plugin does not seem to work & other questions
Submitted by Monday, 10 July, 2006 - 15:49
jEdit 4.3pre5
java 1.5
I'm looking for a way to see spaces, tabs, end of lines.
Most editors have a toggle toolbar button or key sequence that will show spaces as dots for example. Very handy to format and line things up on a page.
I don't see the command for this in Jedit.
Note I tried the plugin "Whitespace" but it must be broken - cause it seems to do nothing(?) Show spaces has no effect.
Also I set the the faint blue wrap guide line to not show in the global options - but when I restart jedit the change is not saved and it shows up again. Also is there a way to toogle this line on/off from the toolbar?
java 1.5
I'm looking for a way to see spaces, tabs, end of lines.
Most editors have a toggle toolbar button or key sequence that will show spaces as dots for example. Very handy to format and line things up on a page.
I don't see the command for this in Jedit.
Note I tried the plugin "Whitespace" but it must be broken - cause it seems to do nothing(?) Show spaces has no effect.
Also I set the the faint blue wrap guide line to not show in the global options - but when I restart jedit the change is not saved and it shows up again. Also is there a way to toogle this line on/off from the toolbar?