jEdit Community - Resources for users of the jEdit Text Editor
jedit with windows 7
Submitted by h3pa on Wednesday, 11 February, 2009 - 08:32
Hi, i'm using jedit within windows 7 beta. When i start jedit the whole system freezes. The only thing i can do is to press the power button in this case. jdk-version: java verson "1.6.0_12" Java SE Runtime Environment Java HotSpot Client VM Do you guys think it's the jdk version 1.6.0_12, or does anyone have experience running jedit with it? Or do you think it's the OS? ps.. i installed jedit with the native windows installer. should i try the installation based on JRE?
Portable jEdit
Submitted by Perry Johnson on Wednesday, 11 February, 2009 - 19:34
Having used jEdit for years, I wanted to make it available to my students. We use MacOS X and they all have USB drives. jEdit runs fine from the external drive of course, but it saves its settings by default in the user's home folder. My problem was that the Guest account gets purged on logout. I didn't want to create user accounts for every student or set up roaming accounts. I knew that it was possible to specify a custom settings folder with a command line switch but I needed a path relative to the jEdit app. I began with the MacOS X package downloaded from After poking around in the info.plist (right-click jEdit, select Show Package Contents), I found a key for command-line arguments. I could not successfully feed a relative path. Setting WorkingDirectory to $APP_PACKAGE and adding -Duser.home=../ under VMOptions allows this to work. At this point I could feed an argument for a settings folder that sits alongside the jEdit app. I named my folder jEdit_settings. Here is the relevant section from my Info.plist file WorkingDirectory $APP_PACKAGE VMOptions -Xmx192M -Duser.home=../ Arguments -background -settings=jEdit_settings I've documented this on my website - If there is a better way of doing this, I'd love to hear it. I won't say I've tried every text editor but it seems like I have. jEdit always wins the battle.
MacBook Pro 5,1 Scrolling Broken
Submitted by warhammerkid on Wednesday, 11 February, 2009 - 20:11
I have a new MacBook Pro and if I use the two finger scroll, the horizontal portion of the scrolling causes jedit to page up or page down in the document. This makes it almost impossible to use the trackpad to scroll, because unless it's perfectly vertical, it pages up or down randomly. Is there something I can do to turn off this behavior?
transparent background & configuring ALL colors
Submitted by MrBark on Thursday, 12 February, 2009 - 02:30
Hi !
Firstly I would like to thank you for your contribution of the open source world ! Eye-wink

So, I think that a transparent background should be really welcomed !
i.e. if you use a transparent cube in compiz, it's really comfortable to see a bit the windows of the others workspaces behind your code, you can see if you have mail in your browser, if someone is speaking to you on pidgin or if your compilation in another terminal is finished... and you code in the same time.
Actually, I'm using... vim ! (in a transparent terminal) just because of that reason !

And another thing/problem :
You can configure the colors of the text, background, selected line, etc.
But if you choose a black (or dark) bg color, and sure a white text color, there's a problem in perl language :
some characters still black !
i.e. the { } of a if... so it's black on black...
is there a solution ?

Thanks a lot in advance for your help !
Console Plugin -- focus jumps to text edit?
Submitted by coolcat on Thursday, 12 February, 2009 - 19:26
Hi, I've been searching the forums but so far can't find an answer to this:

1. I initiate a build in the console and it completes.
2. I type cd .. in the console so I can run a build in a different directory.
3. As I'm typing the next build command, I notice the focus has jumped to the text edit section and I'm inadvertently typing text into one of my source files.

This seems pretty trivial, but it happens again and again. Strangely, after I put the focus back into the console, I can do as many cd's as I want and the focus will never jump to the code. Only after a build. Does it have something to do with the error-list plugin? I can think of no reason I'd ever want the focus to jump to the text window, but maybe there's a point to this feature?

