Editor/Word Wrap | word margin:0 v4.2 bug?
Submitted by Friday, 25 June, 2004 - 23:28
In version 4.1 there was possinility to specify word margin:0 (which was an equivalent of 100%) and lines where wrapped nicely by the end of visible textarea. That feature was awesome but in version 4.2 I can't set it to 0 and it force me to select numbers of characters to wrap - I hate it! When I close my left pane it wrap line by that damn 80 chars and whole chunk of textarea just unusable. I've read release notes and it says that margin:0 was removed becouse it unfunctional, but IT IS FUNCTIONAL in v 4.1 Please take it BACK!!!
Or maybe somebody knows that I don't?
Or maybe somebody knows that I don't?