It's raining macros....
Submitted by Friday, 9 November, 2001 - 03:12
- BeanShell_Scratch_Pad.bsh - this macro provides a multi-line text area for entering and testing BeanShell scripts.
- Build_CDBB_Database.bsh - this macro from Tom Gutwin automates the building of a CodeAid database file.
- ChangeUIFonts.bsh - based on code written by Dirk Moebius, this macro changes display fonts used by jEdit and most dockable plugins.
- EditBus_Components.bsh - this macro writes a list of EditBus components to the current editing buffer.
- EditBus_Viewer.bsh - adapted from a deprecated plugin, this macro provides a graphical list of components attached to the EditBus.
- FAQ_Composer.bsh - a form dialog that takes data on a FAQ question and answer and emits DocBook 4.1 XML markup for the input. You may not want to write your own FAQ in DocBook, but the script provides a model front-end for preparing repetitive blocks of structured markup.
- Ftp_Buffer.bsh - if you would like to try an alternative to the FTP plugin, this macro by Simone Milani Foglia lets you upload the current buffer using the Savarese NetComponents library.
- Insert_Smart_Quotes.bsh - when associated with a keyboard shortcut, this macro from Luc Saffre inserts the appropriate "smart quote" as you `type`.
- loadJarClasses.bsh - this macro defines a method that loads classes dynamically from a designated archive file. It is suitable for use as part of a startup script.