View the console output during the macro
Submitted by lilive on Friday, 13 February, 2009 - 10:02
I wrote a macro to compile a file, using :
runCommandInConsole(view, "System", compilCommand);

It work fine. I want to view the console output, so I add :

The problem is that the console panel open at the end of the macro.
Does anybody know how to make it open during the macro execution ? Because I want to see the output during the compilation process.

Thank you.

--- and sorry for my english --- just a french ... ---
Problem with Search dialog box not opening.
Submitted by prandmeth on Tuesday, 17 February, 2009 - 22:25
Has anyone had a problem with the Search window not opening in a multi-monitor environment under XP? I have had problems before with the Search dialog box coming up in odd sizes. That was solved by making sure the dialog was presented in the main monitor when it was closed. But now it doesn't seem to launch at all.
Wiki cleaned up and able to send mails
Submitted by Vampire on Sunday, 22 February, 2009 - 21:33
Hi all,

in a long hard piece of work I cleaned up our wiki completely from the spam. I not only fixed the pages, I also deleted all the spam revisions and spam users. I even recreated the TWikiUsers topic how it should be. So now the wiki is cleaned up and usable again. Have fun using it.

Jedit 4.3pre16: automatic identation in C++ mode witchin switch/case blocks
Submitted by SegFault on Monday, 23 February, 2009 - 16:02
Hello. I'm using jedit 4.3pre16 on slackware 12.2 linux, and I had following problem: When I was typing something something like -- switch(index){ case(Choices::done): -- jedit kept moving (case(Choices::done)Smiling line to the left (i.e. was unindenting the line) every time I typed colon (*any* colon - even the one in the middle of Choices::done). I was able to partially fix it by copying cplusplus.xml to ~/.jedit/modes, adding it to ~/.jedit/modes/catalog and replacing --- ?!Smiling).*$" /> --- with --- ?!Smiling).*$" /> --- But I got another problem. Now when I type something like: --- switch(index){ case(Choices::done): break; case(Choices::cancel):{ --- jedit keeps moving "case(Choices::cancel):{" to the right (i.e. indenting) when I type "{". This obviously happens because jedit "thinks" that break is not within indentation block and defines proper indentation level. How can I fix that? I've tried replacing --- --- with regexp that would exclude "case" (something like "(?!\bcase\b.*\(.*\):){"), but this didn't work (it looks like indentOpenBrackets doesn't take regexp as argument). Any ideas?
will not start
Submitted by Tonda on Wednesday, 25 February, 2009 - 15:17
Hi there
After many good works my j-edit will not start. If i click to start, the start picture show how file which boot. At "run startup scripts" j--edit hang up and that's it. I must close the file by process manager.
Please help, because this is a good program.
German english is...BAD Eye-wink

Many thanks and greetZ from Germany, Ingo
Buffer switcher not switching buffers
Submitted by jsguru72 on Wednesday, 25 February, 2009 - 22:25
I am running 4.3 pre16 with JDK 1.6.0_11

Most of the time everything works fine, but just today I have twice had the buffer switcher stop working.

I only have 4 or so files open. When I click on the switcher it drops down the list of files. I select one and the switcher updates to display that filename, but the buffer itself does not change. The previously selected file is still there.

If I use the CTRL-PGUP/PGDOWN shortcut it works fine. The problem is only when I use the drop-down.

Right now this issue appears to be random. I closed all of the files and reopened them and the problem went away for a while but within a few minutes, it was back.

I have since restarted the editor entirely. I will advise if it happens again or if I am able to narrow down a set of circumstances where the problem occurs.

Right now, I am just curious if anyone else has experienced this.

