E.g. when I type CTRL+x it deletes the selected text but it inserts the character 'x'. If I type CTRL+f it opens the Find&Replace dialogue window but it also inserts the character 'f' into the text.
I have this problem only with Jedit, things work fine when I use other editors, including Java-based editors like Netbeans IDE editor.
I am using Jedit 4.2final on Fedora 3, with Sun jdk1.5.10 (but I have the same problem when switching to jdk1.6 or jdk1.4).
Here is what happens when using Utilities->Troubleshooting->Keyboard Tester:
If I type CTRL+x for instance, it prints "C+x x" in the textefield of the "Specify Shortcut" dialogue window, and the following event report is printed in the text window:
Event KEY_PRESSED,keyCode=0x58,keyChar=0x78,modifiers=0x2 passed
==> Translated to C<0,78>
Event KEY_TYPED,keyCode=0x0,keyChar=0x78,modifiers=0x2 passed
==> Translated to <0,78>
Event KEY_RELEASED,keyCode=0x58,keyChar=0x78,modifiers=0x2 passed
Event KEY_RELEASED,keyCode=0x11,keyChar=0xffff,modifiers=0x0 filtered
Thanks in advance for any help!