jEdit Community - Resources for users of the jEdit Text Editor
Converting from Textpad
Submitted by David Hammond on Wednesday, 2 November, 2005 - 17:41
I was a long time user of Textpad until I recently deserted to jEdit (See for more information). After a couple months I can report happily that even if Textpad comes out with a fabled version 5 with a bunch of cool new features, I doubt if it will come close to jEdit for me. So if there are any other Textpad refugees out there, I wanted to offer some quick hints for getting started with jEdit.

First of all, I should add a caveat: as a Notepad replacement, Textpad is still better than jEdit, because it opens really fast. As a develpment tool, though, jEdit is well worth the short delay. I should also explain that I use jEdit to develop ColdFusion, ASP.Net, VB.Net and Javascript and have yet to do any Java development with it. Another note: after leaving Textpad I also tried out Eclipse (which has a great ColdFusion plugin) for a while, but couldn't give up the powerful text editing features that Textpad and jEdit have.

Textpad Document Selector:
The Buffer List plugin is an improvement because it groups the files by directory.

Textpad workspaces:
Session plugin offers almost exactly the same functionality, as well as a handy toolbar that integrates with the Buffer List plugin.

Textpad tools:
The Console plugin offers a much more powerful interface for integrating external tools. Read the excellent documentation.

Textpad clip libraries:
I never used this feature much, but the Clipper plugin does the same thing.

Textpad block select mode:
Click and drag while holding down the ctrl key.

Textpad keyboard shortcuts:
Whatever it is, including all plugin commands, you can set up a shortcut for it in jEdit. See Global Options/Shortcuts.

Other plugins that I have quickly found indispensible are:
- Code Browser, for showing a function list using CTags. There is a textpad add-on that creates a popup window that shows a function list with ctags, but it never did the job for me.
- XML and Sidekick, for editing html and xml.

Of course, I'm just scratching the surface!

- David
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Textpad transition
by peterhuckle on Sat, 01/05/2010 - 06:00
I've been using Textpad for many years primarily for ASP website development. I would really like to move to Jedit but have found a couple of capabilities that I need seem to be missing. I can find no way to do them after many hours of searching and trying things. What I need to do is:

1. View my .asp file buffer in an external web browser - not as a filesysem file but as an http served file. How to I set this up?
2. I want to be able to add to and modify the Clipper clip library for html tags that comes with the standard installation of Clipper.
I can't find the library that stores these definitions and also am not sure once I have found them how I incorporate the updated definitions into the running system

I'm really excited by the idea of using Jedit and any pointers to how to achieve the above and also to some documentation that gives examples of how things work would be really appreciated. Forgive me if these things are already documented in an obvious place!
InfoViewer Plugin
by Robert Schwenn on Sat, 01/05/2010 - 13:53
1. The InfoViewer Plugin provides an action to show the active buffer in the configured browser, which can be an external one.

2. The delivered clip libraries are found in the Clipper.jar. Copy (and rename) one to the folder specified in the plugin options. After the next jEdit start You will see the library in the clipper list. These libraries are text files, so You can edit them with jEdit (see jEdit help -> Plugins -> Clipper).

Textpad compatibitly
by peterhuckle on Sat, 01/05/2010 - 22:27
Thanks for the quick reply! Clipper works fine for me now - hadn't realized about the restart. I have InfoViewer configured for Chrome and it works fine for files that can be viewed directly in a browser like html but what I am looking for is for the file to be opened via the webserver e.g. I can't any way to get Info Viewer to make this translation for me. I've assumed that maybe Console can do it for me but then I run out of knowledge ...
command line options
by Robert Schwenn on Sat, 01/05/2010 - 22:39
InfoViewer help says: There is an option for "External browser". Enter any command in the field "External browser command". Note: The string "$u" (without quotes) will be substituted by the URL to display. If you don't enter any "$u", the URL will be appended at the end of the command string.

So, if You were able to type a command in a OS console, which lets Chrome invoke and show the desired URL, You can configure this command in InfoViewer options. Maybe You have to ask Chrome's help...

Converting from Textpad
by greghk on Mon, 09/07/2007 - 21:29
To answer my own question:
Edit > More Selection > Invert Selection
block select
by an0n_a_m0use on Sat, 10/12/2005 - 07:55
I think *the* coolest feature is being able to select *between* characters to inert in block mode Eye-wink
TextPad line selection
by greghk on Thu, 08/12/2005 - 05:35
I'm very pleased with jEdit generally and the bean shell macro language particularly. However TextPad has the handy ability to select lines of text from the find menu, then invert or delete them. jEdit find doesn't seem to intersect with text selection. Perhaps there is a macro or plugin that does this, but I haven't found it yet. jEdit is so extensible that this must be possible. Any leads appreciated. thanks
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file   ver   dls
German Localization light   107140
Context Free Art (*.cfdg)   0.31   46064
BBEdit scheme   1.0   18603
JBuilder scheme   .001   18504
ColdFusion scheme   1.0   18034
R Edit Mode - extensive version   0.1   17483
Advanced HTML edit mode   1.0   16215
Matlab Edit Mode   1.0   16079
jEdit XP icons   1.0   15238
XP icons for jEdit   1.1   14302