How do I define “hidden files” in JEdit?
Submitted by funkyworklehead on Tuesday, 3 March, 2009 - 13:58
When doing recursive directory regular expression search and replace, how do I define which types of files are hidden? In Linux, by default, all files beginning with '.' are "hidden" to the JEdit file system browser and JEdit recursive search. How do I define other file globs to be hidden? How can I tell JEdit to not look in directory 'SCCS'.
PHP Projects Plugin in combination with (S)FTP
Submitted by DerKobe on Wednesday, 4 March, 2009 - 13:40
I discoverd a problem using PHP Projects with the FTP-Plugin. When I tried to remote scan a project the programm got stuck in an infinite loop (as you can see below). Any idea whats going wrong?

Thx, Kobe

13:23:49 [jEdit I/O #1] [debug] DirectoryCache: Cached s to /Users/Admin/.jedit/cache/cache-431-1236169429442.tmp
13:23:49 [jEdit I/O #1] [debug] DirectoryCache: Cached s to /Users/Admin/.jedit/cache/cache-432-1236169429698.tmp
13:23:50 [jEdit I/O #1] [debug] DirectoryCache: Cached s to /Users/Admin/.jedit/cache/cache-433-1236169430941.tmp
13:23:51 [jEdit I/O #1] [debug] DirectoryCache: Cached s to /Users/Admin/.jedit/cache/cache-434-1236169431193.tmp
13:23:52 [jEdit I/O #1] [debug] DirectoryCache: Cached s to /Users/Admin/.jedit/cache/cache-435-1236169432340.tmp
13:23:52 [jEdit I/O #1] [debug] DirectoryCache: Cached s to /Users/Admin/.jedit/cache/cache-436-1236169432594.tmp
13:23:53 [jEdit I/O #1] [debug] DirectoryCache: Cached s to /Users/Admin/.jedit/cache/cache-437-1236169433760.tmp
13:23:54 [jEdit I/O #1] [debug] DirectoryCache: Cached s to /Users/Admin/.jedit/cache/cache-438-1236169434015.tmp
13:23:55 [jEdit I/O #1] [debug] DirectoryCache: Cached s to /Users/Admin/.jedit/cache/cache-439-1236169435174.tmp
13:23:55 [jEdit I/O #1] [debug] DirectoryCache: Cached s to /Users/Admin/.jedit/cache/cache-440-1236169435429.tmp
13:23:56 [jEdit I/O #1] [debug] DirectoryCache: Cached s to /Users/Admin/.jedit/cache/cache-441-1236169436590.tmp
13:23:56 [jEdit I/O #1] [debug] DirectoryCache: Cached s to /Users/Admin/.jedit/cache/cache-442-1236169436839.tmp
13:23:58 [jEdit I/O #1] [debug] DirectoryCache: Cached s to /Users/Admin/.jedit/cache/cache-443-1236169438009.tmp
lost all keyboard support
Submitted by audrey on Thursday, 5 March, 2009 - 18:12
jEdit 4.3pre12 java 1.5.0_14, Fedora 10

I suddenly cannot use my keyboard for anything inside jEdit. It was fine earlier today but I tabbed over to jEdit from another app and could not type. I then realised that the keyboard gave no response for anything. After some poking around, I finally simply restarted the machine. When I re-launched jEdit I found the same problem!

I'm guessing it's a Java bug, and not jEdit, but I'm really at a loss to troubleshoot this any further. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Or, any direction, for that matter.

I did let the system update yesterday although, as I said, it was working fine this morning so I can't see how that's the issue.
jedit doesn't reopen files that were open last time when starting
Submitted by onurbi on Friday, 6 March, 2009 - 12:40

using Version 4.3 pre 16 under Windows, jedit doesn't reopen the files which has been open when I closed it.

Few years ago I appreciated this feature. I found nothing in the global settings which does switch off or on this feature.

It is not so, that jedit does forget any setting, but for instance the check box of the plugin buffer tabs belongs to the amnesia case.


JEdit 4.3 pre16 on Windows Vista SLOW scrolling
Submitted by bfredrickson on Friday, 13 March, 2009 - 17:09
There seems to be a 1 second delay between pressing page down and the screen responding.

