Activepython install strange interaction with JEdit on Windows
Submitted by Sunday, 23 July, 2006 - 21:27
windows 2000 and JEdit 4.2 was installed with various plugins for a few weeks. I then downloaded Python specifically the file ActivePython-2.3.5-236-win32-ix86.msi.
Everytime I clicked the Python intall file to start the install JEdit opened. I restarted my PC moved the python file to another location, tried another download of python - everytime JEdit opened instead of the python installer.
Finally I uninstalled JEdit and clicked the python installer and the install began as expected. What could cause this? I'm reinstalling JEdit now and hope there's no strangeness. Thanks
Everytime I clicked the Python intall file to start the install JEdit opened. I restarted my PC moved the python file to another location, tried another download of python - everytime JEdit opened instead of the python installer.
Finally I uninstalled JEdit and clicked the python installer and the install began as expected. What could cause this? I'm reinstalling JEdit now and hope there's no strangeness. Thanks