jEdit Community - Resources for users of the jEdit Text Editor
PHP Constant Hightlighting
Submitted by ialsoagree on Friday, 21 November, 2008 - 23:59
I'm really confused. I downloaded jEdit on my laptop and on my desktop. As far as I can tell they are exactly the same.

However, my laptop styles variable type declarations (for example, putting (int) before a variable, the "(int)" would be in bold) and user-defined PHP constants in bold (that is, any text that appears on it's own would be bold if it were inside PHP tags) and my desktop does not.

I've searched the forums and the internet for hours trying to come up with a solution, and there doesn't seem to be anything that discusses these differences at all. I don't have access to my laptop right now and thus can't copy over the xml file to my desktop.

Would anybody be willing to tell me how to fix this? I've tried messing around with the xml file myself but can't get remotely close. Every solution I've attempted either affects everything but user-defined constants, or user-defined constants and just about everything else written in a PHP file. I thought throwing a new formatting near the button of an existing rule set (since I seem totally unable to make my own) would make it the last operation performed, but I was wrong. My rule seems to be the first thing to happen no matter where it's placed in the xml file.
Fold comments of different programming languages
Submitted by caracho on Friday, 21 November, 2008 - 22:40

It will help to legibility (clean code) to have a macro or plug in, that folded (or hided) the comments.

It is good to have an inline documentation, but sometimes it grows too much that hides the code.

I've tried to use SearchAndReplace, Fold and other commands but I don't know how to get the line where a comment begins (e.g. # for Python, ' for Visual Basic, // for Java)

Thanks and regards, caracho
more recent version of syntax highlighting
Submitted by ehmdjii on Sunday, 16 November, 2008 - 20:36

i was wondering if there is a more recent version of the syntax highlighting package here:

i'd like to create a texteditor in my java program that highlights some keywords and provides line numbers. does anyone know of a library that can accomplish that? thanks!
Abbreviation improvements
Submitted by zorglub76 on Monday, 10 November, 2008 - 11:11
I wanted to try the abbreviation feature. It seems really useful, but I have some suggestion for improvement:

1) Allow users to chose the sets they want
For instance, I want only HTML set to be enabled, not all of them.
How to implement it:
- The current checkbox ("Space bar expands abbrevs") should enable/disable all abbrev sets
- There should be another checkbox ("Enable this abbrev set") below the "Abbrev set" dropdown list. This one should enable/disable the current abbrev set
- There should also be another checkbox for "select/deselect all" abbrev sets (for resetting everything)

2) Allow users to choose the key for expanding abbrevs
Users should be allowed to choose if the abbrevs should be expanded by space, or some other key combination (e.g. "c-enter")

3) Create a shortcut for toggling abbreviation functionality
For instance, I would like to switch abbreviations on and off without going to main menu

What do you think?
Is this possible?
Accessibility & JEdit - A field of improvement!
Submitted by FMarrenbach on Tuesday, 4 November, 2008 - 09:52
Hello All!

JEdit is a powerful tool to support the development of source code and applications. the rise the usability is it possible to increase the accessibility for handicaped developer. Screen Reader like VoiceOver (Mac OS X) or JAWS (Windows) transform screen content into speech or brailie.

User of JEdit e.g. can not listen to their text while tipping or moving the cursor through the text.

Frank Marrenbach
Options for Ruby plugin! (especially for auto-complete)
Submitted by alanomaly on Saturday, 1 November, 2008 - 18:02
The Ruby plugin is great, but it contains a lot of features that change how normal data entry into a jEdit buffer works, and not all of these can be turned off.

In particular, I really, really want to turn off the auto-complete for ", (, /, etc. I know a lot of people like this feature, so I understand why it's turned on as default, but why is there no option to disable it? (other than uninstalling RubyPlugin, which I have now done)

Personally, the main reason I like jEdit is because it DOESN'T try to be helpful like this unless I tell it to - if I wanted TextMate or Aptana, I'd get it, thanks. I love the RubyPlugin API browser and error detection, and I'd really like to be able to use these features without the plug-in changing my favourite thing about jEdit.

