jEdit Community - Resources for users of the jEdit Text Editor
Site upgrade complete
Submitted by Brad_Mace on Tuesday, 12 August, 2003 - 01:15
We're going to call the latest site update completed. Not everything we hoped to do has been finished, but everything that's here works. A few of the biggest changes:
  • Download submissions will be stored locally rather than on individual user's servers.
  • Much nicer forums. If feasible, the old messages will be ported over.
  • While only registered users can start new forum topics, anyone can read and respond to them
  • Outdated information has been removed
  • Hopefully we'll get a wiki up and running soon too. If you have ideas for further improving the

    jEdit 4.2 feature suggestions
    Submitted by slava on Saturday, 9 August, 2003 - 06:24
    jEdit 4.2 development is going well and there will be a feature freeze soon so that I can focus on making 4.2final more stable than 4.1 ever was. Does anyone have suggestions for features they'd like to see in the editor core before 4.2final?
    jEdit 4.2pre4 now available
    Submitted by slava on Monday, 4 August, 2003 - 03:30
    jEdit 4.2pre4 is now available. This release does not bring much in terms of new features, but it fixes a lot of bugs. In other news, a new plugin batch is coming up soon.
    jEdit 4.1 plugin cutoff
    Submitted by slava on Thursday, 17 July, 2003 - 18:01
    The next plugin batch will be the last one to contain plugins compatible with jEdit 4.1. After the next batch, all new and updated plugins must use the jEdit 4.2 deferred loading API in order to be accepted on Note that jEdit 4.1 compatible plugins will still remain for download regardless.
    JavaWorld reviews jEdit
    Submitted by slava on Monday, 14 July, 2003 - 02:41
    JavaWorld has published a review of jEdit.
    Plugin Central updates (12)
    Submitted by mdillon on Sunday, 13 July, 2003 - 04:26

    • ColumnRuler 0.7.0: initial Plugin Central release; requires jEdit 4.2pre3 and JDK 1.4

    • ConfigurableFoldHandler 0.4: calculates folds in a slightly different way so that lines that contain a fold end string followed by a fold start string (such as "} else {") will be the start and end of a fold (in previous versions the two strings cancelled each other out and there was no fold on that line); documentation has been updated to include regular expressions to fold on pairs of strings like "function", "end function"; requires jEdit 4.1pre2 and JDK 1.3
    jEdit 4.2pre3 is now available
    Submitted by slava on Monday, 7 July, 2003 - 03:24
    jEdit 4.2pre3 is now available. This is mostly a bug fix release (and there are a LOT of bug fixes) but it has a few nice improvements too. Also there will be a plugin batch in a few days, with many new and updated plugins.
    Java 2 version 1.4.2 now available
    Submitted by slava on Friday, 27 June, 2003 - 18:58
    The final release of JDK and JRE 1.4.2 is now available.
    Plugin Central updates (11)
    Submitted by mdillon on Thursday, 12 June, 2003 - 18:53

    • AntHelper 0.8.3: initial Plugin Central release; requires jEdit 4.0pre4, JCompiler 1.5.0, EBrowse 0.5.3, JBrowse 1.4.4, AntFarm 1.2, and JDK 1.3

    • Console 3.6: Console now prints a shell-provided "prompt" upon completion of a command; each shell's scrollback is now maintained separately, and is restored when switching shells; you can now switch shells from the keyboard by entering the shell's name prefixd with :, eg :System; Bug fixes; Updated for jEdit 4.2 deferred loading API; requires jEdit 4.2pre2, ErrorList 1.3, and JDK 1.3

    • CTPlugin 1.0: initial Plugin Central release; requires jEdit 4.1final and JDK 1.3
    jEdit nominated in JDJ 2003 Editors' Choice Awards!
    Submitted by robmckinnon on Wednesday, 11 June, 2003 - 21:36
    jEdit has been nominated in the JDJ 2003 Editors' Choice Awards; as announced in the June 2003 issue of Java Developer's Journal magazine.

    The Editor-in-Chief of JDJ, Alan Williamson, nominated jEdit, saying: "The plugin architecture alone wins my vote, even beating Eclipse's. To say this is just a text editor for code is definitely underselling this wonderful example of software engineering."

    Well done Slava and the rest of the jEdit team!

    (jEdit is no stranger to accolades, last y
    PostNuke expert needed
    Submitted by slava on Sunday, 8 June, 2003 - 22:53
    Does anyone want to help out a bit with the community site? It needs some outdated content removed (jEdit 4.0-era documentation). Also an update to the latest PostNuke release would be nice.
    getting Java classes to be highlighted as KEYWORD2
    Submitted by tfreem88 on Sunday, 8 June, 2003 - 18:35
    I am new to JEdit and really like it! The one thing I wanted to change right away was that there is support for function highlighting but not for highlighting common Java classes, which I am used to.

