[SuperAbbrevs] Delete groups
Submitted by Sunday, 24 September, 2006 - 13:59
First, thanks a lot for this great plugin !
The only thing i've not found into the plugin is the ability to remove unwanted groups.
Example :
belongs_to :${1:object}, :class_name => "${2:ClassName}", :foreign_key => "${3:foreign_key}_id"$end
In this template, most of time I need only the first var group. I know I can bind all templates I need but It make a lot of shortcuts to memorize.
It would be great to have the ability to tab on a var and remove the group with a binded key :
belongs_to :${1:object}$[, :class_name => "${2:ClassName}"]$[, :foreign_key => "${3:foreign_key}_id"]$end
When I tab to go on $2, I can remove all the group ', :class_name => "${2:ClassName}"' with a binded key.
It can be usefull also for things like "if then else end", cause I need to make different shorcuts with one for the "else" case, and only one could be done with such a system.
I hope you have understood what I mean
Thanks a lot !
First, thanks a lot for this great plugin !
The only thing i've not found into the plugin is the ability to remove unwanted groups.
Example :
belongs_to :${1:object}, :class_name => "${2:ClassName}", :foreign_key => "${3:foreign_key}_id"$end
In this template, most of time I need only the first var group. I know I can bind all templates I need but It make a lot of shortcuts to memorize.
It would be great to have the ability to tab on a var and remove the group with a binded key :
belongs_to :${1:object}$[, :class_name => "${2:ClassName}"]$[, :foreign_key => "${3:foreign_key}_id"]$end
When I tab to go on $2, I can remove all the group ', :class_name => "${2:ClassName}"' with a binded key.
It can be usefull also for things like "if then else end", cause I need to make different shorcuts with one for the "else" case, and only one could be done with such a system.
I hope you have understood what I mean
Thanks a lot !