jEdit Community - Resources for users of the jEdit Text Editor
More old-style text encodings in a plug-in
Submitted by Silversleeves on Friday, 8 May, 2009 - 02:54
I like what I see so far with jEdit, even though I've only had it on my system for less than 72 hrs.
I thought the TextTools plug-in would include such things as ROT13, Reverse, Flip, Shuffle Characters, etc, which are the little "toys" I remember fondly from BBEdit in my Mac days (incidentally those stretched from June of last year to the spring of 1993), and are also part of the Format menu in a similar product to this in Windows called EDXOR. I suppose these encryptions are old-hat, but from time to time I find one or two of them useful, and would like to see them added to jEdit.

(Win32 version) Files save with DOS CRLF linefeeds and/or /n line endings -- bad for Cygwin stuff.
Submitted by Silversleeves on Friday, 8 May, 2009 - 03:05
Maybe I'm missing something.

Is there a Buffer or Global Options setting in the present stable version to prevent either of these from happening when saving a file? If there isn't one, adding one would put jEdit ahead of the (lite versions of the) commercial developer-oriented text editors and definitely ahead of those emacs and vim clones that are still around for Windows and Mac OS X.

The whack-n's are particularly annoying when they appear in shell scripts in Cygwin and other Linux/Unix-es.

A cross-platform text editor should default with cross-platform file-write settings, imo, and as Mac and Windows both glom onto LF (without any /n ornamentation), logically that's the better, if not best, choice for a default.

Again, my opinion.

If I'm missing a hint or a clue as to the settings, please let me know.

Listening for Buffer Selection
Submitted by Chemluth H. on Monday, 11 May, 2009 - 10:20

I want my plugin to react if the user selects a Buffer or loads a new Buffer. The plugin should check then the path and do its actions, if it is responsible for the file which is shown in the Buffer.

How can I do this?


ProjectViewer development version (ProjectViewer.jar v2.9.0.0 by Shlomy Reinstein)
Submitted by shlomy on Monday, 11 May, 2009 - 16:50
This is the trunk version of ProjectViewer.
Jexplorer does not work
Submitted by psimonovsk on Wednesday, 13 May, 2009 - 07:12
Hi! I do not success to get Jexplorer plugin to work... I use jedit 4.3 pre 16 on windows...
I have installed all Java plugins (including Project manager - that Jexplorer depends on)... I get window of Jexplorer pugin... When I enter "create model" - it "creates model" (it appears on list) - but it finish it too fast (almost immediately) and index remains empty... I use java 1.5... Is there any way to troubleshoot it??? Or - any other way to get in jedit xreferences of Java project???
Accessing a Remote Database Server
Submitted by vhenry on Thursday, 14 May, 2009 - 20:24
Hi, new convert from Dreamweaver here. I have remote FTP set up but was hoping there is also a feature/plugin that will allow me to remotely connect to my database server. Does anything like that exist? Also 2 questions: is there an html shortcuts menu? is there a way to list css styles?
problems with error-list and console: error line numbers switch always to 1 and a new file is opened
Submitted by bseiz on Wednesday, 20 May, 2009 - 06:26

i've got problems with the error-list plugin. I have searched the forum an google and didn't find any solution for my problem.

Every time i start my batch file for compiling from console the errors were displayed correct in the error-list. Now when i klick on an error in order to jump to it then the file with the errors opens again with now content and the cursor jumps to this file of course in line number 1. After that all other line-numbers in the error-list switch to 1. Sad

So i can't use the error-list for that it was made for Sad. Can anybody help me?
dialog box ignores width setting
Submitted by masher on Thursday, 21 May, 2009 - 03:55
I'm using 4.2final

When doing File|Open or File|Save As, the resultant dialog box is very narrow horizontally.

If I type "jEdit.getProperty("vfs.browser.dialog.width")" into the BeanShell, I get a value of 112 (on startup - as indicated in the properties file). If I manually resize the window (by dragging its edge), and check
on the window width, I'll get a value in the range of 600-700 (depending on how I resize it). I can also set the width by jEdit.setProperty("vfs.browser.dialog.width", "650"). If I check the width by jEdit.getProperty("vfs.browser.dialog.width"), the width is reported as I have set it.

If I then try and open (or save) another file, the dialog box opens as a narrow box, and the width reverts back to 112.

I can manually set the height by either dragging the window or using jEdit.setProperty and it is remembered.
I can manually set the x position by using jEdit.setProperty and it is remembered. If I drag it, it isn't remembered.
If I try to set a y value, jEdit forgets it.

I have tried exiting jEdit and editing the properties files to change the vfs.browser.dialog.width to a larger number. If I edit it, and then check on the value (jEdit.getProperty) before opening any dialog boxes, the value is reported as I have set it. After I try to open a file, the dialog box opens up as narrow, and the dialog box width is now reported as 112.

Any ideas?
Putting my own icons in the Tool Bar?
Submitted by Cheshirewhiskers on Friday, 22 May, 2009 - 01:02
Hi, I'm having trouble putting my own icons into the the Tool Bar... I assume that they have to be 22 by 22 pixels large & either png's or giff's but every time I try to load one, jEdit just freezes. Do the images I'm trying to load have to be in a certain folder or sub directory or something? I'm running jEdit on a mac G4 under OS X 10.4.11
Any help would be appreciated.
May with JEdit download/edit/upload remote webpage files ?
Submitted by lse123 on Sunday, 24 May, 2009 - 20:56
May with JEdit download/edit/upload remote webpage files ? If yes, I may see and remote hosting folder/file structure ? How many MBs takes on HDD the JEdit ?
maya plugin loading error.
Submitted by Sorath on Wednesday, 27 May, 2009 - 00:52
hey ppls.

i downloaded the maya plugin from highend - link:

after following the installation rules as described in the tutorial:
i got the following error: (image link):

does anyone know if that could be a compatibility error with the jedit version, any ideas?

thanks in advance
i'd love to get this working, as the internal script editor from maya is totally crap.

contextmenu on mac?
Submitted by TheGhost on Wednesday, 27 May, 2009 - 05:54
how can I add jedit to the context menu on a Mac to open several file types (html, txt, dat, ...)?
Downloading latest nightly version?
Submitted by mtgavin on Wednesday, 27 May, 2009 - 18:22
Not sure if this is the correct forum, but it seems as good as any.

