Increasing JVM memory when launching jedit under OS X?
Submitted by Friday, 21 May, 2004 - 01:04
I am launching jEdit 4.13 from the dock - what do i need to edit to cause jedit to run with a larger RAM allotment (OS 10.3)?
In the jEdit help files it is stated:
"One solution that often works is to set or increase the allocation of memory to the heap for Java objects created by the Java Virtual Machine in which jEdit is running. Add the command line option -mxXXm to the options passed to the version of the Java application loader you are using (such as java, java.exe or javaw.exe). In place of the XX in the option, use a multiple of 16 between 32 and 128. If you already are using the option, increase the numeric portion of the -mxXXm parameter in increments of 16. Many users have good results using 48 or 64, but you should try different values for the best result on your installation." do i apply this to OS X? I tried some edits to info.plist within the package, but i must have got the syntax wrong because jedit would no longer launch.
- Rhett
In the jEdit help files it is stated:
"One solution that often works is to set or increase the allocation of memory to the heap for Java objects created by the Java Virtual Machine in which jEdit is running. Add the command line option -mxXXm to the options passed to the version of the Java application loader you are using (such as java, java.exe or javaw.exe). In place of the XX in the option, use a multiple of 16 between 32 and 128. If you already are using the option, increase the numeric portion of the -mxXXm parameter in increments of 16. Many users have good results using 48 or 64, but you should try different values for the best result on your installation." do i apply this to OS X? I tried some edits to info.plist within the package, but i must have got the syntax wrong because jedit would no longer launch.
- Rhett