Hypersearch results - link to editor
Submitted by Tuesday, 28 November, 2006 - 07:01
This is just a curiosity question: I noticed that that clicking items in the hypersearch results brings me to the correct place in the file even after adding/removing lines in various places in the file and modifying the line to which the result was linked. This makes me think that each hypersearch result stores the line number in which it originated, and then jEdit either updates these line numbers when the file is modified or uses the undo buffer to find the up-to-date line number of the search result when it is clicked. Am I correct?
I am asking this because a similar problem exists with the ctags outlines - CtagsSideKick, CodeBrowser - neither of them works well in tracking the correct location in the code after it is modified (unless 'parse on keystroke' is used).
I am asking this because a similar problem exists with the ctags outlines - CtagsSideKick, CodeBrowser - neither of them works well in tracking the correct location in the code after it is modified (unless 'parse on keystroke' is used).