S+; broken for ages, Search Bar not saving strings..
Submitted by Tuesday, 18 September, 2007 - 21:24
Hi All,
I've used jEdit since way back, on Windows XP Pro, and the biggest issue that I
have is that whenever you try to type Shift + ';', to get ':', it always wants
to shift the whole line over to the left! I have a plain vanilla jEdit, with
no Macros or Plugins. It's done that with every version I've ever had, right now
I'm using the latest 43pre10.
I don't see that keyboard combination in any Shortcut or anywhere. I don't know
what's going on with it, and it drives me nuts. I'm tempted to try and dive into the
code, but that's a pretty daunting task..
If it helps, here's the output from the Keyboard test when I hit that combination:
Event KEY_PRESSED,keyCode=0x10,keyChar=0xffff,modifiers=0x1,consumed=0 filtered
Event KEY_PRESSED,keyCode=0x3b,keyChar=0x3a,modifiers=0x1,consumed=0 passed
Event KEY_TYPED,keyCode=0x0,keyChar=0x3a,modifiers=0x1,consumed=0 passed
==> Translated to S<0,3a>
Event KEY_RELEASED,keyCode=0x3b,keyChar=0x3a,modifiers=0x1,consumed=0 passed
Event KEY_RELEASED,keyCode=0x10,keyChar=0xffff,modifiers=0x0,consumed=0 filtered
The other problem is that the Search Bar is supposed to save the strings you type into it
so you can re-pick a previous one, but it doesn't save any of them. :-\
I haven't touched any of the property files. It's possible, because I've use
much older versions of jEdit before, that somehow things got "mucked-up" and
it isn't saving them right or something.. At one point I found and deleted a key
property file related to that, and let it create a new one, but it still doesn't
save anything..
The Search isn't too big a deal.
If anybody has any ideas on how to "fix" the S+; problem, please let me know.
Joe Siebenmann