jEdit Community - Resources for users of the jEdit Text Editor
Proper colors for inline CSS
Submitted by Lobotom on Wednesday, 22 July, 2009 - 08:30
Hi people,
I have had jEdit installed on my comp for two years or so, and for the last months I've been using it intensively for making web pages : my main benefit from jEdit was to easily spot details of CSS properties, as I had the content of the style="" attribute displayed just like CSS in a .css file, green prop names and pink/red/blue values.

Now for no good reason yesterday I decided to update jEdit to 4.2 final and behold! I have lost all embedding functionnality. I used to almost never mind jEdit settings, so I'm not sure what my previous install was, I do remember I kicked off out-of-date plugins (one or two) after 4.2 was installed.

I've been trying any kind of plugins and modes since yesterday, including "A colouful HTML" which does NOT work well at all (for my 4.2 at least, random HTML tag color choices, same for CSS) but I couldn't find anything that would do it.
I'm in dire need for retrieving an equivalent of my previous install, and much frustrated that an update threw me back to the stone-age of editing comfort. I could try another editor, but hey, I feel familiar with jEdit and I'd prefer trying it all before waving it bye-bye.

Any clue or direction is very welcome.

(As a side note I'll add that the css.xml that comes with a 4.2 final fresh install doesn't even work properly : in pure CSS files I've noticed some properties names, like "top", are mistaken with values).
Create Global Object in macros
Submitted by Jabberwock on Friday, 24 July, 2009 - 06:05

How i cab create a global object in Macro ?

In my case, i create a TelnetWrapper object with the connection, how I can create a global object, becaus i dont' want to process the reconnection, i prefer to re-use my previous object ?

For example :
step 1 : i launch my macro, i create the TelnetWrapper object_toto with the connection.
step 2 : i launch again my macro, but i want to re-use my object_toto without re-connection

It's poossible ?

Thw very much
Highlighting Headers in Html Edit Mode
Submitted by Gary Gabriel on Saturday, 25 July, 2009 - 08:15

I use jEdit to code html and to write html formatted content. For writing content jEdit html mode proves trying and detracts from focusing on the content, and the content logic or flow. I'm searching for a better solution where the header tags h1, h2, h3, h4, h5 and h6 are highlighted. This supports connection of the content logic. It also enables faster orientation in the page and much less time spent looking for a specific page point.

Are there alternatives to offer the highlighting or an easy orientation on the headers? InfoViewer does not highlight (html) headers hence not offering relief.

Or is there another possibility to use?

Thanks for your help- Gary Gabriel
Context Free Art (*.cfdg) (cfdg.xml v0.31 by monkstone)
Submitted by monkstone on Tuesday, 28 July, 2009 - 10:45
Syntax Highlight Mode for editing a *.cfdg file (Context Free Art), last revision/update 10 July 2012, including support for Version 3.0 syntax. The names of rule/path/shape are now highlighted as FUNCTION. Curly '{' and '(' brackets are now treated similarly, apart from the possible indent on '}', like C C++ java etc. Other aspects of new syntax in need of refining, but I hope develop that in time. Includes new CF namespace highlighting eg CF::Background and CF::Continuous CF::Impure, most recently added Symmetry directives. You may also be interested in the commando file that I've added in that section allows you to run cfdg from jedit (mainly of interest to linux users, now updated to support quicktime movie output)
block lines
Submitted by fedor on Tuesday, 28 July, 2009 - 16:25
hello everyone,

im new in jEdit, please just want to know how to turn on thous block line-s

thank you
Processing Mode (*.pde) (processing.xml v1.8 by by monkstone )
Submitted by monkstone on Tuesday, 28 July, 2009 - 17:43
A syntax highlighting mode for processing-(2/3). Based on keywords.txt, java.xml and the original version by toxi. instructions on how to install the processing mode at the processing wiki. Where keyboard shortcuts are also available. Since processing-2.0 it is possible to run sketches form jEdit (using macros etc, I have made those available elsewhere).
installed 4.3.17 and doesn't start up
Submitted by merrill77 on Friday, 31 July, 2009 - 15:47
I've been using jEdit for many years with no problems. I was using 4.3.15, I think, and wanted a plugin that required 4.3.17, so I installed the new version. When it starts, the splash screen gets up to the "run startup scripts" and then stops. I've installed in a new folder with the same result. I don't see any log files in the installation folder - is there anywhere else I can look to find out what is going wrong?

