jEdit Community - Resources for users of the jEdit Text Editor
Allow only one instance of JEdit?
Submitted by Hans_Bauer on Saturday, 28 August, 2004 - 06:25
To compensate the removal of jEditLauncher on windows i extended the windows context menu for files using Windows-PowerPro (Freeware). So i can right click on a file and choose my new menu item 'JEdit' to open this file.

The first time this opens JEdit with the selected file loaded. The second time the selected file will be additionally opened in the already running instance of JEdit, but also a new instance of JEdit is started with the same files loaded.

So it would be a very good feature to restict JEdit only to open one instance of itself. Is this possible?
Scroll less than one-line when in Soft word wrap mode
Submitted by Anonymous on Friday, 27 August, 2004 - 19:06

Let me begin by saying I love JEdit and use it on all my systems. Thanks to all who have contributed to this great open-source tool. A+

But to the feature request...
It would be great to have the ability to view only part of a line when in soft word wrap mode. When using JEdit I most always use the soft word wrap mode during composition, and it becomes a bit annoying when the buffer "jumps" long wrapped lines when scrolling. Also, sometimes it is the case where I would like to read the last few (wrapped) lines while simultaneously viewing a line at the other end of the buffer. It is disappointing to have screen space for this, yet be limited by the editor. I can imagine some complexity might arise out of combining this feature with window-width word wrapping, but I would gladly sacrifice window-width word wrapping for smooth word-wrap scrolling.

Again, thanks for the great tool,

- Adam Childs
Enhanced Docking windows for JEdit
Submitted by Anonymous on Tuesday, 24 August, 2004 - 20:33
Hello all,

Take a look at InfoNode It has a cool Docking Window for Java its also available under GPL. what do you think about including it into JEdit?

Hyperlink support in text buffer
Submitted by Anonymous on Friday, 20 August, 2004 - 10:06
Hello all,

first I want to thank all jEdit-Developers for their really great work! I love this Editor!
Nevertheless it would be great, if it would support hyperlinks in the text buffer.
So if you have constructs like in your text buffer it would be helpfull if it would be highlighted and a klick or CTRL+klick would call the standard browser with the respective URL.

What do you think about such a feature?

Best regards,
improved plugin-download error reporting
Submitted by andystreich on Monday, 16 August, 2004 - 06:33
The title of this is too brief. Here's what I mean:

Several times over the last few weeks as I've been adding/updating plugins I've gotten a connection time-out error. Each time I've waited an hour or so and tried again with success. Changing the error message for the time out error to suggest waiting and trying again seems like a good thing for new users.

I wonder if I'm not getting those errors when maintenance is being done on the website. If so, a REALLY informative message might suggest this as a possibility. It would give jEdit more of the feel of a polished product (which it is, I've become a true believer).

Most recent occurance of this has been in the last half hour with jEdit 4.2 pre15 on Win2K.
Bracket matching should also apply to angle bracket characters
Submitted by dbareis on Saturday, 14 August, 2004 - 07:39
Bracket matching matches for "()", "{}" and "[]", it should do the same for "<>" or please make it configurable. Bye, Dennis
Can't go past end of lines
Submitted by dbareis on Friday, 13 August, 2004 - 02:20

I've been using JEDIT fulltime for a while now and one of its most annoying features is that it won't let you go past the end of the line.

Other editors allow you to do this and backfill with witespace if something is typed. I should be able to down-arrow from a long line to a shorter one and not have the current position moved to the end of this line.

Am I missing an option, I've looked...

Wildcard Use in the File System Browser (open dialog)
Submitted by dbareis on Friday, 13 August, 2004 - 02:16

I'd expect the files matching the wildcard to be loaded... What happens is a session with an invalid name is opened.

Wildcards can be used from the command line but this also opens up a new JEDIT window (although that could be something I'm doing wrong).

Column Insertion/Overwrire
Submitted by dbareis on Friday, 13 August, 2004 - 02:12

I don't know if the plugin options "Column Insert" or "Block Fill Insert" are meant to do column insertion but if so they don't work, if not then this is a pretty basic feature that I'd expect the editor to have.

I'd expect to be able to cut/copy column data and be able to insert OR OVERWRITE elsewhere including past the ends of any existing lines (which appears to be another JEDIT limitation?).

Font substitution support
Submitted by CyberSkull on Thursday, 12 August, 2004 - 08:42
I've noticed that in MacOS X cocoa programs in text fields/areas that when a given unicode character is not available in the current font it substitutes it from another font. For instance, I am working on a simple card game for a class project and the editor font I use (Courier) does not have the characters I wish to use, being the 4 suits: ♣, ♦, ♥ & ♠. In a program like TextEdit or the Terminal, it would simply grab the characters from another font file, for example "Apple Symbols," a general substitution font (it's nothing but unicode symbols).

I was wondering if this auto-substitution could be incorporated into future versions of jEdit.

