jEdit on z/OS
Submitted by Friday, 5 November, 2004 - 19:28
I trying to run jedit on z/OS (IBM mainframe) with Unix System Services with the following JVM:
java version "1.3.1"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.3.1)
Classic VM (build 1.3.1, J2RE 1.3.1 IBM OS/390 Persistent Reusable VM build cm131s-20040117 (JIT enabled: jitc))
I was able to install jedit (java -jar jedit42install.jar) just fine. Unfortunately, when I start jedit there seems to be a problem reading jedit config files, specifically XML files. I get errors like this:
[error] ActionSet: jar:file:/u/act026/tools/jedit/jedit.jar!/org/gjt/sp/jedit/actions.xml:1: expected character (found "s") (expected "<")
[error] DockableWindowManager: jar:file:/u/act026/tools/jedit/jedit.jar!/org/gjt/sp/jedit/dockables.xml:1: expected character (found "s") (expected "<")
[error] ServiceManager: jar:file:/u/act026/tools/jedit/jedit.jar!/org/gjt/sp/jedit/services.xml:1: expected character (found "s") (expected "<")
[error] jEdit: /u/act026/tools/jedit/modes/catalog:1: expected character (found "s") (expected "<")
jedit will start but it will be unusable because none of its actions are registered correctly. Here is what I get when I select the Global Options tool bar icon:
[warning] EditAction$Wrapper: Unknown action: global-options
Any and all suggestions would be welcome (sorry about the formatting, yikes), thanks!