There are some bugs in 4.3pre16 that have been fixed since that release. However it seems difficult to download these latest versions- seems like you need to actually compile the source code yourself. (Download and install ant, etc). Frankly I am surprised this is not automated somehow; I had expected the various platform versions would be completely built every night, but apparently they are not.

So is there a way I could just get the latest java.jar for linux (i.e. last night's build) without having to go through a lot of effort with compiling jedit/ant/etc?

Thanks -

Submitted by vhenry on Wednesday, 27 May, 2009 - 18:45
Moving from Dreamweaver, I'm used to being able to create a basic template (usually with header, nav, footer info) and use that to create my other pages, that way, if I need to change something in the navigation for instance, I update the template and it instantly replicates to all other pages in site. Is there such a feature in jedit? I have to imagine there is and I just haven't found it yet.
Append text to end of lines
Submitted by proee on Wednesday, 27 May, 2009 - 22:36
I'm wondering if there's an easy way to do a "block" select across multiple and be able to append text at the end of each line. I usually do this using a rectangular selection, but the rectangular selection is rigid and I would like to find a way to append to the end of the line in it's natural position.

That is, I'm looking for a rectangular selection that can "find" the end of the line as I drag the across multiple lines. I believe this is something that textmate does so I'm sure it's possible...
Is there some jedit plugin - that provides JAVA cross reference functionality in last Jedit versions???
Submitted by psimonovsk on Monday, 1 June, 2009 - 07:03
I am looking for something - that will give me functionality like xemacs xref or definitions/calls in eclipse - that means, something that will jump to method/variable/class definition/references...
Java highlighting update for Java 5 (generics)
Submitted by moreblue on Wednesday, 3 June, 2009 - 14:26
Hi, I'm programming in Java and I really love the highlighting of Java. However, in Java 5 a new feature has been added to the language: generics. For those who don't know (from Generics provides a way for you to communicate the type of a collection to the compiler, so that it can be checked. Once the compiler knows the element type of the collection, the compiler can check that you have used the collection consistently and can insert the correct casts on values being taken out of the collection. This is placed between '<' and '>'. It would be nice if the generics would be highlighted. As I'm not an expert, I did not succeed in correctly editting the current highlight specification of Java in jEdit; if I do, expression with a '<' inside will start hightling the remaining part.
matching preprocessor
Submitted by DSPWANG on Tuesday, 9 June, 2009 - 17:26

is there a way to match C/C++ preprocessor directives, such as matching from #if to #endif, and match #elif or #else in between. Similar to the functionality in Vim using the "%" (percent) key; and possibly with the extended functionality of "matchit" plug-in in Vim.

thanks in advance.

File association issue
Submitted by ddmoore on Wednesday, 10 June, 2009 - 19:38
I'm a new user of jEdit 4.3. After installing jEdit, I found that I can no longer use links for Microsoft Live Meeting. The link is to a file called launch[1].rtc. When I click on a LiveMeeting link, jEdit opens up with the XML for connecting to the meeting rather than LiveMeeting opening up. This behavior suggests that there is a problem with file associations. However, when I check the file associations the .rtc files are associated to LiveMeeting in the registry as well as "File Types" under Folder Options. Uninstalling jEdit resolves the issue. Before permanently uinstalling jEdit and looking for another editor, I thought I would see if anyone has stumbled upon this issue or perhaps knows if jEdit has it's own set of file associations.
getting a spell-checker plugin to work
Submitted by jwight on Saturday, 13 June, 2009 - 19:26
I just installed jEdit. Then I installed SpellCheck. Then I reinstalled Aspell.
Whem I tried to reinstalled jEdit in Aspell/bin and TmpInstall Aspell, I got a
I/O error.spell-checker plugin

SpellCheck is an jEdit plugin to perform spell checking of text in a jEdit
buffer. You will need to install Aspell ( before using
this plugin. Aspell is available for Windows and a variety of UNIX platforms.

I have windowsXP Home SP3.

I can't use commands or scripts because of stroke but if someone explanes

I had a few problems getting a spell-checker plugin to work correctly with
Notepadd++ After several attempts and in this order, it worked!


1: Install GNU Full Installer "Aspell-0-50-3-3-Setup" to default location:
C:\Program Files\Aspell
2: Install "Aspell-en-0.50-2-3" (English dictionary)
3: Install Notepad++ "npp.5.4.1.Installer" to “C:\Program Files\Aspell\bin”
4: Launch Notepad++

I no longer use Notepadd++.

Looks like I have to remove jEdit. them put jedit42install to “C:\Program Files
\Aspell\bin”. then Launch jEdit then use jEdit Plugins to Plugin manager to
run SpellCheck.

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Total votes: 1093
file   ver   dls
German Localization light   96033
Context Free Art (*.cfdg)   0.31   46061
BBEdit scheme   1.0   18600
JBuilder scheme   .001   18501
ColdFusion scheme   1.0   18030
R Edit Mode - extensive version   0.1   17480
Advanced HTML edit mode   1.0   16212
Matlab Edit Mode   1.0   16074
jEdit XP icons   1.0   15235
XP icons for jEdit   1.1   14299