macOS build of jEdit needs an overhaul
Submitted by
CyberSkull on
Wednesday, 15 February, 2023 - 12:55
On Apple Silicon/ARM Macs jEdit can't open because of the architecture mismatch between the Java application stub architecture and the architecture of the Java build. To use it, one has to go to a few extra steps that aren't at all obvious to the end user.
Following the instructions here one must download a new Java stub and place it in the jEdit bundle then edit Info.plist to match the installed version of Java and only then can jEdit run.
Trouble saving remote file via SFTP
Submitted by
hommealone on
Friday, 6 October, 2023 - 00:22
I'm having trouble saving edited remote files via FTP plugin. (I'm using SFTP.)
I get this error:
[jEdit Worker #3] [warning] VFS: Backup of remote file {file} failed, because there is no backup directory.
What does this mean?
I have already done this:
"A workaround is to disable two-stage save in the General pane of the Utilities>Global Options dialog box."
What troubleshooting steps can I take? Any suggestions on how to get it working?
Trouble saving remote file via SFTP
Submitted by
hommealone on
Friday, 6 October, 2023 - 00:22
I'm having trouble saving edited remote files via FTP plugin. (I'm using SFTP.)
I get this error:
[jEdit Worker #3] [warning] VFS: Backup of remote file {file} failed, because there is no backup directory.
What does this mean?
I have already done this:
"A workaround is to disable two-stage save in the General pane of the Utilities>Global Options dialog box."
What troubleshooting steps can I take? Any suggestions on how to get it working?
jEdit 5.7.0 is out!
Submitted by
Vampire on
Saturday, 3 August, 2024 - 22:26
Hello everyone,
I proudly present jEdit 5.7.0, the first stable release of the 5.7 series of jEdit.
Detailed changes can as always be found in the Change Log at, but here are some of the major features of this version:
- Many bugfixes,
among other things problems with plugin installation
and startup problems on recent macOS machines
- Windows launcher now considers PATH environment variable
- Some new and some updated edit modes (QDoc, Java, Dockerfile)
Volunteers are always welcome to contribute to the future of jEdit:
That being said, here is the download link:
Have fun with the new release.
Marking words
Submitted by
Malcerz on
Friday, 24 January, 2025 - 11:59
I use JEdit to edit rtf documents.
Word 2010 that I use generates an error and headers and footers are marked with double rr - headerr/footerr. I have to search for these words and correct them.
Is it possible to configure the editor so that the winning words (headerr and footerr) are automatically colored right away?