User-defined menus
Submitted by
McSwell on
Sunday, 17 February, 2008 - 18:15
I would like the ability to define my own menu. Then I could put some of my more frequently used commands (particularly the ones for the plugins) there. It should allow the use of "accelerator keys", that is a specified letter that you type once you're in this user-defined menu that chooses one of the actions (like when you're in the File menu, typing 'o' or 'O' will get you the File Open dialog). (The accelerator key feature is absent from the Plugins menu--adding that capability to the Plugins menu would make the user-defined menus less important, although still nice to have.)
I know that I can add actions to the pop-up menu, but I'm asking for the ability to add actions to a main menu item (probably a main menu item of my own choosing). Without Java programming
![Smiling Smiling](misc/smileys/smile.png)
Mike Maxwell
Opacity "Window" Plugin
Submitted by
AlexCory on
Monday, 1 October, 2007 - 15:59
One feature that I thought would be useful is to have an Opacity controlled "window" plugin.
The plugin would only be useful when docked into one of the defaut positions. However once docked it would have options to control a level of transparency; allowing you to see your desktop of whatever operating system your using. In my case, I like to run PuTTY at the same time as jEdit for running PHP scripts. What I would like to do with this transparency window is to be able to control the PuTTY shell/window through the "window" plugin without minimizing jEdit.
Basically like punching a hole through the jEdit program. Because desktop control would stay as is depending on the operating system and jEdit wouldn't have to be minimized or render any desktop applications specifically. The only thing jEdit would do is provide a hole to see through to your desktop then you could run and use desktop applications normally(the applications would be external to jEdit so if you minimized jEdit you would still be able to use the applications as you would normally).
I don't think this is possible yet, but it would be a nice feature in my opinion.
Although, last I remember Java was still working on a way to control desktop applications using Java, I'm not sure if this has progressed or not...
Anyway, its just a random idea I had. Comments are welcome.
Synchronized Scrolling
Submitted by
ericmeyers on
Sunday, 23 September, 2007 - 01:21
Love JEdit. Would love to see synchronized scrolling.
ProjectView to have separated pane for files
Submitted by
Pekarna on
Saturday, 22 September, 2007 - 22:27
in some IDEs and editors, project management is handled so the files comes to separated pane, as you can see at this screenshot of HomeSite: (if not there yet, I'm still looking for the appropriate file to highlight
How about having an optional possibility to show it that way?
Thanks, Ondra Žižka
Sorting files in ProjectView by type
Submitted by
Pekarna on
Saturday, 22 September, 2007 - 22:22
I haven't found any option to sort files in Project View. I would like to have it sorted at least by type. Could be?
Thanks, Ondra
Syntax Highlighting to Have Unlimited Number of Token types
Submitted by
Pekarna on
Saturday, 22 September, 2007 - 22:15
I found the fixed number of token types in jEdit very restrictive and unpleasant. When I have some combined code (HTML + PHP + evt. JavaScript + CSS), jEdit colors everything in the similar colors. But having blocks written in different language looking different would be so nice...
I studied jEdit's highlighting definition syntax and figured out that this is not limited by the highlighting system, but by the number of token types.
I've tried jEdit long time ago, then it was quite user unfriendly, crashing and run slowly on my then computer. Now I've found that with plugins, it has all features I look for to switch from my favorite but old editor, HomeSite (which's developement has already ended), EXCEPT for the genial syntax coloring of HomeSite... I will put a screenshot at . (Intentionally synthetized mix of all languages together, what is bad practice).
So, my feature request is:
As far as the "parsing" system is capable of the feature I ask for, and even the mode files would not have to be rewritten, I guess this is only a matter of the following:
Let's not have fixed set of token types; instead, let's track all token types of each mode and let it be configurable similarly to shortcuts:
1) Separate color configuration for each mode, and
2) Global default color config for certain token types (comment, keyword1, operator), which would be applied if the specific mode setting would be "use default for this token type".
Is this in plan? Or could be? Was it already proposed? I didn't find.
Any response and opinions welcome.
Ondra Žižka
Wishes for a folding editor
Submitted by
aclassifier on
Saturday, 15 September, 2007 - 18:11
I have (without studying in detail where jEdit stands on the points) posted a page
"Wishes for a folding editor" on my home page.
It's available at
Comments welcome!
Øyvind Teig, Norway
Paste previous delete button
Submitted by
atg2d on
Wednesday, 12 September, 2007 - 11:57
Hi is it possible to add a delete button in the Paste previous dialog(ctrl+e ctrl+v).
The problem is that sometimes when i copy a lot of text and afterwards all copy/paste operations are very slow. And i have noticed that the slowness disappears when the entry with the huge text disappears from that dialog. But to do that i must make a lot of copy operations to 'push' that entry away... and copy is slow during that time, so i end up losing a lot of time.
Meanwhile is there another way to clear that copy history? So i don't experience that slowness?
