IRC plugin 1.6 ready
Submitted by Tuesday, 23 October, 2001 - 21:44
Yesterday, Plugin Central has been updated to include version 1.5 of the IRC plugin. Due to quick development and release cycles, version 1.6 is already complete.
For those of you who don't have CVS or do not want to get the current version and compile it yourself, you can grab a pre-compiled version of the IRC plugin at the IQ Computing web site. To install it, just replace your existing IRC.jar in jEdit's "jars" directory with the new Jar file.
For those of you who don't have CVS or do not want to get the current version and compile it yourself, you can grab a pre-compiled version of the IRC plugin at the IQ Computing web site. To install it, just replace your existing IRC.jar in jEdit's "jars" directory with the new Jar file.