jEdit Community - Resources for users of the jEdit Text Editor
Java highlighting update for Java 5 (generics)
Submitted by moreblue on Wednesday, 3 June, 2009 - 14:26
Hi, I'm programming in Java and I really love the highlighting of Java. However, in Java 5 a new feature has been added to the language: generics. For those who don't know (from Generics provides a way for you to communicate the type of a collection to the compiler, so that it can be checked. Once the compiler knows the element type of the collection, the compiler can check that you have used the collection consistently and can insert the correct casts on values being taken out of the collection. This is placed between '<' and '>'. It would be nice if the generics would be highlighted. As I'm not an expert, I did not succeed in correctly editting the current highlight specification of Java in jEdit; if I do, expression with a '<' inside will start hightling the remaining part.
matching preprocessor
Submitted by DSPWANG on Tuesday, 9 June, 2009 - 17:26

is there a way to match C/C++ preprocessor directives, such as matching from #if to #endif, and match #elif or #else in between. Similar to the functionality in Vim using the "%" (percent) key; and possibly with the extended functionality of "matchit" plug-in in Vim.

thanks in advance.

File association issue
Submitted by ddmoore on Wednesday, 10 June, 2009 - 19:38
I'm a new user of jEdit 4.3. After installing jEdit, I found that I can no longer use links for Microsoft Live Meeting. The link is to a file called launch[1].rtc. When I click on a LiveMeeting link, jEdit opens up with the XML for connecting to the meeting rather than LiveMeeting opening up. This behavior suggests that there is a problem with file associations. However, when I check the file associations the .rtc files are associated to LiveMeeting in the registry as well as "File Types" under Folder Options. Uninstalling jEdit resolves the issue. Before permanently uinstalling jEdit and looking for another editor, I thought I would see if anyone has stumbled upon this issue or perhaps knows if jEdit has it's own set of file associations.
getting a spell-checker plugin to work
Submitted by jwight on Saturday, 13 June, 2009 - 19:26
I just installed jEdit. Then I installed SpellCheck. Then I reinstalled Aspell.
Whem I tried to reinstalled jEdit in Aspell/bin and TmpInstall Aspell, I got a
I/O error.spell-checker plugin

SpellCheck is an jEdit plugin to perform spell checking of text in a jEdit
buffer. You will need to install Aspell ( before using
this plugin. Aspell is available for Windows and a variety of UNIX platforms.

I have windowsXP Home SP3.

I can't use commands or scripts because of stroke but if someone explanes

I had a few problems getting a spell-checker plugin to work correctly with
Notepadd++ After several attempts and in this order, it worked!


1: Install GNU Full Installer "Aspell-0-50-3-3-Setup" to default location:
C:\Program Files\Aspell
2: Install "Aspell-en-0.50-2-3" (English dictionary)
3: Install Notepad++ "npp.5.4.1.Installer" to “C:\Program Files\Aspell\bin”
4: Launch Notepad++

I no longer use Notepadd++.

Looks like I have to remove jEdit. them put jedit42install to “C:\Program Files
\Aspell\bin”. then Launch jEdit then use jEdit Plugins to Plugin manager to
run SpellCheck.

Having trouble with whitespace plugin
Submitted by raklet on Sunday, 14 June, 2009 - 20:23
Using jedit 4.3pre16 and java 1.6.0_13 on linux.

When I first installed the whitespace plugin, it wouldn't show any whitespace characters at all. I munged these forums and online until I finally figured out that I needed to install Sun's JDK. After I installed it and restarted jedit, all was well. After a couple weeks of use, I just noticed that whitespace is not showing up again. I don't know exactly when it went away because I wasn't looking for it.

I don't mind figuring out where it went wrong, but I'm not even sure where to look. If someone could point me in the right direction, I would appreciate it.

Needed JSON Formatter Plugin
Submitted by bigjim on Tuesday, 16 June, 2009 - 18:39
Does anyone have or is anyone working on plugin for formatting JSON data similar to the XML Indenter plugin? With JSON becoming a popular protocal for those developing rich web applications it would be real useful to be able to take a long JSON string intended for computer processing and format it in a way a human could read it.