    EditPlus has 1800 such keywords in a plain text file so it was pretty easy to import them into jEdit's java.xml file.

    I wrote up a quick explanation and posted the relevant files here:

    Thanks to everyone who works on jEdit, this is an awesome program!
    jEdit 4.2pre2 now available
    Submitted by slava on Friday, 30 May, 2003 - 03:52
    The main focus of this release is a new folding engine that should be much more efficient. Not only is folding faster, but general display tasks such as scrolling should be zippier too.

    Also, the plugin loader and API has undergone much improvement and debugging -- it is now stable enough to start porting plugins to. Developers, please update your plugins -- users will thank you for the reduced startup time.

    There are also a number of new features, such as a kill ring, files in the favorites list, and a new BeanShell release.

    Thanks to Carmine
    New, separate, plugin bug tracker
    Submitted by slava on Thursday, 29 May, 2003 - 05:58
    Previously core and plugin bugs were both in the same tracker. Now, I have created a new plugin bug tracker.
    Plugin Central updates (8)
    Submitted by mdillon on Monday, 26 May, 2003 - 18:22

    • CharacterMap 1.1.1: updated for jEdit 4.2 APIs; requires jEdit 4.2pre1 and JDK 1.3

    • FastOpen 0.8: FastOpen now remembers file search patterns you had entered previously and allows easy access to them by using Ctrl+Up or Ctrl+Down arrow to traverse between them for re-run of previous searches; FastOpen can now also show/switch between "non-project open files" and also supports color coding of such files for Visual identification; you can now use the "Jump to file" feature also by placing the cursor on a filename besides the usual 0.7 way of selecting the text and invoking FastOpen on it; the text color in the pattern box now default to that of jEdit's textarea; requires jEdit 4.1final, ProjectViewer 2.0.0, and JDK 1.3
    Alternative Linux RPM
    Submitted by slava on Sunday, 25 May, 2003 - 00:20
    There is now an RPM package for Linux of jEdit 4.1 that bundles all dependencies. Get it from the Download page.
    Note that if you use a tool like apt4rpm or urmi, or you use several Java programs, it might be best to use the packages from JPackage instead, where dependencies are unbundled and can thus be shared to save disk space.
    Second call for a jEditLauncher maintainer
    Submitted by slava on Wednesday, 14 May, 2003 - 03:33
    jEditLauncher is currently unmaintained and since I don't run Windows there is nothing I can do about it. Can someone at least update the version number shown in Add/Remove Programs? right now it says "jEdit 4.0"! There are many other things that need to be fixed, so it would be nice if it had a maintainer. If the code remains unmaintained it will eventually be removed from the jEdit distribution, so if you like jEditLauncher, please help out!
    Plugin Central updates (12)
    Submitted by mdillon on Thursday, 8 May, 2003 - 18:45
    This batch consists of 12 plugins, 6 of which are jEdit 4.0-compatible (PMDPlugin, JUnitPlugin, SourceControl, JSwatPlugin, HeadlinePlugin, and CommonControls). All of these plugins work under jEdit 4.1. Some of the plugins in my queue were not included in this batch. Those plugins are listed in the linked message to jEdit-devel and should appear in the next batch if all goes well.

    • AntFarm 1.3.1: fixed bug #711270: clicking tree in AntFarm 1.3 not selecting build file; requires jEdit 4.1final, CommonControls 0.7, Console 3.4, ErrorList 1.2.3, XML 0.11, and JDK 1.3 CommonControls 0.8: fixed NPE on autoresizing HelpfulJTable; autoresizing no longer necessarily means no manual resizing; column headers can participate in autoresizing; requires jEdit 4.0 and JDK 1.3
    jEdit 4.2pre1 now available
    Submitted by slava on Friday, 2 May, 2003 - 01:44
    jEdit 4.2pre1 is now available. Main changes are a new display engine in the text area and an overhauled plugin system, but there is much more. See the change log for a full list. If you are a plugin developer, take a look at the jEdit 4.2 plugin porting guide. Go to #jedit on to discuss this release with other users.
    Suggestions for the community site
    Submitted by slava on Tuesday, 29 April, 2003 - 01:38
    Post your suggestions for improving the community site below... I guess the first thing it needs is a makeover, at least removing of the outdated content.
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    Total votes: 1093
    file   ver   dls
    German Localization light   107140
    Context Free Art (*.cfdg)   0.31   46064
    BBEdit scheme   1.0   18602
    JBuilder scheme   .001   18503
    ColdFusion scheme   1.0   18033
    R Edit Mode - extensive version   0.1   17482
    Advanced HTML edit mode   1.0   16214
    Matlab Edit Mode   1.0   16078
    jEdit XP icons   1.0   15238
    XP icons for jEdit   1.1   14301