no answer first time(s) - why don't C+c and C+v work in ubuntu as they should
Submitted by Monday, 20 August, 2007 - 05:39
Well, the title says most of it. I have used jEdit on win xp before, great editor, now on ubuntu, still a great editor but with one irritating hassle, C+c does a cut instead of a copy and leaves 'c' behind, C+v pastes and adds a 'v'. OK, I can use C+insert and S+insert,these work OK but these are listed only as alternative shortcuts in Options/Shortcuts.
Sure, jEdit rocks but it could rock a bit better for me if these shortcuts worked as designed and specified in the relevant Options section.
I'm not sure whether this is a bug (unlikely) or that I've overlooked some switch or other. Has anybody else experienced this problem?
Sure, jEdit rocks but it could rock a bit better for me if these shortcuts worked as designed and specified in the relevant Options section.
I'm not sure whether this is a bug (unlikely) or that I've overlooked some switch or other. Has anybody else experienced this problem?