FastOpen Problems
Submitted by raklet on Wednesday, 17 June, 2009 - 13:36
Using jEdit 4.3pre16
7:19:10 AM [main] [message] Log: When reporting bugs, please include the following information:
7:19:10 AM [main] [message] Log: java.version=1.6.0_13
7:19:10 AM [main] [message] Log: java.vm.version=11.3-b02
7:19:10 AM [main] [message] Log: java.runtime.version=1.6.0_13-b03
7:19:10 AM [main] [message] Log: java.vendor=Sun Microsystems Inc.
7:19:10 AM [main] [message] Log: java.compiler=null
7:19:10 AM [main] [message] Log:
7:19:10 AM [main] [message] Log: os.version=2.6.28-11-generic
7:19:10 AM [main] [message] Log: os.arch=i386
7:19:10 AM [main] [message] Log: user.home=/home/raklet
7:19:10 AM [main] [message] Log: java.home=/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun-
7:19:10 AM [main] [message] Log: java.class.path=/usr/share/jedit/jedit.jar

Fast open is not behaving properly. First, it does not find all of the files in my project. I have indexing set to 5 seconds and will even click on reindex to make sure it is up to date. I have hundreds of files located in dozens of directories. Here is a subset of some of my files as an example.

Directory - Sources

That is just a small sample of numerous files. In fast open, I type the letters "su" because I am looking for Subs.php. Fast open only returns one result - Subs-Post.php. It misbehaves in this way with every other file search. It will only return few or no results out of many possible. Providing a complete file name usually ends up with no match at all.

There are some errors in the activity log generated by Fast Open.

7:19:15 AM [Thread-2] [error] Thread-2: at com.patelsoft.fastopen.FastOpen.getFilePattern(
7:19:15 AM [Thread-2] [error] Thread-2: at com.patelsoft.fastopen.FastOpen.findfile(
7:19:15 AM [Thread-2] [error] Thread-2: at com.patelsoft.fastopen.FastOpen.indexingCompleted(
7:19:15 AM [Thread-2] [error] Thread-2: at com.patelsoft.fastopen.AbstractIndexManager.notifyListeners(
7:19:15 AM [Thread-2] [error] Thread-2: at com.patelsoft.fastopen.AbstractIndexManager.queryFilesFromSource(
7:19:15 AM [Thread-2] [error] Thread-2: at com.patelsoft.fastopen.PollingIndexManager.collectFiles(
7:19:15 AM [Thread-2] [error] Thread-2: at
Mac OS X & Fonts
Submitted by warhammerkid on Wednesday, 17 June, 2009 - 15:12
I just thought I'd let people know who are using Mac OS X that the latest Java update from Apple fixes all the old font problems. In addition, it introduces some interesting changes to anti-aliasing.

(Problems were things like the cursor not showing up in the right place if you weren't using the default fonts)
Php code folding.
Submitted by mat_r on Thursday, 18 June, 2009 - 11:33

I'm trying to set up code folding using the ConfigurableFoldHandler. I've got it working well folding code between { and } however I would also really like to get it working around comment delineators /* and */ . To do this I have been trying to cobble together a regular expression but without much luck. If anyone has any suggestions of how best to achieve this I would be most grateful.


Change gutter line numbering interval
Submitted by kircheis on Friday, 19 June, 2009 - 16:24
Is it possible to change the gutter numbering interval (without folds)? For example, instead of


Show every 10 numbers


That would make it easier to follow Cobol code when I have it on jEdit and on the Mainframe terminal screen.
jEdit launcher, Mac OS/X, Java 1.5.0_19
Submitted by k.kelln on Monday, 22 June, 2009 - 19:29
I just upgraded my Macbook (OS/X 10.5.7) to Java 1.5.0_19 and my jEdit launcher stopped working. This happens everytime I update Java or Mac OS/X versions. I can fire off the jar version, but the normal launcher crashes and burns. Of course, with the jar version I lose the Mac specific interface. Ideas?
How to enter a right angle brtacket (>) (Newbee)
Submitted by HJarausch on Tuesday, 23 June, 2009 - 11:21
Hi, I'm new to Jedit and cannot enter a right angle bracket (>). e.g. Trying to enter I can only enter
More than one buffer for a file in one view
Submitted by weberjn on Wednesday, 1 July, 2009 - 11:24

sometimes I'd need for large files to have the file in more than one buffer to be able to have a cursor at several positions in the file.
e.g. I'd like to have one buffer that shows the start of the file and one where the cursor is positioned at the end.
Is this possible?
I have read
but I'd not like to have several views.

