Unable to start Jedit under winXP
Submitted by Monday, 16 May, 2005 - 16:48
Hi to all!
I set up and started properly jedit on my notebook (wXP - sp1 - Java:Runtime Env. Stand.Ed 1.4.2_01) but I waws unable to make it run with my other computer:
It hangs at the end of the progress bar run on the splash screen.
Here are the lines around the first error in the activity log:
[message] BeanShell: Running script C:\Program Files\jEdit\startup\startup.bsh
[debug] String: BeanShell interpreter version 2.0b1.1-jedit-1
[debug] EditBus: BufferUpdate[what=LOAD_STARTED,view=null,source=Untitled-1 (C:\Program Files\jEdit\)]
[debug] EditBus: BufferUpdate[what=CREATED,view=null,source=Untitled-1 (C:\Program Files\jEdit\)]
[error] GUIUtilities: java.lang.NullPointerException
[error] GUIUtilities: at java.util.StringTokenizer.(Unknown Source)
[error] GUIUtilities: at java.util.StringTokenizer.(Unknown Source)
[error] GUIUtilities: at org.gjt.sp.jedit.GUIUtilities.parseStyle(GUIUtilities.java:790)
[error] GUIUtilities: at org.gjt.sp.jedit.GUIUtilities.loadStyles(GUIUtilities.java:888)
[error] GUIUtilities: at org.gjt.sp.jedit.GUIUtilities.loadStyles(GUIUtilities.java:864)
thank for help
Mehmet Okonsar