SpellCheck plugin should highlight the word it thinks is mispelled
Submitted by Friday, 5 March, 2004 - 19:48
In most interactive spellcheckers, when the spell checking dialog indicates a word is supposedly misspelled and prompts to ignore it, replace it, etc., the word in question is highlighted in the text buffer being spellchecked, so that one can see the context of the word. However, with the SpellCheck plugin, *all* the text in the buffer is highlighted as part of a selection, and there seems to be no way to see the context of the word. Because of this, a Console window with Aspell or Ispell would arguably be more useful than the SpellCheck plugin as it stands.
(BTW, don't suggest that I use Jazzy. It highlights supposedly mispelled words like it should, but the only way I can get it to handle capitalized words correctly is to add them to Jazzy's dictionary, and that makes Jazzy either hog memory or choke with an OutOfMemory error. But that's another story.)
(BTW, don't suggest that I use Jazzy. It highlights supposedly mispelled words like it should, but the only way I can get it to handle capitalized words correctly is to add them to Jazzy's dictionary, and that makes Jazzy either hog memory or choke with an OutOfMemory error. But that's another story.)