Please, keep the feature, maybe even keep it as activated by default, but please let me disable it if I want to. It seems like exactly the sort of thing that should have a toggle-on, toggle-off feature.


(p.s. if anyone knows any hacks I could use now to cut it out myself I'd be really grateful, thanks)
Class interface for user
Submitted by LeGerfo on Thursday, 30 October, 2008 - 12:48

I would like to use source files JEDIT and use buffertext and another things, why you don't add a class user interface empty for user who want to add sources for him ?


shortcuts: differentiating between keys: left/right ALT key, left/right CTRL key and the left/right WIN key
Submitted by homeathouse on Friday, 24 October, 2008 - 00:32
jEdit does not distinguish between the two plus signs on a keyboard.

When I set a shortcut from Utilities> Global Options> Shortcuts, jEdit doesn't want to distinguish between the two plus signs on a keyboard. It sees typing plus sign ("+") using the number pad and a plus sign typing shift with the equals sign ("=") as typing the same key.

This also holds true for the left/right ALT key, left/right CTRL key and the left/right WIN key.

jEdit needs to distinguish between the keys so I can set a shortcut using the number pad plus sign while also leaving the plus sign (next to the backspace on the keyboard) not set to a shortcut.

AutoIt (Windows automation language) distinguishes between the following keys when setting a hotkey or sending text (using HotKeySet() and Send(), respectively):

Plus ("+") keys: {+}, {NUMPADADD}
ALT keys: {LALT}, {RALT}
WIN keys: {LWIN}, {RWIN}

Here are the Send Commands and the Resulting Keypress

Example using AutoItScript:

HotKeySet('{+}', 'ShowMessageOne')
HotKeySet('{NUMPADADD}', 'ShowMessageTwo')

Func ShowMessageOne()
MsgBox(4096,'','You pressed the plus sign next using SHIFT + PLUS SIGN!')
Func ShowMessageTwo()
MsgBox(4096,'','You pressed the plus sign next using the number pad!')
While 1

^In the above AutoItScript script, it differentiates between the two plus sign keys.

shortcut: toggle fold
Submitted by homeathouse on Thursday, 23 October, 2008 - 13:20
i am looking for a "toggle fold" shortcut setting--a shortcut to do the same thing as clicking the fold markers in the margin (left of the line numbers).

ExtJS support
Submitted by mirws on Wednesday, 15 October, 2008 - 00:36
I'm sure that ExtJS support would be great plugin...
I'll wait for the response Smiling
jEdit as a translation editor
Submitted by forkinpm on Saturday, 11 October, 2008 - 10:19
I am not a programmer but a writer, who writes in English and translates into German.
I am preparing a piece of documentation describing the use of jEdit as a carrier for a translation tool.
Initially it will be from an English source into German as a single target.
French, Italian and Spanish should be added as future target languages.
The jEdit editor has, I feel certainly the functionality, with its set of plugins to make a very useful translation base.
To whom can I address this request and introduce the dialog?
To whom can I send the document when it is ready?
An inital version, as a simple text document, will be ready by mid next week.
A version, as a HTML document, will be ready at worst two weeks later.
I could provide the necessary user and marketing documentation.
I hope that there is interest in such a project.
Regards, forkinpm.
Font substitution for missing characters?
Submitted by Landei on Sunday, 17 August, 2008 - 18:51
I use JEdit to write HTML pages containing Japanese. Unicode support is fine and all, but...
If I type in MS Word or Open Office using a Font which doesn't support Japanese characters, the application chooses another font in order to show them. This is more important as it sounds, because a lot of fonts containing Japanese look good when using Japanese, but you get eye cancer when using the Latin character set, and worse, their Latin subset is not monospaced (at least I found no such font for free).
So I'd suggest that you can define a font which will substitute all character the normal font can't display.

