JDialog modal doesnt seem to work in bsh macro
Submitted by Thursday, 17 April, 2008 - 12:54
Does anyone have a script that demonstrates how to use a Modal dialog from within a Beanshell macro?
Problem: I am trying to get user input in a beanshell script and set a variable based on that input. The problem is when I set modal=true for the JDialog box, the JDialog no longer disposes after presses of "OK" or "Cancel". The dialog just sits there and won't go away, therefore I cannot capture the result and set the variable.
Problem: I am trying to get user input in a beanshell script and set a variable based on that input. The problem is when I set modal=true for the JDialog box, the JDialog no longer disposes after presses of "OK" or "Cancel". The dialog just sits there and won't go away, therefore I cannot capture the result and set the variable.