I have XP/sp3, Sun JDK6 default and other Sun JDKs (1.5, etc) installed.

SVNPlugin, saving login credentials?
Submitted by wkoorts on Saturday, 1 August, 2009 - 00:35

Is it possible to save login credentials for the SVNPlugin? It's a real pain having to type my login details every time I do some kind of SVN action.

Infoviewer configuration with Windows XP
Submitted by Gary Gabriel on Monday, 3 August, 2009 - 11:32

I would like to be able to work more effectively and use Infoviewer with Firefox as external browser for .html texts. But I can't seem to find the right configuration. I get the following errors with the last configuration that I tried:

[debug] InfoViewerPlugin: (external): openURL: file:C:\2009\Temp2009\20091Pub_SisA7_LeadManage_Scribd.htm
[debug] InfoViewerPlugin: args[0]=C:\Programme\MozillaFirefox\firefox.exe
[debug] InfoViewerPlugin: args[1]=file:C:\2009\Temp2009\20091Pub_SisA7_LeadManage_Scribd.htm

If someone could give me a tip on what to tweak; i would appreciate it. Or a tip on where to look for more info- I tried the plugin help, and the wiki.

Thanks- Gary Gabriel
Problem with writing a Mode
Submitted by zorglub76 on Monday, 3 August, 2009 - 13:40
hi all,

i have a problem creating a mode.
i'd like to have some highlighting on the log and i've created this:

but whenever i put anything like a regex special character (e.g. "\d") in the "end" tag, it selects everything until the end of the page.
for instance, "line " or "line 1" works ok, but "line ." is screwed

any ideas?
4.3pre17 forgets window position and size
Submitted by gsawyer9 on Wednesday, 5 August, 2009 - 17:41
I just updated my Windows XP jEdit from 4.3pre16 to 4.3pre17, and the new version doesn't remember its window size or position. I deleted my settings directory and let jEdit re-create it, but the problem persists. I assume that I've doing something wrong, but what?

Multiple untitled buffers
Submitted by tj.rothwell on Wednesday, 5 August, 2009 - 17:46
I sometimes like to have multiple untitled buffers open at one time. Is this possible in jEdit?

It appears that once a single untitled buffer open, no additional buffers will be created.

Compare Buffer Backups (Compare_Buffer_Backups.bsh v1.0 by Ollie Rutherfurd, John Gellene, Anthony Keeley)
Submitted by keeleyt83 on Thursday, 6 August, 2009 - 20:33
Allows user to easily compare backup version of the current buffer, using the JDiff plugin. Requirements: JDK >= 1.5, jEdit >= 4.3pre15, jDiff >= 3.0.0.
won't start, hangs at "run startup scripts"
Submitted by hughstimson on Friday, 7 August, 2009 - 17:31
I had a functioning installation of jedit, but something changed and now it won't load.

The splash screen appears and most of the start-up steps seem to complete successfully, but when it gets to the "run statup scripts" stage it stops loading indefinitely, without any cpu activity.

I'm using 4.3pre17 on WindowsXP.

Some things I've tried:

- Starting from the command line with the -nostartupscripts argument

- Deleting startup.bsh, which (apart from readme.txt) is the only file in the startup folder.

- Uninstalling and re-installing jedit 4.3pre17

- Uninstalling, deleting the jedit program folder, and re-installing.

- Uninstalling and installing 4.2

In all cases it still won't get past "run startup scripts"

Is there a settings directory or registry entry that I should also be deleting to perform a complete uninstall? Or does someone have any ideas about how I might otherwise fix the issue?

I miss jedit.
Using Diff in SVN Browser
Submitted by jrchilds on Sunday, 9 August, 2009 - 19:04
Would anyone be interested in adding a feature to the diff functionality of the SVN Plug-in?

