Autosave directory
Submitted by Monday, 9 July, 2007 - 21:13
Would like to put files on external storage such as USB flash (and even diskettes). Then jEdit them directly on the external storage. For speed and to reduce the write cycles on the external storage I would like to put the directory for the autosave file on a hard drive.
The deluxe implementation might be to specify a default global autosave directory, then an optional buffer autosave directory in case of name conflicts. Minimum and safest implementation would probably be to put the autosave directory in the buffer options.
There seems to be a lull in jEdit development so I would be willing to spend some time on a macro or plugin. A quick peak in the jEdit API Reference shows org.gjt.sp.jedit.bufferio.BufferAutosaveRequest which takes a path parameter. So a hack might be to turn off autosave, then implement an autosave plugin with some simple minded path redirection. Recovery would then be manual. Any design suggestions appreciated.
The deluxe implementation might be to specify a default global autosave directory, then an optional buffer autosave directory in case of name conflicts. Minimum and safest implementation would probably be to put the autosave directory in the buffer options.
There seems to be a lull in jEdit development so I would be willing to spend some time on a macro or plugin. A quick peak in the jEdit API Reference shows org.gjt.sp.jedit.bufferio.BufferAutosaveRequest which takes a path parameter. So a hack might be to turn off autosave, then implement an autosave plugin with some simple minded path redirection. Recovery would then be manual. Any design suggestions appreciated.