PlugIn for AspectJ / changes AntFarm
Submitted by Tuesday, 3 August, 2004 - 08:39
I'm looking for a plugin for AspectJ, but seems that nobody is working on this topic. Rigth?
It would be also sufficient AntFarm with AspectJ library for Ant. I tried: it works but if there is some errors (either in aspect class or normal class) the errors are reported on ErrorList but the message is unusefull and clicking on error do not go on correct line. I'm not sure this is a bug? Is there any workaround?
It would be also sufficient AntFarm with AspectJ library for Ant. I tried: it works but if there is some errors (either in aspect class or normal class) the errors are reported on ErrorList but the message is unusefull and clicking on error do not go on correct line. I'm not sure this is a bug? Is there any workaround?