When I'm in the SVN Browser, and I right click a file and select diff, it would be great if the "Revision" option, allowed us to select from the available revisions. I picture something like a "..." button, that when clicked, opens a small window showing the available revision numbers, and the comment created for each revision, and allows you to select one of the revisions to diff with. The comment is actually more important to me than the revision number since we use our own internal versioning scheme, and we use the comment field to hold our internal revision numbers.

Any thoughts, or volunteers?

After upgrading to jedit 4.3pre17 I have got font display problems
Submitted by tomasio on Tuesday, 11 August, 2009 - 14:38
After upgrading to jedit 4.3pre17 my preferred programming font ("Profont 12") displays wrongly in the editing window. It is antialiased although I defined not to use this feature in the JEdit Text Settings I found under Global Options. For a Screenshot click the link below:
Jedit Text Settings

The line numbers in the gutter left to the editing area display correctly, although using the same font, as seen in the next screenshot:
JEdit Editor Window

All this worked untill the last version (4.3pre16). I am running MacOS 10.5.8 on a MacBookPro, maybe this has something to do with my OS? Any advice would be very appreciated.
File Brower enhancements
Submitted by uhuebner on Thursday, 13 August, 2009 - 11:21
I would love to see some File Brower enhancements, namely:
- multitabs for directories. I'm constantly switching directories. Of course this can be done with favorites but it would be handier to have those directories in different tabs (as TotalCommander does)

In addition it would be nice if there would be an option to automatically switch to directory of current buffer.

- Favorites should by renamable. Showing the tree as name is counterproductive if your tree has more than 5 nodes (in mine there are often more then 20). Why not give it an userdefined alias?

What do you think?

Great work so far!

Just my two cents/wishes
Uniquely identifiying a Group node in Project Viewer plugin
Submitted by drequena on Sunday, 16 August, 2009 - 12:54
Hi all,

Hope this is the right forum to ask.

Project Viewer plugin allows for project groups with the same name even at the same tree depth level. I need to get at the same VPTGroup node on each run when my own plugin initializes but cant use node paths plus node names for this purpose. Storing an index into and array of equally named groups wouldn't work either as groups before mine could get deleted form PV's main ui.

Setting a custom Icon for my Group could be a solution as I could check on this bu then, no method is available for setting node Icons, just for getting them.. Maybe I've overlooked this?

I've been studying PV's api but couldn't find anything appropriate. Anyone could give any hint?

Thanks in advance,
No SQL plugin properties in project viewer
Submitted by AwesomeSheltie on Tuesday, 18 August, 2009 - 13:43
Hi All, I have installed the Windows version of jEdit version 4.3 pre17 and am having trouble getting the SQL plugin installed properly. After it (jEdit and the SQL plugin)was installed, I read all the documentation and have not been able to get the SQL properties tab or tree to show up in the docked Project Viewer. Initially, I installed it via the plugin manager, but after reading the documentation, I noticed that the C:\Documents and Settings\\.jedit\sql directory was empty. So,I downloaded and manually installed the plugin, but am still having the same result. Any ideas? Since this plugin uses the project viewer plugin could it be a plugin-to-plugin problem, or am I just doing something wrong? Thanks in advance
ConfigurableFoldHandler - performance fix (ConfigurableFoldHandler.jar v0.6.3 by Shlomy Reinstein)
Submitted by shlomy on Sunday, 23 August, 2009 - 03:14
Fixed a performance bug that was seen when collapsing many folds in a large file.
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« July 2009 »
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Total votes: 1093
file   ver   dls
German Localization light   97301
Context Free Art (*.cfdg)   0.31   46061
BBEdit scheme   1.0   18600
JBuilder scheme   .001   18501
ColdFusion scheme   1.0   18030
R Edit Mode - extensive version   0.1   17480
Advanced HTML edit mode   1.0   16212
Matlab Edit Mode   1.0   16074
jEdit XP icons   1.0   15235
XP icons for jEdit   1.1   14299