New beta version of JythonInterpreter available
Submitted by Monday, 22 October, 2001 - 04:16
The new version provides a completely new GUI and new functionality for running and importing buffers. It contains new "Path Handler" and "Path Browser" features and adds a navigation button to go to a traceback's source Install first .
Carlos Quiroz, the author of the plugin, recommends that you first install the current release version 0.5 of JythonIntepreter using jEdit's Plugin Manager feature. This will ensure that your installation contains the required version of Jython itself. To install the new beta version of the plugin, simply substitute it for the earlier version of JythonInterpreter.jar.
Carlos Quiroz, the author of the plugin, recommends that you first install the current release version 0.5 of JythonIntepreter using jEdit's Plugin Manager feature. This will ensure that your installation contains the required version of Jython itself. To install the new beta version of the plugin, simply substitute it for the earlier version of JythonInterpreter.jar.