffer.jar v0.1 by Lee Turner)
Submitted by lturner on Tuesday, 11 January, 2005 - 10:36
This plugin provides the SwitchBuffer core with the ability to view recent files. This functionality was previously in the pre1 release of SwitchBuffer 2.0 but has now been taken out.

This plugin requires SwitchBuffer 2..0pre2
SwitchBuffer 2.0pre2 (SwitchBuffer.jar v2.0pre2 by Lee Turner)
Submitted by lturner on Tuesday, 11 January, 2005 - 10:10
This pre2 version of SwitchBuffer has taken a little bit of a turn in direction from the pre1 release. A number of the features that were added to SwitchBuffer 2.pre1 have been removed and the core of SwitchBuffer has now gone back to its roots and only implements an open buffer switch and a file suffix switch. This keeps the SwitchBuffer core nice and compact without the markers and recent file switch.

The major change in the pre2 release is that SwitchBuffer now implements the jEdit Service API which means that other plugins can provide the data to be viewed in the SwitchBuffer dialog. This opens up a whole load of possibilities for what SwitchBuffer can used for.
BMK SyncMods Commando (syncMods.xml v0.2 by Noel R. Cower)
Submitted by Noel Cower on Tuesday, 11 January, 2005 - 00:50
This commando is used to call syncmods for BMK without the hassle of going to a command prompt to do it.
BMK MakeMods Commando (makeMods.xml v0.2 by Noel R. Cower)
Submitted by Noel Cower on Tuesday, 11 January, 2005 - 00:49
This commando is used to call makemods for BMK without the hassle of going to a command prompt to do it.
BlitzMax Compiler Commando (bmk.xml v0.2 by Noel R. Cower)
Submitted by Noel Cower on Monday, 10 January, 2005 - 05:46
Allows you to compile BMX files and optionally execute the output when finished. Checking to see if an error has occurred and cancelling execution isn't included.
make Commando File (make.xml v1.1 by Jeff Jackowski)
Submitted by jeffj on Sunday, 25 January, 2004 - 23:24
Invokes make from the current buffer's directory. Works on Linux and with Cygwin.
BlitzMax Edit Mode (blitzmax.xml v0.2 by Noel Cower)
Submitted by Noel Cower on Sunday, 9 January, 2005 - 22:41
This is an edit mode for the BlitzMax language (found at It doesn't support multi-line comments as they're a bit problematic in jEdit (I'll work it out eventually). Auto-indentation is not supported. All normal BlitzMax keywords are in there.
SourceControl 0.7.1 (SourceControl.jar v0.7.1 by Mirco Bova)
Submitted by mirco.bova on Friday, 7 January, 2005 - 09:31
This second release of 0.7 introduces some changes in Perforce implementation that support multiple clients (i.e. p4 is executed in the same directory as the file involved in the operation). Thanks to Greg Bail who contributed the code.
SourceControl plugin 0.7 beta release ( v0.7 by Mirco Bova)
Submitted by mirco.bova on Wednesday, 5 January, 2005 - 09:17
The 0.7 version of the SourceControl plugin features an embrional support for CVS. It also includes a number of bugfixes and improvements to perforce and VSS implementations from different authors. BR, Mirco
Fortran 77/90/95 Syntax Highliting Improvement (fortran.xml v0.2 by Raffaele Borrelli)
Submitted by lello on Tuesday, 4 January, 2005 - 19:17
This file contains several improvements of the "very basic" Fortran mode which comes with jEdit. I have added all the new F90 intrinsic functions and used some SPAN_REGEXP for a correct highlighting of the END DO, END SUBROUTINE sequences. Hope this helps the (small?) Fortran community. Lello.
Assembly Edit Mode for TI C3x (assembly-c3x.xml v1.0 by Bill Finger)
Submitted by fingew on Thursday, 23 December, 2004 - 13:53
Edit mode for the TI C3x line of DSP processors.
Macros for use with Progress 4GL ( v1 by Patrick Tingen)
Submitted by ptingen on Monday, 20 December, 2004 - 07:27
Some macros that can come in handy when working with Progress 4GL:

The macros are:
 - Keywords_to_Lower_Case.bsh   
   This macro converts keywords to lower case.

 - Keywords_to_Upper_Case.bsh   
   This macro converts keywords to upper case (surprise eh?)

 - Make_Get_and_Set_Methods.bsh 
   This macro can make get and set functions for a variable. Place
   the cursor on a line containing 'define variable ' and activate 
   the macro. It will create get and set macros. It also works with 
   multiple define statements. Just select all lines and activate
   the macro. 

    define variable CustomerName as character.
    /* Name: getCustomerName
     * Desc: Returns the value of CustomerName.
    function: getCustomerName returns null:
      return CustomerName.
    end function. /* getCustomerName*/ 
    /* Name: setCustomerName
     * Desc: Sets the value of CustomerName.
    function: setCustomerName returns logical (par1 as null):
      assign CustomerName = par1.
      return true.
    end function. /* setCustomerName*/ 
 - ProcedureList.bsh
   This macro activates an advanced search command and gives
   a list of all internal procedures, triggers and functions in 
   your code. It presents them using the hypersearch panel. 

Have fun!
YAML mode (yaml.xml v1.1 by Alexander Klimetschek)
Submitted by klizza on Thursday, 2 December, 2004 - 00:42
An update to the 1.0 file from Carsten Eckelmann. It adds indent for yaml blocks (> |) and highlighting of quotes (" and ') and strings (!).
Nice Aqua icons for jEdit (Aqua-jedit-icons.jar vv.1.0 by ThON, with help from HYKO)
Submitted by thon on Wednesday, 17 November, 2004 - 18:54
Here is a nice (I think) collection of icons for jEdit, based on Aqua icons theme for KDE, which I've downloaded from Enjoy... (Simply place the .jar file in the $JAVA_DIR/jre/lib/ext directory and restart jEdit)
Vim like copy character above/ below macros ( v0.1 by Mark Woodward)
Submitted by Mark Woodward on Tuesday, 16 November, 2004 - 12:28
Two of the features in vim I find I use often is C-Y and C-E. What these do is copy either the character above the cursor (C-Y) or below it (C-E). This is a first take on that functionality in JEdit. Eg: If the line above is; System.out.println then using Copy_Char_Above (I have it mapped to CS-Y) will copy one character from the line above to the current line. If I held CS and hit Y 6 times I'd get; System. I could then write err for eg, then hold down CS-Y to complete the line; System.err.println Helpful when you have repetitive lines that you aren't likely to ever use again so theres no point assigning an abbreviation to it.
Modified Java Commando File ( includes 1.5 ) (javac.xml v0.01 by Mark Woodward)
Submitted by Mark Woodward on Tuesday, 16 November, 2004 - 11:34
This simply adds 1.5 as a target to the java.xml commando file. I've also made it the default and rearranged the others from most recent to oldest. Drop it in the ~/.jedit/console/commando folder and restart for it to take effect.
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Total votes: 1093
file   ver   dls
German Localization light   106208
Context Free Art (*.cfdg)   0.31   46064
BBEdit scheme   1.0   18602
JBuilder scheme   .001   18503
ColdFusion scheme   1.0   18033
R Edit Mode - extensive version   0.1   17482
Advanced HTML edit mode   1.0   16214
Matlab Edit Mode   1.0   16078
jEdit XP icons   1.0   15238
XP icons for jEdit   1.1   14301