Perl regexp spanning multiple lines
Submitted by
imgod2u on
Tuesday, 4 September, 2007 - 19:00
I'm not sure if this has been covered before and/or is a current feature or plugin (searched but couldn't find anything) but it'd be nice if syntax highlighting (for perl) were able to recognize the use of the /x operator that allows a regexp in perl to ignore whitespace (and thereby, spanning multiple lines without having the regexp look for a newline). Or even just have syntax highlighting recognize regexps that span multiple lines. It's a pet peeve but I figure if it's going to be doing syntax highlighting, it might as well cover all of the features of the language.
Freemarker Square Braces Support
Submitted by
rjuyal on
Monday, 3 September, 2007 - 07:24
For Freemarker there must be square braces support too, instead or with, support of < and > braces.
if this support is already there then please tell me.
Rakesh Juyal
indent block selections
Submitted by
coolcat on
Thursday, 9 August, 2007 - 03:30
In visual studio, if I 'block' select and hit tab, the whole block tabs over. In jedit, the whole block is deleted and replaced with a tab.
In visual studio I use this feature all the time, for aligning columns in text-based data tables (c/c++).
ps. If this is already possible, my apologies, I'm new to the program.
Minimise to notifications area
Submitted by
nsydenham on
Saturday, 28 July, 2007 - 22:13
Use JDIC to allow minimize to notifications area
SQL plugin -- show number of results
Submitted by
awarberg on
Thursday, 12 July, 2007 - 10:59
Is it possible to setup the SQL plugin to show the number of rows retrieved from the query?
Right now it will show the exact number when the number is <= 10, but for >10 it just shows >10... the exact number would be very valuable to me.
Thank you for a great program (jedit) and an awesome plugin (SQL).
Best regards
Andreas Warberg
Autosave directory
Submitted by
greghk on
Monday, 9 July, 2007 - 21:13
Would like to put files on external storage such as USB flash (and even diskettes). Then jEdit them directly on the external storage. For speed and to reduce the write cycles on the external storage I would like to put the directory for the autosave file on a hard drive.
The deluxe implementation might be to specify a default global autosave directory, then an optional buffer autosave directory in case of name conflicts. Minimum and safest implementation would probably be to put the autosave directory in the buffer options.
There seems to be a lull in jEdit development so I would be willing to spend some time on a macro or plugin. A quick peak in the jEdit API Reference shows org.gjt.sp.jedit.bufferio.BufferAutosaveRequest which takes a path parameter. So a hack might be to turn off autosave, then implement an autosave plugin with some simple minded path redirection. Recovery would then be manual. Any design suggestions appreciated.
PHP Debug
Submitted by
kris_ro on
Saturday, 16 June, 2007 - 09:11
Is there a PHP debugger plugin for jEdit or can be developed one ?
Thank you
fonts in dialog boxes
Submitted by
McSwell on
Friday, 15 June, 2007 - 20:40
Is there any chance that the font that is chosen for text could also be used in the search dialog box? I'm editing text that contains Bengali words in Unicode (OK, I admit that probably isn't a common use...). If I choose the Vrinda font for my text, the Bengali characters show up reasonably well (although jEdit isn't displaying some of the messier things right--XMLmind, which is also written in Java, manages to display Bengali text correctly, so I know this isn't impossible). But when I paste Bengali text into the search dialog box, I get little squares (two for each Bengali character, since they take two bytes in UTF-8). Likewise if I choose Arial Unicode MS.
I realize there may be problems with following the user's choice of font size, e.g. if I choose 24 point Vrinda, XMLmind will probably have to use 12 point in the dialog box (or else do a lot of re-sizing). But I believe the font choice could be preserved.
Mike Maxwell
Save folds with file
Submitted by
McSwell on
Friday, 15 June, 2007 - 18:35
When a file is closed or jEdit is shut down, save the fold status of the file(s) as well.
(This was posed as a how-to question in the "Using jEdit" forum by someone, and then seconded and thirded as a wish (the last time by me). Since it apparently is not presently possible, I'm repeating it here as a request for an enhancement.)
Mike Maxwell
New Java Interface
Submitted by
CJreige on
Wednesday, 6 June, 2007 - 14:47
I work for a software company who creates their interface in Java. They've recently upgraded the interface using a toolkit called JIDE. In case any of you were not aware of JIDE here is a link:
I know nothing about this sort of thing, but it'd be awesome to see jEdit wrapped in this interface!
jEdit JNLP support?
Submitted by
CapM on
Tuesday, 5 June, 2007 - 12:40
Is there any special reason why jEdit does not have a JNLP installer? I think it would be a nice Feature, especially if it could help to keep your jEdit install current, without the need to reinstall in different directories. Not to mention the ability to install it with one click on your coworkers machines to convert them from other editors...
![Eye-wink Eye-wink](misc/smileys/wink.png)
Comments plx!
Vim like omnicomplete
Submitted by
beaubert on
Monday, 21 May, 2007 - 10:38
Hi all,
Jedit is becoming better and better and to me there are only one or two features that will make Jedit THE perfect editor.
One of those features (before a real terminal or ssh plugin) is a completion feature like vim 7 omnicomplete for python, C, C++, ...
Is this kind of feature intersting for other users ?
Any way thank your very much for this very good software