Can I define characters other than space for soft wrap (4.3pre9) ?
Submitted by Monday, 22 January, 2007 - 17:36
I like jedit a lot but there's one small problem that annoys me sometimes - in soft wrap mode lines are wrapped only if a space occurs. This is a problem with long lines which have long portions of text without spaces - in those cases the line is not wrapped at all and I get a nasty horizontal scrollbar. For example long urls with parameters:
<a href="some_page.php?parameter1=1¶meter2=1¶meter3=1¶meter4=1¶meter5=1¶meter6=1¶meter7=1¶meter8=1¶meter9=1¶meter10=1>
Is there a way to make jedit break lines also at other characters like for example special chars: ? & = " ' ?
<a href="some_page.php?parameter1=1¶meter2=1¶meter3=1¶meter4=1¶meter5=1¶meter6=1¶meter7=1¶meter8=1¶meter9=1¶meter10=1>
Is there a way to make jedit break lines also at other characters like for example special chars: ? & = " ' ?