Subsequent pgdn's don't appear to be cached, so scrolling via the keyboard happens very slowly.

This also happens using the scroll wheel on the mouse.

This also happens using the Vertical Scroll component on the side of the screen. This was not happening on the previous version of JEdit.

Is there a fix / patch, or a command-line switch that will fix this?

Windows Vista Business; 1GB RAM; Athalon 64 X2 4200+; NVIDIA GeForce 7300 GS video card


Blaine Fredrickson
mac version types invisible characters
Submitted by NeoVanGoth on Saturday, 14 March, 2009 - 09:07
I have a very strange issue with jEdit on MacOS X Leopard (current version). I use jEdit mainly for PHP programming and have experienced the following: Sometimes when I type correct code, I get strange syntax errors at whitespacec somewhere in the middle of an expression. When I set the line as comment and retype it below, it's working.
After seeing this behaviour several times, I looked at the code with a hex editor and saw, that those syntax errors are no single whitespaces, but indeed two bytes, which look like UTF-16 characters! I think it maybe happens for example when I type | (alt+7 on mac) and after that a space, maybe while still holding down alt (it happens when you type fast...). As in MacOS, nearly everything is a hotkey for some unicode character, I thought of that, but I couldn't reproduce it clearly.

Does anyone know this behaviour? I use the latest version of jEdit, but encountered the issue with several other versions too. The JRE is apple default, as it can't be upgraded with Sun JRE or something.
Maybe there is some way to tell the jEdit textarea to only recognize some default characters (ASCII + maybe some selfdefined unicode chars [I need umlauts])?!

Thanks and regards,
Neo / Tom
Keyboard Focus in Text Area
Submitted by ggblack on Wednesday, 18 March, 2009 - 13:14
I have just started using jedit (4.3pre16 under Mandriva Linux 2009) and I have found it so far a pleasure to use. However one aspect of its operation has proved an annoyance, and so I would like to know if this is a feature I have to live with, or that I am missing something.

I prefer to use the keyboard as much as possible, and only revert to the mouse where absolutely necessary. I find that whenever I trigger a command from a shotcut that presents an input dialog, I am left in a keyboard limbo when the dialog closes. The only way I have found to return to editing the text with the keyboard is to click into the text area with the mouse, which I would naturally prefer not to have to do, but rather find a keyboard solution. An example would be the "go to line" shortcut.

Any help would be much appreciated.
Select From Gutter With Right-Click
Submitted by ehtyar on Thursday, 19 March, 2009 - 00:43
Hi all.

I'm a recent jEdit convert from Notepad++. My primary motivation for converting was for a consistent experience across platforms (namely Linux vs. Windows), but I'm very impressed with jEdit all-round.

The only feature I'm missing is being able to select text blocks from the Gutter. I understand that this cannot be implemented with left-click because it would interfere with code-folding which I totally understand. After some experimentation I found that selecting from the gutter works with right-click. Unfortunately, it also triggers the standard context menu.

My request is, would it be possibly to have right-click on the gutter not display the context menu to make it possible to select text blocks from the gutter. I would very much appreciate consideration of this new feature.

Thank you, Ehtyar.
Open Selection with Extension (Open_Selection_with_Extension.bsh v1.0 by Gael Ecorchard)
Submitted by galou on Thursday, 19 March, 2009 - 08:25
Opens the file which base name is the selected text and which extension is identical to the one of the file where the text is selected - creates the file if it does not exist.
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« February 2009 »
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Total votes: 1093
file   ver   dls
German Localization light   99587
Context Free Art (*.cfdg)   0.31   46062
BBEdit scheme   1.0   18601
JBuilder scheme   .001   18502
ColdFusion scheme   1.0   18031
R Edit Mode - extensive version   0.1   17480
Advanced HTML edit mode   1.0   16213
Matlab Edit Mode   1.0   16075
jEdit XP icons   1.0   15236
XP icons for jEdit   1.1   14300