I use Courier as my editor font, so the following symbols are appear as empty blocks to me: ₢ ₤ ₥ ₦ ₧ ₨ ₩ ₪ ₫ ₭ ₮ ₯ ℀ ℁ ℂ ℃ ℄ ℅ ℆ ℇ ℈ ℉ ℊ ℋ ℌ ℍ ℎ ℏ ∀ ∃ ∅ ∇ ∉ ∰ ⊆ ⊕ ⋀ ⊾ ⑀ ⑁ ⑂ ⑃ ⑄ ⑅ ⑆ ⑇ ⑈ ⑉ ⑊ ╒ ═ ═ ╗ ☀ ☁ ☂ ☃ ☄ ☆ ☎ ☠ ☣ ☤ ☭ ☮ ☹ ☺ ☥ ☦ ☧ ☨ ☩ ☪ ☫ ☬ ☯ ☸ ☿ ♀ ♁ ♂ ♃ ♄ ♅ ♆ ♇ ♈ ♉ ♊ ♋ ♌ ♍ ♎ ♏ ♐ ♑ ♒ ♓ ♔ ♛ ♖ ♝ ♘ ♟ ♚ ♜ ♞ ♠ ♡ ♢ ♣ ⚀ ⚁ ⚂ ⚃ ⚄ ⚅ ⚆ ⚇ ⚈ ⚉ ♩ ♪ ♫ ♬ ♭ ♮ ♯ ♲ ♳ ♴ ♵ ♶ ♷ ♸ ♹ (This is maybe less than ¼ of the symbols font I mentioned earlier).

I do use a handful of these symbols on a regular basis in some of the documents I work on, believe it or not.
general folding tree view
Submitted by Anonymous on Tuesday, 10 August, 2004 - 14:31
It would be nice to have a view that displays the folding
of a file as a tree. I know, there are plugins (XML-Plugin,
CodeBrowser,...) that do this for specific languages. What
I'm looking for is a general tree view, that is able to
display a tree view for every file in every language that uses
folgin in one or the other way. I suggest that this sould be
added to the jedit core, as support for specific languages
should be implemented in a specific plugin, a general
folding tree view belongs to the core. Well, thats my opignon,
others may think different...

BTW.: JEdit is a very cool Text editor - Thank you, guys!

Back indent
Submitted by stif on Saturday, 7 August, 2004 - 11:04
When will JEdit have the back indenting feature for keywords like end in ruby, or </body> in html? Thats the only thing i really miss in JEdit - besides that I love JEdit Smiling
Task List accross multiple buffers
Submitted by smsm1 on Thursday, 5 August, 2004 - 15:02
How about an option to have Task List list all tasks in all currently open buffers? This would be more advantagous than just the current buffer, especially when you are using many small buffers.
Set buffer Read Only
Submitted by Anonymous on Tuesday, 3 August, 2004 - 20:00
I'd like jEdit to add the ability to set a buffer "Read Only", independently of filesystem permissions. This is useful to prevent accidental editing of a file that's open for reference only.
NEdit has this feature, and it's the one I miss most in jEdit.

source code de-comment
Submitted by Anonymous on Sunday, 1 August, 2004 - 12:45
I really enjoy the built in command for source code line comment.
it would be great to have a source code line de-comment command.
or even - a source code line comment toggle command.

Submitted by averydarkplace on Thursday, 29 July, 2004 - 19:53
I've used Visual Interdev for many years. I've been using jEdit for the past week. I like jEdit better. But the one thing that I miss from V Interdev, which I find vital, is intelliscence. Intelliscence is when you type in the name of a function and the editor displays a little pop-up of the parameter list. For example, type the word "instr(" and a yellow popup displays this: "instr(start,string,string2,[compare])".
How about a line sorter ...
Submitted by klaxon62 on Monday, 19 July, 2004 - 10:06
How about a line sorter ...
Given a set of lines or records, say tab delimited, sort the selected or all buffer lines based on at least the first field. Optionaly, sort on other fields. Better yet, sort on multiple criteria...

Something like this would be really sexy for some of what I do regularily. I can imagine it being handy for people who work with log files, CSV imports, 3rd party software imports and output, etc.
cut-paste as a stack
Submitted by kukuk on Friday, 16 July, 2004 - 23:51
I would like to be able to whenever i cut a whole line it goes on a stack, i can then easily cut-pase several places in the code as everything goes on the stack rather than being a register which only can contain a single value.

The cool CygnusEd under the amiga had this functionality using amiga-l and amiga-k if my memory serves me right Eye-wink
Clipper - more keyboard controls
Submitted by paulflory on Thursday, 15 July, 2004 - 04:36
Simple, killer little pluggie, Clipper is.

A few more features I'd love to see:

- Pressing Escape (or other user-defined key) pops you out of plugin, as Switch Buffer and others do.

- When Clipper is toggled on, focus should land on the list box, allowing me to start typing the first few chars of the clip-text I'm interested in selecting. Currently I need to grab the mouse, lug it to the list box, and only then can I start typing to find a clip.

- Alt/meta key combos to allow me to jump between the combo box and the list box without requiring me to use the mouse. Less mouse, more efficiency. (I've become obsessed with this concern)

- Short-cut keys should work for toggling Clipper both on *and* off. For example, I assigned Shift-Space to open/close Clipper. When I first hit the shortcut combo, Clipper opens, but when I type it again, Clipper sits there, poker-faced. It doesn't go away.

If these features were implemented, Clipper would be far sexier for power jEditors.

Otherwise, very cool plugin, thanks to André Kaplan.

Typing uppercase letters and correcting (recognize S-BS as BS)
Submitted by Anonymous on Friday, 9 July, 2004 - 10:58
One often needs to enter a uppercase word in TEXT.
For let's say 20 chars you don't touch caps-lock and do it via shift.
However if one does a typo, it's usual or simple to use Shift-BS to correct that.

Shift-BS is not recognized as Backspace. This would be nice.
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German Localization light   107140
Context Free Art (*.cfdg)   0.31   46064
BBEdit scheme   1.0   18603
JBuilder scheme   .001   18504
ColdFusion scheme   1.0   18034
R Edit Mode - extensive version   0.1   17483
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Matlab Edit Mode   1.0   16079
jEdit XP icons   1.0   15238
XP icons for jEdit   1.1   14302