Simple (PHP)-Code Analyzer
Submitted by Friday, 9 April, 2004 - 16:01
I would like to see one nice feature in jEdit for PHP-Mode (or generally in all possible for other people). Just a simple code analyzer. Didn´t found it as plugin, yet. It should parse the current buffer for i.e. uninitialized variables (assigning values before initializing it), unused variables (used only on time), scanning statements (wrong operators = instead of == or =< instead of <= and so on), check line ends on : instead of ; (this happens often to "fast writers" like me ) resulting in "parse error" and listing of all functions including parameters for quick navigation (although it can be done by using folding smartly). This is the only big missing point for me against one special commercial PHP-IDE and I won´t miss jEdit anymore after two years and waiting impatiently for 4.2final. Of course, I could setup a PHP-Script for this but programmers are some kind of lazy - you know what I mean...