Does plugin availability depend on the OS?
Submitted by eze on Wednesday, 1 July, 2009 - 22:28
Greetings! I have recently installed jEdit on Windows and Ubuntu. Under Windows the Plugin Manager lists some plugins not listed under Ubuntu. For instance, XML and Python Client. Is this normal? Is there a fix besides manual installation (which already gave me a few headaches)?

Thanks in advance!

cannot start :java.lang.unsupporedclassveresionerror :bad versions number in .class file try updating new version of the plugin
Submitted by jagadeesh on Friday, 10 July, 2009 - 07:46
cannot start :java.lang.unsupporedclassveresionerror :bad versions number in .class file try updating new version of the plugin(lazy8ledzer)
dockable Find / Search dialog
Submitted by squindler on Wednesday, 15 July, 2009 - 05:38
It would be really handy for the Find dialog to be dockable - I find it really handy to leave the dialog open while stepping through search results but at work I'm often stuck with limited screen real estate so the dialog obscures the text area.
TextAutocomplete - fix for 0.9.8b (TextAutocomplete.jar v0.9.8b)
Submitted by shlomy on Wednesday, 15 July, 2009 - 11:34
This version fixes the slow startup introduced in version 0.9.8b due to an incorrect URL for the default word list file.
ProjectViewer Plugin not available
Submitted by devashanti_om3 on Wednesday, 15 July, 2009 - 16:49
I just installed jEdit v 4.2 Final on a new machine. I have used jEdit for many years and I always install the ProjectViewer plugin, but it is not available in Plugin Manager for this version when I download the Plugins. I located it on a separate website and downloaded it but am not sure how to install it as I always used the jEdit Plugin manager in the past. I installed other plugins through jEdit's Plugin Manager and the option to have them installed to the jEdit settings directory was selected, but I cannot find the jEdit settings directory in the C:\Program Files\jEdit main directory anywhere. Can someone help me understand how to install ProjectViewer and why it is no longer included in the Plugin available through jEdit's Plugin Manager?
Trying to use plugins with a StandaloneTextArea
Submitted by frisco on Thursday, 16 July, 2009 - 09:52
I want to use jEdit to replace our old TextArea component in an custom Java Ide, I have been able to create the textarea in an empty frame and load java mode to have syntax higlightning (I was unable to load it from the jar, but it is working).
Now I want to add code completion to the text area I have seen that I should use JavaSideKick to do that but as far as I see there is no way to load plugins in the TextArea version (PluginJar is missing and it seems to use some kind of connection that TextArea does not have).
So I ask for help here, maybe I am missing something or someone has any idea on how to load plugins in an Standalone TextArea?
list with all variables used in a script
Submitted by tom1234 on Saturday, 18 July, 2009 - 10:20
Hi all,

when writing a schript (or program) with jEdit I would like to have a list with all variables used in this script. Does jEdit provide such a functionality? I haven't found such a thing.

Tanks for your help.
« June 2009 »
Forum topics
Are you interested in language packs for jEdit?
Yes, and I could help maintain translations
Yes, I'd like to have translations
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Total votes: 1093
file   ver   dls
German Localization light   96034
Context Free Art (*.cfdg)   0.31   46061
BBEdit scheme   1.0   18600
JBuilder scheme   .001   18501
ColdFusion scheme   1.0   18030
R Edit Mode - extensive version   0.1   17480
Advanced HTML edit mode   1.0   16212
Matlab Edit Mode   1.0   16074
jEdit XP icons   1.0   15235
XP icons for jEdit   1.1   14299