LatexTools: Bibtex Navigator doesn't show contents
Submitted by Wednesday, 5 April, 2006 - 14:37
When I browse a bibtex database with the bibtex navigator, only the "Ref" field is shown. The other columns (Title, Author, Journal) remain empty. I tested this also with the test.bib from tetex, but it is the same there.
I am using jEdit 4.2 with LatexTools 0.5.2 on Ubuntu Linux (Sun SDK 1.5).
I hope anyone can help me with that, I'd really like to use jEdit for texing.
When I browse a bibtex database with the bibtex navigator, only the "Ref" field is shown. The other columns (Title, Author, Journal) remain empty. I tested this also with the test.bib from tetex, but it is the same there.
I am using jEdit 4.2 with LatexTools 0.5.2 on Ubuntu Linux (Sun SDK 1.5).
I hope anyone can help me with that, I'd really like to use jEdit for texing.