PHP Debugger - Xdebug
Submitted by ApeHanger on Friday, 8 August, 2008 - 11:29

i have been using jEdit for over 8 years, mostly for developing php apps. A useful feature would be the integration of xdebug in jEdit. Xdebug is widely supported by other IDEs:

* Dev-PHP (IDE: Windows)
* Eclipse plugin, which has been submitted as an enhancement for the PDT (IDE).
* ActiveState's Komodo (IDE: Windows, Linux, Mac; Commercial).
* NetBeans (IDE: Windows, Linux, Mac OS X and Solaris.
* Notepad++ plugin (IDE: Windows).
* WaterProof's PHPEdit (IDE, from version 2.10: Windows; Commercial).
* Anchor System's Peggy (IDE: Windows, Japanese; Commercial).
* MP Software's phpDesigner (IDE: Windows, Commercial).
* Protoeditor (Editor: Linux).
* tsWebeditor (Editor: Windows).
* Xored's TrueStudio IDE (IDE; Commercial).
* VIM plugin (Tutorial) (Editor Plugin).
* jcx software's VS.Php (MS Visual Studio Plugin; Commercial).
* XDebugClient - Standalone Windows client.

Thank you guys for jEdit!

With regards

Find Highlighted
Submitted by abc123 on Thursday, 17 July, 2008 - 10:05
When tracing through code I find it's quite useful to highlight a variable and then execute a key stroke to find the next occurrence of it (i.e. what can set the variable) or a different key stroke to find the previous occurrence of it. It would be particularly useful if when highlighting something, jedit yanked it into an area of memory, such that if you then changed to a different buffer, you'd still be able to execute your key stroke but find the word you'd highlighted in the previous buffer.

Does anyone else think this would be useful? I can nearly achieve this using some macros but I'd like to see this feature as a standard part of jedit.
Real full-screen functionality
Submitted by zorglub76 on Thursday, 17 July, 2008 - 09:05
Is it possible to create a full screen functionality? I mean **real** full screen functionality (not like that Full Screen macro).
My workspace is shrinking, since I use buffer tabs and docked windows, and my notebook's screen is 14" one. So full screen functionality would be very handy for me..
Sorting in MacroManager
Submitted by takeshin on Monday, 7 July, 2008 - 06:18
Macros in MacroManager plugin should be sorted alphabetically.
Also browsing/installing by category would be useful.

Code suggestions
Submitted by takeshin on Friday, 4 July, 2008 - 12:39
Code suggestions like in other IDE.

I’d like to have a real code completion like in other IDE’s (like in Netbeans, Eclipse
or Zend Studio).
When I type "function", I’d like to see suggestion: "string function( int foo, sting bar [more…])."
Including previously entered methods, functions from included files.
That’s the only thing jEdit is missing.

Here are some screenshots:

Submitted by takeshin on Friday, 4 July, 2008 - 11:29
Features needed (for XML plugin for example)
- go to next/prev tag
- go to next HTML attribute
- toggle between attributes (move caret or select next attribute value)

Macro 'on event' caller - a simple plugin that culd prove very handy!
Submitted by PaulCollingwood on Friday, 20 June, 2008 - 11:00
I think it could prove very useful to have a plugin that facilitated the configuration of (in each case) a marco to be automatically executed on (for example) the following state-transitions within a jEdit session.

Buffer focus changing, File opening, File saved, File closed (last associated buffer closing), directory in FileBrowser changing

The plugin's option panel would permit the selection of an installed macro (using a dropdown) for each event type supported.

I'm sure there are many more such events for which a macro invocation would prove useful.

Another enhancement for the plugin would be a public API which permitted other plugins to register their own events (by passing a descriptor string, and then invoking another function when the event is to be actioned).
Import/Export keyboard shortcuts
Submitted by takeshin on Thursday, 19 June, 2008 - 11:23
jEdit is great, but configuration/customization takes a lot of time…

It would be great feature to Import/Export keyboard shortcut list to file.
If a macro is attached to shortcut, macro file should be also exported/imported.

How to write a macro to do that?

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Total votes: 1093
file   ver   dls
German Localization light   107140
Context Free Art (*.cfdg)   0.31   46064
BBEdit scheme   1.0   18603
JBuilder scheme   .001   18504
ColdFusion scheme   1.0   18034
R Edit Mode - extensive version   0.1   17483
Advanced HTML edit mode   1.0   16215
Matlab Edit Mode   1.0   16079
jEdit XP icons   1.0   15238
XP icons for jEdit   1.1   14302