Close the console problem
Submitted by Friday, 13 February, 2004 - 15:39
Hi, i modified a macro to do this
import console.Console;
String strCheckerPath = "F:\\projects\\javapaint\\makejar.bat";
runCommandInConsole(view, "System", strCheckerPath);
// close the console if it is open
// manager = view.getDockableWindowManager();
//if (manager.isDockableWindowVisible("console")) {
it's start a batch file, but if i uncomment the code for closing the console my batch file isnt starting anymore... if i let this in comment my batch file is starting but the console isnt closing. So how can modify this to be able to close the console and that my batch file start
import console.Console;
String strCheckerPath = "F:\\projects\\javapaint\\makejar.bat";
runCommandInConsole(view, "System", strCheckerPath);
// close the console if it is open
// manager = view.getDockableWindowManager();
//if (manager.isDockableWindowVisible("console")) {
it's start a batch file, but if i uncomment the code for closing the console my batch file isnt starting anymore... if i let this in comment my batch file is starting but the console isnt closing. So how can modify this to be able to close the console and that my batch file start